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Media Confirmation about Syrian refugees coming in Rhode Island March 2016 exactly as predicted by C

Media Confirmation about Syrian refugees coming in Rhode Island March 2016 exactly as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : 2016 World Predictions for USA – About Each State – Republicans or Democrats on US Election 2016 ? + Hottest News Predictions – Psychic News Part 2 Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova

  1. Publication Date: December 29, 2015

This is Part of the Clairvoyant/psychic Predictions about Rhode Island. Read the whole prediction about Rhode Island year 2016 and Who will win on the US Election 2016 Democrats or Republicans in the Ebook. Buy the Ebook from the Author: Buy the Ebook from Amazon : Rhode Island and State Governor Gina Raimondo – “Year 2016 – The money for the police in Rhode Island are insufficient again…” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for USA 2016 – About Each State Of America – Who will win on US Election 2016 – Democrats or Republicans ? – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – 20.12.2015, 9am. …Year 2016 – The money for the police in Rhode Island are insufficient again.Until the end of year 2015 there is good financing. And that Island also will have problems because of the Syrian refugees. The Island has traditions and year 2016 the life goes on as usual. There is small amount of new constructions, there will be investments, but mainly govenment investments. Year 2016 – Near Rhode Island – in a water will be found new Natural Gas Field with small capacity in the beginning. After explosion and earthquake it will be opened and it will become big natural gas/respectively oil field. • January 2016 is month of gatherings and meetings, emotions about International events. On the island, I see a lot of military people. The end of January – February : Problems with the weather, storms and sharp increasing and decreasing of the temperature. • February 2016 – there is less money. March 2016 are coming a state investments and syrian refugees. Repairs begin of bridges and strengthening. March and April 2016 – It is probably a military exercise – I see a lot of airplanes (aircrafts) in the sky of Rhode Island. There will be problems with the engine of the airplane. • April 2016 – Rhode Island will be in the mode of war…. • May 2016… Media Confirmation : ANNOUNCEMENTS,IN THE NEWS / MARCH 2016 First Syrian refugees arrive in R.I. TOPIC / IMMIGRANTS / REFUGEES Amongst the crowd to welcome the first Syrian refugees to Rhode Island were representatives from Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island, the sponsoring agency that will help smooth the family’s adjustment to their lives there.

