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Media Confirmation about the Austria Presidential Elections May 2016 won by Norbert Hofer as predict

Media Confirmation about the Austria Presidential Elections May 2016 won by Norbert Hofer as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : Manuel Valls,King Felipe of Spain,Erdogan,US Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti,Devlet Bahçelı,Angela Merkel,Norbert Hofer,Donald Trump,Hillary Clinton,Bernie Sanders and…Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions

Election 2016 in Europe,Middle East and USA

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

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  2. Print Length: 59 pages

  3. Publication Date: May 11, 2016

Norbert Hofer ( Candidate of the far-Right Freedom Party of the Presidential Election in Austria ) – Priorities, War footing, Business, Weak points, Election results – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – May 10, 2016, 7 pm. Photo – May 1, 2016 The Election in Austria about Norbert Hofer are like a storm in the sea. Austria is like a boat with the bow up – ready to turn around – by the right side is the big energy, but from the left side is only the inclination. The left side, according to mr. Hofer is only a stone that weighs on Austria. There is a lot of nerves, many emotions by the right side. But on this stage, the weight that balances the boat is shifted to left, with the remark that I see the boat almost upright and to remove its hull from left to right. In that situation, in which is Austria now, it will be very difficult to strike a balance and to be restored the life of the common people in the normal daily routine. Mr. Hofer is in front of a war footing. He is interested of : • The russian energy – oil and gas ; • Syrian refugees ; • Underground fields ; Comming to power, he will end the contacts and the russian energy. • That will establish a war footing ; • The law and the authority will be the supreme power both with the police. • There will be a nationalization of the energy ; • It has not yet been clarified the question with the bank, the money from two energy companies and the taking of a big part of the money from the bank; • Special rule of the Intelligence – internal and external; • These are like people that come from outside and they are between two worlds; • Separation of three energy companies with two banks – the one remains for the Prosecution and the Prisons. In the moment, there is a difficult financing and very rich leaders, which have taken the hard political path and they are behind him. Because of the problems with the financing and the lack of money in the moment, he doesn’t feel the winner yet, but he thinks that he has an energy and triple power , and the support that will shoot him up. I don’ t see a nationally decision or love to him – I see rich people, which are shooting him up to the victory. What kind of man is he ? -Accurate, pragmatic, loyal – he doesn’t like the lie. The weak points are the women in his life. He is psychologist and if he is not too nervous – he is a great leader. He doesn’t have scruple, first, he loves the power, then are the money, then the women and on the last place is the smell of the alcohol he drinks. Behind him are staying tons of gold and old bankers. In his hamily, as a gene is the accuracy in everything : optics, money, business with trains (engineering), cars, aircrafts. He will have for partners also japanese businessmen. The business behind him after the winning of the power will decrease. Since May 15 to May 20 -2016 – there are crucial (decisive) for his career meetings. Around May 22 – there will be a provocation and terrorist action. The provocation will be in a state institution and a refugee will be involved. The terrorist action will be under a rail and the next will be near airport – hard days -May 17,18 year 2016. In the Election results there is a small preponderance, but the party will try to increase it. Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis : Increased pressure of the right eye. Sensitive stomach. Sick large intestine. From the past : already sick spine and left leg. There will be problems with the muscles of the back – at right. He will treat a sick left kidney. The energy in the spine is sick in three circles.

Alexander van der Bellen (Candidate of the Green Party of the Presidential Election in Austria) – The money are too much, but they are never enough ; Moto -” It will happen like we wish it “- Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – May 10, 2016, 8 pm. Photo – May 10, 2016 And here I see, like in the previous candidate for president, a thought about police, war footing, energy business. The life is painted for mr. Bellen in more pink tones with a wishes about successful business of the banks. He is a peaceful man with charm and he is able to reassure. Moto : “It will happen like we wish it”. The path of its party is going only upwards. His strengths : he can resist mentally to the battle. It doesn’t matter how much money are staying behind him – he is able with its behaviour to multiply them. -This is a man, that the businessmen would like. His weak point also are the money – they will be never enough. Except his health – there are no other weak points. It is important about him the people around him to be by his circle – he does not accept foreign people, he doesn’t trust them. That he is paid , it doesn’t mean that he can be bought. He has diseases in the thyroid gland. It is written on his destiny to have surgical interventions in the upper part of the stomach and in the lower (the prostate). There are gasses in the stomach and the abdominal cavity and cysts (malignant) at right between the lung and the liver. Often the muscles of the neck catch cold – painful muscles now – May 10, 2016

Media Confirmation:

Austrian court overturns presidential elections, calls rerun

By Associated Press16:00 01 Jul 2016, updated 16:00 01 Jul 2016

Austria’s highest court ruled Friday July 1, 2016 that presidential elections narrowly lost by right-wing candidate Hofer must be repeated after his party claimed gross irregularities in the absentee vote count. Norbert Hofer was leading after polls closed. But final results after a count of absentee ballots put former Green party politician Alexander Van der Bellen ahead by only a little more than 30,000 votes. 

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