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Media Confirmation about The Cheops pyramid and discovered secret chamber the size of a passenger pl

Media Confirmation about The Cheops pyramid and discovered secret chamber the size of a passenger plane inside as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – March 2013 – in her Clairvoyant predictions published below :

публикувано 30.10.2016 г., 10:20 от dimitrinka staikova

Cheops Pyramid : What is in the newly discovered northern chambers ? The door of alien spaceship is a door for the pyramid… – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – October 27, 2016, 10 am.

From Northeast – I see sound waves. Before the top of the pyramid, I see left in the past moving object between rectangular and elliptical shape of alien spaceship. The object has dark colour and black layer on it – it looks like airplane – its nose is like a bird’s neb (beak). Its wings are from square to rectangular and its tail is lifted big rectangular – like a DOOR.

The pyramid itself is an energy center ; I see water passing through it from the both sides – northern and western, I see energy circles, which are more like light and sound. The northern circle has a hole – on the treshold of the so called by me Door – that is also a tail of alien spaceship. The Door is black and it is hidden behind a gloss over (whitewash) – bricks and another one barrier. The entry from there is allowed. In the door, there are two holes for rods – long, vertical. Now, there is only a carved place, the rods are missing. The thinner one raises underneath (when it is already put in the door) with a special tool – a thick cast (mold), that is part of a ring – only the upper end – the ring is with big diameter. The second vertical place for the rod is thicker and it is lifted with the same tool.

The door is moving upwards – there are total three steps (heights) of lifting. I repeat, the entry is only from the eastern side. There are two holes (openings) for air, that will make very nervous the so called scientists.

1. The door is lifting upwards ;

2. There is a rug (carpet) ahead of the door – acting – I call it flying carpet because it is with gases. Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova saw, that through it is passing the fire of ignition of the alien spaceship.

3. The pyramid is already acting energy center with eleven circles – for now the Earth circles are bigger than the air circles.

Time – Until February – March year 2017. Then strange events will occur around the Cheops Pyramid and new owners.pyramid-of-giza


публикувано 25.01.2016 г., 18:34 от dimitrinka staikova

публикувано 25.01.2016 г., 18:34 от dimitrinka staikova

Year 2016 -” Invasion of snakes and Discoveries in the Cheops Pyramid” – World Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna -24.01.2016, 7pm.

Sattelites – tracking of signals to peaks (mounts) and pyramids. Underground lake is found in the eastern end of the plateau with the pyramid (Cheops). There are no guards (security) there. Two groups are uniting in a searching for artifacts and aliens. Powerful energy source is discovered. I see it like a black mirror. It is seen the construction of the Northeastern pyramid – as very high building above the ground and the same – underground. There are still two pyramids that remains for exploration – high and low.

The underground part is triange in the triangle – it is important the end of the big triangle – there, I see a big, liquid, black spot as lake. The place is looking like a reservoir (tank) in the form of glass.

I see travel from the Space – arrival on the Earth and first signal, which collapses, second signal, with the form of big drop or fish. The hidden God Zaqiel is coming and he headed Northeast. He arrives in Egypt. Zaqiel (The hidden God) is called also Fallen Angel in the Book of Enoch. He has a body of snake.

Year 2016 is beginning – This will be the Year of the Fallen Angels.

публикувано 28.03.2013 г., 12:42 от dimitrinka staikova   [ актуализирано 30.03.2013 г., 13:41 ]

Dear sir, In my first letter which i have sent you i was flabbergasted from the fact that i saw man in a space suit in front of the Sphinx.I call the generator which i have described-The first Ark in the world.If this is the only Ark in the world-im not sure. But i know that my curiosity to see the pyramid near the Sphinx brought me to surprising results. I must tell you what i saw with a clairvoyance method called automatic writing. Briefly,through the Pyramid there is entrance which is reaching a room.I saw container,something like a tank and inside -man.Sleeping or hibernating?This man was from the future with something like a space suit,with load on his back, hose-pipe. My conclusion is that this man wants to go outside,thats why im sending you this letter.If there will be more letters they will be published on my web site and in YouTube.These are my summary notes.

