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Media Confirmation about splitting of coalition and new era about Qatar predicted by Clairvoyant Dim


Media Confirmation about splitting of coalition and new era about Qatar predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics –  Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published October 22, 2016

Buy the Ebook only from the Authors – Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova –

Only a small fragment of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saud Al-Thani ( Qatar Central Bank Governor) – October 17, 2016, 4pm. – Health, Soft and Strong spots,.Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : Qatar Central Bank, the leader of Qatar, coalition and collapse until year 2019, Business with Gold, Buying of weapons, a ship – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo – October 3, 2016. Time – after the photo.

…….. Now is one of the most nervous moments in his life, because of a competitor (rival) and a threat about his life. There are forthcoming two years of fight and surviving – he will pass through a lot of nerves. Years 2016 and 2017 are to diseases for him and for all his family.

Year 2017 – He will loose a big amount of gold (a business) in the Winter

Year 2018 is the rise of his family and he – as a second person in the country.

Year 2019 – begins a death by radiation – a “trojan horse” as a gift……

…..June 2017 – Coalition with other country is under threat, begins a separation.

July 2017 is a purificatory month about Qatar – begins a new era…..


Media Confirmation :POLITICS 07/11/2017 08:10 pm ETTrump’s Qatar Crisis Is Hurting His Big Anti-ISIS Summit The Paperback Book from Amazon – the Ebook only from the Authors – Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova 
  1. Order your Ebook today, pay with PayPal and You will receive the PDF file with email delivery in the next 24 hours

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#israel #Qataris #President #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #Syria #ISISsquads #QatarUSagreement #KhalifaHaftar #treasures #CentralBankofLebanon #newcurrency #financialpolicy #Qataritransportation #themakingofelectricity #unifiedfightagainstterrorism #war #energyfield #keycoalitionmemberEgypt #fightagainstterrorism #clairvoyant #terroristlinks #cuttingties #luck #battle #Hamas #PresidentBasharAssad #sovereignwealthfund #Varna #MiddleEastclashes #Christianity #Qatar #IslamicState #TamimbinHamadAlThani #USalignednations #thedestiny #AlMukhabaratAlAamah #hottestnewspredictions #MohammedBarkindo #formersovietrepublics #PresidentoftheVaticanBank #QatariEmirTamimbinHamadAlThani #Emirates #China #Doha #foodsupplies #TheQatardispute #LibyanMarshal #GentSejko #protectionofnationalsecurity #USmilitarybaseintheMiddleEast #PrimeMinisterofLibya #theEmirates #clairvoyantpredictions #PersianGulfnation #Energycorridors #financing #caliphate #information #Syriancivilwar #Russians #thefightagainstIsis 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#MasoudBarzani #worldsrichestnations #BanqueduLiban #extremism #USSecretaryofStateRexTillerson #antiISIScoalition #AttemptforCoup #USairbasecentral #travellingtoQatar #GovernorofPalestineMonetaryAuthority #KarnitFlug #CentralBankofIran #Power #QatarCrisis #Influenceintheworld #banks #BasharalAssad #russianparticipation #Americaninterestsintheregion #uniting #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #Hezbollah #hackingofemails #Indonesia #FuadMasum #Distributionofmoney #fightagainstDaesh #America #Trumpsenvoy #seizureoflands #MiddleEast #EtihadAirways #PresidentDonaldTrump #airandseatrafficwithQatar #Future #JimYongKim #closureofitsairspaceandseaportsforallQataritransportation #federation #Saudiledcoalition #Qatarimedia #Turkey #theUAEcarrier #Allies #western #counterISISsummit #PresidentofUSA #visitorsandresidents #SaudiPressAgency #threatagainstUSA #Riyadhscampaign #PersianGulfcountries #Qatarsstockmarket #newpower #palestine #preparationforaneworder #theSupremePoliticalCouncilofYemen 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