Media Confirmation about the Turkey’s agreement with Russia about ‘ Turkish stream’gas pipeline and the loss of close to Putin person as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her ebook : G20 – Obama, Putin ,Erdogan -Turkish Stream, The war in Syria, Iraq, Daesh, Uzbekistan – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions Wars in the Space and the Space Business
By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova
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Product Details File Size: 1579 KB Print Length: 115 pages Publication Date: September 11, 2016
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Vladimir Putin G20 Summit – Meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey) – His plans about the world, Turkish Stream, The Business, Health, Oil fields, Countries, Space, The territory of Turkey and….- Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – September 4, 2016, 4 pm. …….Vladimir Putin Health Diagnosis : Strong pains in the head above the eyes and in the eyes. The pains in the left ear are going to the throat. I see increased thyroid gland with intermittent pains. Heart – before infarction. Bad Circulatory system and bad blood irrigation in the heart, palms, the whole right leg and the left leg – from the knee below. Broken left leg – upper part and in the knee. Pains in the spine, sick right kidney and urinary tract. The liver is on three layers – lightly enlarged, it is like the bile is poured directly in the liver. The pancreas is working double and painfully. The pain will extends to under the left hand. This meeting for Putin is a way to a lot of money, unification with Turkey. I see meetings and conversations with Erdogan for pacification of the relations Turkey – Syria. In these relations Putin sees the intermediate zone between Turkey and Syria. In his plans – Syria not only keeps its territory, but also acquires part of the territory of Turkey. The conversations for Turkish Stream are not completed yet – they are on 1/3 of its way. Then follows documents, which must be prepared in Russia, then obstacles in Turkey. After three months again they will meet about talks and negotiations. On the second month, they will make an agreement again – October 2016, but military actions will lead to a pause again. Putin sees the project ” Turkish Stream” as a tiger, who is waiting for its victim – he doesn’t hurry. The problem in the moment is his healthy condition – he often changes his moods, but he is rather derisive and he sees the life optimistically. He is in a good mood because of the technical scientific achievements, which in the future he will connect with Siberia and the Space – governance, dominance. Vladimir Putin is not in a moment for a farewell now. I see a loss of close to him person, internal war because of business and staying in the power. Putin will not give up from the power, in the life of that Putin – only a bullet can fail his future plans. Some of his future plans are : …………… Media Confirmation : #1 – Turkey’s parliament ratifies agreement with Russia on ‘Turkish Stream’ gas pipeline Published time: 2 Dec, 2016 06:40 ….Presidents Putin and Erdogan signed the intergovernmental agreement to build the pipeline back in mid-October…. #2 – RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin’s personal chauffeur has been killed in Moscow after a Mercedes collided head-on with the presidential BMW.
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