The Pyramid-i see scheme,only the half of the Pyramid is having importance for its creator.Only the middle part of the pyramid is receiving the energy,then follow two big halls underground.The one is playing the role of plus,the other one is acting like minus.

Now the Sphinx-There are three layers.Im watching it from above.The biggest fragment is underneath.The connection is between the second and the third fragment of the rock.The upper fragment of the rock is divided in two parts-in the middle .There are signs which i will describe later.Imagine a rectangle-the middle is taken from the two shorter parts. The energy is going down from the statue of the Sphinx under angle of 90degrees. The back left leg of the Sphinx is connected with the Pyramid. Through The front right one is passing energy. The pyramid was home.The frontal doors are two smaller and two wide doors.The two smaller and the one wide are from the one important quarter and there are +,and toward the minus are one wide hole and unground gallery.

Three holes to + the unground gallery,the first one-low pitched-its not,the second one is short and is higher the main hole connected with the energy.The third hole is slightly oval and high.

In my next notes i will tell you if you can enter from there or the entrance is connected with a rainbow corridor-only for the energy which is going 10 floors bellow.

Down there is a room,deep pool and inside there is a man.

A man in a space suit with 2 energy centers-infront of his forehead and infront of his navel.Infront of his navel the energy center looks like a sun and is stonger.

-Man with locks of hair,dressed with something that looks like a space suit ,two loads ond his back and hose-pipe.When i saw it for the first time i decided that he is having wings,but…the time will tell.

He is lieing like in the air or in a pillow,almost straight.I feel smooth movements.

Yes -the entrance is in the pyramid.This man has builded the pyramid.I  recognized the same lines of his face.

The conclusion which i see is -There is a man who eants to go outside ,to be awaken.Im sure that im the only one who is sending you clairvoyance information about the sphinx.There are signs which i still dont understand.

the rest of this letter will be published later on our web site in in the facebook profiles of clairvoyant dimitrinka staikova.

28.03.2013 author dimitrinka staikova



публикувано 19.03.2013 г., 12:06 от dimitrinka staikova

Great Sphinx of Giza-the founded Ark.

The Sphinx of Giza is woman.Angry woman which is expexting and sending energy signals to the space.The angle is 140 degrees.In the statue of the Sphinx there is a motor which is perpetum mobile-eternal.The generator is sending signals through the right part-the right leg and is receiving energy 90 degrees-vertically,like from spine.

The statue of the Sphinx is talking evenly and to certain intervals -equally.

It’s frontal view is only for beauty.The secret is in the hair  of the Sphinx and the lines of the hair.

The statue  is made from four craftsmen,which were angry debating about pedestal.The pedestal is part of an open room.The statue has a stone heart which serve for generator.Near that room(in front of it),there is a stone room with entrance and exit.The rooms are from one complex.The Cheops Pyramid is the ladder to the space.

The Cheops Pyramid is made like a complex with many rooms side by side.Important part of it’s top is a stone-connection with the generator(the Sphinx).The complex-Sphinx and the pyramid are havving one entrance-subterranean.This complex-the pyramid and the sphinx is made with very good intentions from people-cosmonauts(spacemen)-died on the Earth.The first between the first….

THIS IS ONE OF THE ARKS IN THE WORLD-working with the light of the stone on the top of the pyramid.Even now if the degrees match with the receiving of the light theArk will begin to work.

The light and the heat of the stone must must be infront of the Sphinx..,the angle is 90 degrees-the legs of the Sphinx.

The proofs for generator of spaceship are in the Great Sphinx of Giza.

Article by Clairvoyant-Consultant mrs.Dimitrinka Staikova,Europe,Bulgaria,Varna

19.03.2013  time12.07

Media Confirmation :


Scientists discover secret chamber the size of a passenger plane inside Great Pyramid

The void is completely closed, which means anything inside would not have been touched for 4,500 years.

Monday 6 November, 2017

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