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Media Confirmation about the Winner of 2017 Election in France as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrink

Media Confirmation about the Winner of 2017 Election in France as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

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Elections in Europe and the World year 2017 – 

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about French Presidential Election, German Federal Election , Presidential Elections in Iran, Hong Kong Chief Executive election, Bashar al-Assad, Donald Trump

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

         Published – February 15, 2017

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2017 © Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Emmanuel Macron (En Marche! Candidate for President in the 2017 Election in France) – The surprise for 2017 election. Money by Moscow, a merger, collecting of votes, help…. – Clairvoyant reading January 28 ,2017, 3pm. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Behind him is staying the man with the money, which is financing him. Until this moment, I see first a way down, then a dividing line with the person behind him, put by the secret leaders in this country. This is the man who gets the help of Moscow. Except the hidden partner, there was another one who has left the campaign and on his place I see a woman, who actually leads the presidential candidate campaign. Begins the increasing of financing and the shooting up of Emmanuel Macron.

Before the end of January 2017 – I see conversations with other political parties and agreements. That presidential campaign is led by Emmanuel Macron with passion on very tender steps and probing (groping), what would like to the society. He offers more peaceful and more moderate steps about the crisis in France. The emphasis is on the political crisis and the way of life.

February 2017 – from the beginning of the month starts with travels and the making of supporters on places. From February 17 to 23, 2017 – former ideological comrades will trick him. Then, I see him for a short time with bandaged head and with offers against him. There aren’t many people behind him, but they are quality people.

In the end of March and the beginning of April 2017 after he witnesses fascist events, mr. Macron is taking a decision. There is a forthcoming surprise on 2017 election in France – I see a merger of two candidates in one and the staying of one in the presidential race. The remaining person is almost winning the Election 2017 in France.

And nevertheless, in the last moment there is a small amount of votes which are not enough about the election of Emmanuel Macron and then comes the help of Moscow.

Emmanuel Macron’s Health – I see pains in the neck caused by bone spurs, pains in the right side of the head, sick thyroid gland and hard constriction, and increased energy at right – lung, muscles, gall until the prostate, which will be treated, both with the right kidney. The first signs that he will feel are while breathing in and out. Then comes neurosis – formication in the body at right in the loins. I see a treatment of kidneys, because of a chemical taken. He must reduce the salt, and he must take for a short time Vitamin B.

Marine Le Pen ( France’s Front National (FN) far-right party’s President and Presidential Candidate for 2017 Election) – The person with the most votes as a separate candidate. Election program based on terrorism and war. Clairvoyant Calendar about her Presidential Campaign 2017 and her health – Clairvoyant reading January 28, 2017, 10 am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – January 21, 2017. Time – after the photo.

This is a moment of gathering of a huge energy. Three groups of one political party are gathered (leaders). The one group drops out. This is a moment for a merger, attraction of more supporters for Marine Le Pen. Yes – I see a big support and a lot of energy, but also there is a moment when she is in the air, she doesn’t keep her feet on the ground. The victory is on the base of war. Her Election program is as whole measured and balanced, but only if her political party is whole (complete).

And also in the future, I see that the only thing that will remain by her election program is war. For external allies except her political party there is also a jewish organisation, which later is refusing by that position. And so, it will remain only her party – two powerful energy companies (which are in her political party) and a lot of money. There will be no lack of money in the Presidential Campaign of Marine Le Pen.

Until the end of January 2017 – I see a lot of meetings (rallies) and accumulation of anger. She will have problems with freezing of the legs, flu and light temperature.

In the beginning of February 2017 – I see meetings with rich supporters – foreigners/muslims and getting of financial support. I see contracts about the buying of weapons and military equipment by France (tanks) – Libya, Egypt – this is not the official authority, but fractions. February 2017 – Marine Le Pen will try to meet with russians, but it will be fruitless. There will be meetings also with jews. During a travel abroad she will loose a big sum of money.

March 2017 is a month of rise for Marine Le Pen. After March 3-4, 2017 – there will be a threat (terrorism) that she will turn in her favor. Around March 17, 2017 is the next moment for assault over woman. In the end of the month, both with the bad weather, problems with rivers (an overflow despite the snow cover). There will be also a terrorist threat about a power plant. This is the moment for uniting of many people and winning of many votes. She will have like a separate candidate of the right party – the most votes in France. But will this be enough for a president ?

