Media Confirmation about Senator Cory Booker announces run for presidency in 2020 February 1, 2019 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published April 5, 2018 :
Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….
The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …
Published April 5, 2018
By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
Sen. Cory Booker (Democrat – Senator from New Jersey) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions March 18,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna.
…….Senator Cory Booker – he is gaining speed yet for the Presidential Election 2020.
…..From the Winter of year 2018 – he is starting to be a factor in the election policy – until March 2019…then, there is a lull and a little before the Election 2020 ( a few months) – they will look for him again. He will receive very good Internet and Media promotion (advertising). Senator Cory Booker has more chances for a President now – until the end of year 2019 – What can stop him is : his political party, the money and he himself. His strength is the mimicry (imitation) – he is using it to win the sympathy of the people.
Media Confirmation :
Senator Cory Booker announces run for presidency in 2020
New Jersey senator will run for Democratic nomination to challenge Donald Trump
Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 13:02
#NewJerseySenCoryBooker #Trumpssoninlaw #RepublicanParty #RepLuisVGutiérrezIll #USSenElizabethWarrenofMassachusetts #LosAngelesMayorEricGarcetti #RepublicanSenate #RexTillerson #politicalplans #MarkCuban #Brownsreelection #opponents #SpecialCounselinRussiaProbe #lawsuit #tragedy #GovernorofWestVirginia #GOPside #GovernorofTennessee #theTrumpadministration #Trumpscampaign #Russiancollusion #gunviolence #Clintons #CambridgeAnalytica #TrumpAdministration #Trumpimpeachment #RobertMueller #FormerVirginiagovernorTerryMcAuliffe #2020Democraticpresidentialcandidates #presidentialcaucus #Trumpsimpeachment #CaliforniaSenKamalaDHarris #dailyheadlines #runningforpresident #Republicancandidates #Democratic #GovernorofFloridaRickScott #BarackObama #Forbesbillionairelist #SouthCarolina #MontanaGovSteveBullock #billionaires #BillHaslam #President #campaignwar #2018elections #Trumpparty #TomSteyer #GovernorofIllinois #Democraticfundraiser #SenJeffMerkleyOre #RArizona #BetsyDevos #NewYorkSenKirstenGillibrand #USPresidentDonaldTrump #Republicanprimary #2020Republicanprimary #JimJustice #BillionaireDemocraticdonorTomSteyer #CongressmanMichaelMcCauley #partisancrowd #Republicanheldseatsgubernatorialelections #RobertMercer #MassachusettsSenElizabethWarren #Bannon #SenKirstenGillibrandofNewYork #SteyerssuperPACNextGenAmerica2018 #Senate #billionairesMercer #Pennsylvania #Americanelections #Trumpera #formerStarbuckschiefexecutiveHowardSchultz #NewJerseysfirstblacksenator #Russianelectioninterference #progressivebillionaireTomSteyer #CaliforniaGovJerryBrown #Democratictroops #potential2020candidates #NewYorkGovAndrewMCuomo #Scandals #Democraticparty #Republicancongressman #KamalaHarris #Kochbrothers #SenatorforArizona #prominentGOPstrategist #SorosFundManagement #Facebook #2020presidentialcandidate #Fundraising #UsElections #USHouse #BruceRauner #AustrallianBillionaire #DallasMavericksOwner #Republican #Kremlinelectioninterference #DavidandCharlesKoch #Democraticpresidentialnomination #Republicansbillionaire #2020election #Russianinvolvement #theDemocraticParty #SenateJudiciaryCommittee #BillionaireDemocraticdonor #Democraticnominees #Democraticbillionaires #MrTrumpsnomination #NewHampshire #Republicanleaders #SenAmyKlobucharMinn #ColoradoGovJohnHickenlooper #potential2020presidentialcandidate #OhioSenSherrodBrown #USSecretaryofEducation #OprahWinfrey #criminaljusticesystem #JamesPacker #politicalelite #Democrats #JaredKushner #USSecretaryoftheTreasury #Trumpsvictory #AlexanderNix #MrBooker #SenJeffFlake #Trump2016 #ConnecticutSenChrisMurphy #kremlin #CynthiaNixon #NewJersey #impeachmentcampaign #SteveBannon #PresidentTrump #supportersofTrump #campaignforecast #GeorgeSoros #GovernorofCalifornia #SenatorCoryBooker #formerpresidentBarackObama #voters #midtermelections #RenaissanceTechnologies #TheWhiteHouse #MidtermElections2018 #SenatorforConnecticut #StevenMnuchin #politician #ElizabethWarren #Trump #Congressionalseats #PresidentDonaldTrump #KochIndustries #Muellersinvestigation #JerryBrown #presidency #Republicans #Future #USBillionaire #FormervicepresidentJoeBiden #presidential #demonstrations #ChrisMurphy #CambridgeAnalyticadatascandal #antiTrump2020 #OhiogovernorJohnKasich #Impeachment #privatehealthinsurance #Muellersprobing #USElection2020 #SenatorCoryBookerofNewJersey #presidentoftheUnitedStatesPocahontasNativeAmericanheritage #USCongressmanDarrelIssa #Democraticprimary #USSenateseat #Governor