#DavidIge #NewMexico #UNHighCommissionerforRefugees #PKK #StateGovernorLarryHogan #Businessoffer #StateGovernorCharlieBaker #renewablefuels #GovernorTomWolf #business #Providence #renewableenergytaxcredit #Iraq #StateGovernorRickScott #Connecticut #thewarinSyria #Syrianrefugeefamily #psychicnews #G20Summit #SteveBullock #DannelMalloy #JohnHickenlooper #VladimirPutin #job #Jordan #AndrewCuomo #StateGovernorTerryBranstad #JohnKasich #California #DukeEnergyCorp #terrorists #NCGeneralAssembly #Parisattacks #NaturalCataclysms #PsychicPredictionsforUSA2016 #StateGovernorJohnHickenlooper #Nevada #PlotabouttheMurderofThePresidentofUSA #SusanaMartinez #JeanClaudeJuncker #Hawaii #Washington #Antalya #StateGovernorNathanDeal #EpiscopalChurch #Lebanon #UnitedStates #BarackObama #RecepTayyipErdogan #ButchOtter #USStateDepartment #LincolnChafee #SouthCarolina #israel #MurielBowser #BillHaslam #StateGovernorDannelMalloy #2016WorldPredictions #diocese #Montana #StateGovernorDavidIge #Syria #Delaware #MamdouhelDamaty #PatMcCrory #Tacna #Airport #Predictions #Arkansas #psychic #Russianplaneshotdown #war #GovernorRaimondo #clairvoyant #terroristsactionsinBrussels #DIIRI #Alaska #Syrianimmigrants #ReccepTayyipErdogan #StategovernorJackMarkell #Texas #Russia #Tennessee #Minnesota #Utah #ChrisChristie #EuropeanCountries #GovernorScottWalker #hottestnewspredictions #TheRefugeeDreamCenter #PresidentBarackObama #ScottWalker #StateGovernorRobertJBentley #airportgreeters #StateGovernorButchOtter #AsaHutchinson #PaulLepage #TFGreenAirport #theLeaderofISIS #SecretaryGeneralofNato #NATO #GreatBritain #StateGovernorMarkDayton #Georgia #Missouri #SouthDakota #Wisconsin #Iran #Peru #Maine #BobbyJindal #prophecies #SilicaTitanium #GregAbbott #DimitrinkaStaikova #Oklahoma #MikePence #NorthDakota #Pennsylvania #TurkishSyrianBorder #swinewasteproject #JensStoltenberg #AhmetDavutoglu #Egypt #significantproject #JayInslee #NabilalArabi #Nebraska #NorthCarolina #ISIS #Peace #terrorism #Chicago #Daesh #PeterShumlin #Virginia #legislature #resettlementagencies #TerryBranstad #KateBrown #Massachusetts #Alabama #Bosphorus #StateGoverorRickSnyder #porkproduction #NCPorkCouncil #Mississippi #AyatollahAliKhamenei #ArabLeague #NewYork #swinefarms #SecretaryGeneraloftheArabLeague #GasExportingCountriesForumGECFSummit #naturaldisasters #BruceRauner #GovernorJohnBelEdwards #Turkishprimeminister #OilandGasBusiness #ClimateChange #Miningconcession #JackDalrymple #StateGovernorBillWalker #Indiana #WorldPredictionsaboutEurope2016 #socialmedia #Investments #USElection2016 #StateGovernorAsaHutchinson #NabilElaraby #RI #SecretaryGeneralofNAT #Russianwarplane #DorcasInternationalInstituteofRhodeIsland #Brussels #FrancoisHollande #NewHampshire #FutureofIslamicState #Kentucky #DougDucey #energyindustry #Islamiccommunity #PredictionsforUSAAboutEachState #ParisClimateChangeConference #presidentofTurkey #refugeeresettlementdirector #swinewaste #MattMead #Syrianrefugees #Ohio #BanKimoon #Democrats #TurkishRepublicofNorthernCyprus #IvelinaStaikova #WorldPredictions2016 #TerryMcAuliffe #Istanbul #money #StateGovernorJayNixon #Illinois #PsychicPredictionsaboutUSA2016 #ISISOilTrade #DennisDaugaard #MayorMurielBowser #NikkiHaley #JayNixon #USCommitteeforRefugeesandImmigrants #powerpurchaseagreement #taxcredit #CharlotteBusinessJournal #Wyoming #NewJersey #WorldPredictionsthatcametrue #EUMigrantCrisis #clergy #NCUtilitiesCommission #Syrians #Daesh2016 #psychicpredictions #powerproducer #CivilWar #solarprojects #PhilBryant #swinewastedeal #JackMarkell #Warfooting #France #StateGovernorPhilBryant #GaryHerbert #RickSnyder #stateslargestswinefarms #Vermont #Titanium #MustafaAkıncı #EarlRayTomblin #BrianSandoval #WestVirginia #Disasters #Kansas #State #MiddleEast #MaryFallin #Maryland #StateGovernorBruceRauner #publiccompanies #JerryBrown #Republicans #StateGovernorSteveBeshear #Iowa #StateGovernorPaulLepage #Turkey #2016Election #MarkDayton #vote #LarryHogan #RickScott #Arizona #EnergyPolicyCouncil #Louisiana #WARWICK #WithdrawalofScottWalkerandJimWebb #RhodeIsland #StateGovernorMikePence #JihadinEurope #RobertJBentley #FORSALE #renewableenergyportfoliostandard #TurkeysErdogan #RickPerry #deal #StateGovernorJerryBrown #SteveBeshear #federalgovernment #Iraw #oilfields #WorldPredictionsforYear2016aboutUSAandtheWorld #RefugeeWave #DukeEnergy #Colorado #Michigan #GOP #StateGovernor #florida #PeteRicketts #MinisterofAntiquitesandHeritage #Oregon #EveryState #persecution #Idaho #CharlieBaker #TitaniumMine #StateGovernorSteveBullock #BillWalker #Governor #MaggieHassan #DistrictofColumbia #WhatwillhappenthroughYear2016andafterthatforUSAandtheWorld #NathanDeal #GiacomoDeposit #GinaRaimondo


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