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Media Confirmation about the loss and winning of the center-right ‘s Party on the Spanish Elections

Media Confirmation about the loss and winning of the center-right ‘s Party on the Spanish Elections June 2016 as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her ebook : Manuel Valls,King Felipe of Spain,Erdogan,US Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti,Devlet Bahçelı,Angela Merkel,Norbert Hofer,Donald Trump,Hillary Clinton,Bernie Sanders and…Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions

Election 2016 in Europe,Middle East and USA By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

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  3. Publication Date: May 11, 2016

King Felipe of Spain – Negotiations between two parties (groupings) fails before the Elections. Internal war. The future of Spain – procedures about the split (separation) of the independence of one region (area). Health Diagnosis of the King of Spain – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – May 4, 2016, 10 am. Photo – May 3, 2016 The Elections in Spain will try to unite the nation. I see two teams – both equally strong with influence, power and money, which are going to the Elections. They try to unite twice and the negotiation fails. The decision – Elections – begins internal war. The left grouping – has more luck. It has no law participation on its side, but the emigrants, the refugees and foreigners are in help. I see weaker financing for the campaign (the Elections). Many, many nerves, obstacles – by the Prosecution and the law. They start very strong campaign, then they see that are loosing the interests of the people. Follows a candidacy like a launch into Space, then again lack of interest, until one energy company stays behind them as financing – then, there is a meeting with the king – promises -only promises. The Judiciary stays with them, but it does not remains with them. The good is, that I see, that there will be no court cases against the leaders of the party. The Second party – is staying from the right side of King Felipe. It immediately begins preparations and a fight for the Elections. It does not deal with internal war. Their money are separated between two leaders. They both are for one event – the winning of the Elections – as one whole. Ahead is going this one from left – with a smaller face – oval chin, lightly snub nose, younger. A lot of money are givven by that party, behind them is staying an intelligence service. There is a loss and winning of the Elections. For now, King Felipe is worried by and for the Syrian refugees, he tries to be unifier of the nation. He limits and reduces the resolving of certain tasks for the time after the Elections. I don’t see him to take a position. The separation of two parts od Spain will cause problems in the future. To the one part are givven money, but the smaller one is ahead of procedures for independency. Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis of King Felipe on May 3, 2016 : Pains on the waist, at the right side of the waist and the left side of the pelvis – on the back of the body. A cold muscles on his shoulders. Sick throat, a cold. Flu , which has affected the left lung, the heart, the throat and the urinary tract. In the future, the pains by the waist are going in the right leg and he will treat neurosis in the heart. In the future – Year 2016 – Spain will be subordinated to God (…Allah) and the Climate Change – the Summer, November and December 2016.

Media Confirmation :

World | Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:55pm EDT

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Manuel Valls,King Felipe of Spain,Erdogan,US Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti,Devlet Bahçeli,Angela Merkel,Norbert Hofer,Donald Trump,Hillary … Election 2016 in Europe,Middle East and USA

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