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Media Confirmation about “The head of Trump”, Riots in USA and Problems about the business with Cuba

Media Confirmation about “The head of Trump”, Riots in USA and Problems about the business with Cuba – June 2017 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Donald Trump and The Republican Party 2017 – Business, Energy, Palace intrigues – Republicans Vs Democrats

Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions : Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Paul Ryan, Dow Chemical, Gary Cohn and more…

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Published – April 16, 2017

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Small fragment of Clairvoyant predictions about :

William J. Callahan ( Acting Director of Secret Service) – Who manages : mr. Callahan or Ivanka Trump ? When there will be an award for “the head of the President” and by who ? Assault against Donald Trump – When? Health problems – when? Internal war in USA and palace coups…. – Clairvoyant predictions April 11, 2017, 10 am.  – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – January 13-14, 2017. Time – after the photo.

…… The end of May and June 2017 is starting a real battle between Callahan and Ivanka Trump – quiet, but furious. William Callahan wins, but Ivanka Trump remains there to follow him vigilantly.

June 2017 – they will have so much problems, that the “tomahawk” will be buried.

Internal war in USA – provocations, surrounding of guarded people, riots, explosions, black movements….. and the most serious is : Against the President rise the drug lords, including Cuban and mexican. New wave floods USA – murders and the placement of new player on the market. Despite that Prosecution, Prison and Court are included, the situation is complicated with announced award for “the head of the President”. How this will pass ? Or rather where ? – …….

Media Confirmation :1. CNN Fires Kathy Griffin Over Trump Severed Head VideoMay 31, 2017 11:38 AM“NEW YORK (AP) — CNN has cut ties with Kathy Griffin after she posted a video that showed her holding a likeness of President Donald Trump’s severed head.”…2. 14 arrested as the many extremes of Portland collide in protest June 5, 2017“Antifascist demonstrators confront pro-Trump demonstrators in Portland.”…3. Trump’s Cuba Policy ReversalThe president announced changes meant to make it harder to travel and do business with the island.  JUN 16, 2017

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#realestateattorney #newdeposits #goldFear #DonaldTrump #presidentsexecutiveorder #newlypurchasedisland #hisdream #FederalElectionCommission #presidentialcampaign #politicalparty #MichaelFlynn #leader #NationalSecurityCouncil #CatastrophicFailureofLeadership #ActingDirectorofSecretService #Ukraine #OvalOffice #topWhiteHouselawyer #Russiasinterferenceinthe2016election #distributionoftheworld #Gold #underwaterconstruction #throughthefireofyear2017 #classifiedinformationtoRussia #FBIDirectorJimComey #Work #TurkishStream #FBIinterview #ClimateChange #Financingofbusiness #Washingtonscandals #Republican #WhiteHousecounselsoffice #destroy #selectingjudgesforvacanciesinlowercourts #Investments #Russiaprobe #KevinMcCarthy #seizure #AbdulhamidSaeed #theWhiteHouselawyer #democratsbusiness #ExxonMobil #Kompromat #oneofTrumpsearliestcampaignsupporters #newtechnologies #memberoftheRepublicanParty #HouseFreedomCaucus #mrCallahan #attorneyandconfidantMichaelCohen #Yatescongressionaltestimony 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