The health of Marine Le Pen – January 21, 2017 – She has a hormonal disbalance : sick thyroid gland, the pineal gland is affected. I see sick teeth, a disease in the ovaries, hernia in a lighter form down low in the stomach. It is written on her fate a surgical operation – the reason is at right of the stomach. There is a disease of the muscles on the right kidney and the right kidney. She will have problems with the pelvis caused by a (physical) blow. Now, reacts the heart, pain ib the thyroid gland, the head and the stomach (down low).

Read the rest of the Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions only in our Ebook and Paperback book  in Amazon

Elections in Europe and the World year 2017 – 

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about French Presidential Election, German Federal Election , Presidential Elections in Iran, Hong Kong Chief Executive election, Bashar al-Assad, Donald Trump

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

         Published – February 15, 2017

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Media Confirmation :

French election: Emmanuel Macron wins presidency by decisive margin

Centrist independent on course for victory by 65% to 35% margin but Marine Le Pen’s defeat still marks historically high vote for France’s far right

#2017ElectioninFrance #contracts #health #HassanRouhani #Francesyoungestpresident #Louvre #Prison #thewarinSyria #CemÖzdemir #thenextpresidentofFrance #EmmanuelMacron #PresidentialElectionsinIran2017 #Year2017 #Macronsmentor #Enemies #elections #Frenchpresidency #memberoftheBundestag #MartinSchulz #StoyankaStaikova #JeanClaudeJuncker #votes #USElection #CandidateoftheGreens #oppositionforceinFrance #Bundestag #EnMarcheCandidateforPresident #Twohealthdiagnosis #terrorismandwar #GermanFederalElection #Asmallarmy #oldjewishfamilies #MarineLePen #HongKongChiefExecutiveelection #ElectionsinEurope #proEUcentristEmmanuelMacron #combinatorial #ChiefExecutiveelection2017 #war #Northeast #PsychicpredictionsaboutFrenchPresidentialElection #clairvoyant #election #Europhile #HongKongChiefExecutiveElection2017 #newterritories #Stateofemergency #Varna #intelligence #militarytechnologies #hottestnewspredictions #FEBRUARY2017 #PresidentoftheEuropeanparliament #Syriafutureelections #byClairvoyantHouse #strongandweakpoints #disbalanceofenergy #Problems #FrancePresidentialElection2017 #Electionprogram #DimitrinkaStaikova #CarrieLam #surprise #DonaldTrump #ClairvoyantCalendaroftheGermanFederalElection #basharassad #Europe #CandidateofthePartyofEuropeanSocialists #PresidentofIran #clairvoyantreading #ClairvoyantCalendar #terrorismthreat #kurds #testing #Electioncampaign #Britishprimeminister #ReginaIpLauSukyee #FinancingbyMoscow #antiEUFrontNational #2017GermanFederalElection #Activity #Gold #DietmarBartsch #CandidateofChristianDemocraticUnion #2017Election #Frenchfarright #aura #GermanFederalElection2017 #TheresaMay #ChancellorofGermany #Clairvoyants #populism #help #Frenchpolitics #Coleader #assaults #GermanSocialDemocrats #GermanChancellor #retreat #candidateforchancelloronGermanElections2017 #DimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #FrancoisHollande #probusinessreform #PoliticsandMysteries #HongKong #AngelaMerkel #coup #freemarket #psychicreading #energycompany #PresidentialElectionsinIran #SahraWagenknecht #Europhobe #CandidateofAlternativefurDeutschland #IvelinaStaikova #DonaldTrumpsvictory #theinternationalcommunity #MoneybyMoscow #Brexitvoters #PresidentialCandidate #FrancesFrontNationalFNfarrightpartysPresident #collectingofvotes #Partial #victory #NatosummitinBrussels #psychicpredictions #massunemployment #2017FrenchPresidentialElection #BasharalAssad #Germanpolitician #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #Warfooting #Negotiations #JeanMarieLePen #Élysée #Prosecution #farrightFrontNationalleader #PresidentofDieLinke #Moneyandgold #Winner #Socialistpresident #antiimmigration #Frenchpoliticalsystem #LeaderoftheGermanLeftParty #PresidentialCampaign2017 #TheWorldYear2017 #rebels #Turkey #Frenchvoters #theLeftPartyintheBundestag #Candidate #PresidentofUSA #FrançoisFillon #winningcandidate #stagnanteconomy #Frenchelection #FraukePetry #BenoitHamon #sponsors #amerger #threats


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