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Media Confirmation about Rothschilds heir Nancy Clarice Tilghman is selling a real estate as predict

Media Confirmation about Rothschilds heir Nancy Clarice Tilghman is selling a real estate as predicted  by  Clairvoyant  Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

 Kings without Borders – Year 2018  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :   Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and …  

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  

Published : December 29, 2017  

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Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Jacob Rothschild (4th Baron Rothschild, British investment banker) – Dec. 2017 – year 2018 – Problems with Space fuel, failed business of 5 european energy companies. A lawsuit. Bad health condition – more electricity. A business in Africa, South America, Japan. Wnen begins the new building of a Tech Corporation? When will be changed the generical code of Rothschild? Year 2020 – profits by minerals in the Space – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions December 25, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – December 18, 2017. Time – after the photo.

 ……December 20-25,2017 – I see only problems with the health – increased white blood cells, a flu. Then, there is a thought and problems with documents of a cargo, which are repaired – the needed documents are coming during the cargo’s travel, but the cargo will be delayed. December 2017 – Separation of real estates within the family with a Notarial Deed. There is a giving of rights (jurisdictions) to a woman (from the family). January 2018 …..

Media Confirmation : 

Rothschilds Sell Austrian Hunting Estate in a ‘Historic’ Deal Bloomberg-31.01.2018 

…They were sold by Rothschild heirs Nancy Clarice Tilghman and Geoffrey R. Hoguet…

#contracts #ThetroopsinSyria #health #CEO #Bankingheirs #Thenationalistswin #business #Broker #USA #ProblemswithSpacefuel #Iraq #thedecisionofTrump #moreelectricity #NewGreatWar #newnation #Problemswithclashes #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #psychicnews #VladimirPutin #amazon #oneofthewealthiestandmostpowerfuloligarchs #WhiteHousechiefstrategist #Newlife #ElectionsinRussia #TheLangauHuntingEstateinGaming #StoyankaStaikova #LangauEstate #buyers #NorthAmerica #financier #mainhuntinglodge #putin #Republicancandidates #JerusalemasCapitalofIsrael #HistoricDeal #MinisterofDefenceofRussia #JacobRothschild #israel #thepresidencyofTrump #Syria #failedbusinessof5europeanenergycompanies #lowinterestrateenvironment #Hereditaryguardianofsecrets #thehardness #Badhealthcondition #ChiefFinancialOfficer #AchangeofthepoliticalpowerinGermany #historictransaction #WorldPredictions2018 #IvankaTrump #Predictions #Newpeople #psychic #thetownofGaming #thegenericalcode #war #GeoffreyRHoguet #DonaldTrumpJr #clairvoyant #AustroHungarianHabsburgempire #jackdorsey #2018campaign #Stepbystep #Varna #Bischof #Austrianforestryandhuntingestate #ZiyaMammadovandAnarMammadov #hottestnewspredictions #DaughterandAdviserofPresidentDonaldTrump #Trumpsleadership #Prinzhornfamily #NATOinoffensive #PartnersofTrumpinAzerbaijan #TheBusinessofTrump #theWorld #NATO #Russianmeddling #GreatBritain #clairvoyantpredictions #Energycorridors #MalteseOrder #SecretaryGeneral #2018campaigning #ownerofanewland #personalities #Problems #Theintegrity #Battlebetweenrussiansandamericans #Republicancampaign #DimitrinkaStaikova #judicialproblems #DonaldTrump #Europe #WorldPredictions2017 #CordandThomasPrinzhorn #Policy #AhmedAboulGheit #JensStoltenberg #Trendmagazine #twopowerplants #2018midterms #Prinzhorn #December2017 #Rothschilds #Problem #theNorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization #ISIS #anallergyfrommicrophonesintheear #ebook #TRACECA #terrorism #realestatebrokerKlausBischof #AustrianPrinzhornfamily #Portents #Daesh #Viennabasedcompany #Gold #AnarMammadov #ZiyaMammadov #thepressureoftheEarth #LowerAustriaprovince #AbusinessinAfrica #ACoupinAzerbaijan #AllenWeisselberg #fearsTheprofit #TheTrumpTowerBaku #Rothschild #Clairvoyants #DevletBahceli #SecretaryGeneraloftheArabLeague #Uncategorized #HussainSajwaniUAE #Parallelworld #reborn #4thBaronRothschild #USElection2016 #problemswithhealth #SouthAmerica #TheCEOofTwitter #electorate #Austria #Paperbackbook #formertransportationministerofAzerbaijan #AustrianHuntingEstate #KingswithoutBorders #Partners #familyownedbusiness #profitsbymineralsintheSpace #NationalRepublicanCongressionalCommittee #theChurch #Internalwar #enemiesjews #TrumpsJerusalemannouncement #Court #Alawsuit #IvelinaStaikova #PopeFrancis #NewChurch #money #theArctic #TechCorporation #HillaryClinton #ViennabankfounderSalomon #SergeyShoygu #TheTrumpOrganization #continentalEurope #ZiyaandAnarMammadovAzerbaijan #Austriasbiggestlandowners #investment #AustriasTrendmagazine #CordPrinzhorn #SteveBannon #psychicpredictions #BankofEngland #japan #banks #theArabLeague #thehealthofDonaldTrump #seniorWhiteHouseofficials #Bulgaria #GeorgeSoros #RepublicansagainstDemocrats #Rothschildheirs #reductionofbusinesspersonnel #Conqueringwars #Senateraces #Explosionsofbanks #MatthewFCalamari #opencontractswithRussia #JerusalemMayorNirBarkat #USSenaterace #MidtermElection2018 #militarycoup #Trump #longterminvestments #year2018 #Year2018NATO #NewYorksCentralPark #Republicans #WhiteHousechiefstrategistSteveBannon #Turkey #Switzerland #transaction #Africa #contributionsforNATO #PresidentofUSA #year2019 #entrepreneurs #PrinceAlwaleedBinTallalAlSaud #when #Balkancountries #Britishinvestmentbanker #NancyClariceTilghman #palestine #Adiscovery #AnselmRothschild #Germany #Rothschildfamily #TheRothschildfamily #TheMayorofJerusalem #regroupingofthearmyinRussia #PrinceMohammedBinSalmanAlSaud #Vienna #PresidentofRussia #militaryactionsinAfrica #CFO


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