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Media Confirmation about Refusal of Jamie Dimon to be Treasury Secretary of Donald Trump and Clairvo

Media Confirmation about Refusal of Jamie Dimon to be Treasury Secretary of Donald Trump and Clairvoyant predictions about Climate Change year 2017 and J.P. Morgan Chase Bank predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova


Jamie Dimon (J.P. Morgan Chase CEO) – Health, Character, Business – Clairvoyant Calendar, What will happen year 2016, 2017, 2018 – a glimpse into the future – business, nature, radiation, mutations, life in a bunker – through the eyes of Jamie Dimon – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – October 2, 2016, 10 am. Photo – September 12, 2016 Jamie Dimon Health Diagnosis – On September 13, 2016 he had strong pains in the spine, right kidney, all his glands reacted. There is increased acidity in the body. I see constriction of the muscles around the spine, under the heart. The glands that reacted painfully are : thyroid gland, pancreas, liver – enlarged liver + gall, right kidney, adrenal gland. I see a strong energy moving in his body. These days his body gives a lot of adrenaline in his blood – his heart and kidneys reacted. He must pay attention to a tooth from the right side – a treatment, the right eye – treatment. On his destiny are written from the childhood – scars on the knees. His bone system is extremely strong – I see that the headbutts were his favourites. Jamie Dimon is a man who likes firstly to think long. He likes the speed only with the vehicles. He likes the money and he does not tolerate their loss, including the transportation of money cash. He likes the calm days. He doesn’t like to take independent decisions, except in a critical event. He never takes a decision without consultation. The consultations are without witnesses. The job, the earning and the rests, which are again with people from his work are the only things he likes. In old age that includes also the living near water – close to the ocean and the travel with yacht. The books, if they are not documents, are exciting for him in a short time. He doesn’t like fantasies, movies and activities that are loosing his time. He doesn’t like when it rains outside – that changes his mood in melancholy. He likes to have a family, but someone else (his wife) to take care for his children. Although, I see three born children, later they become four (I don’t say only from one woman) – two and only two children will worthy inherit him – a son and daughter. His daughter will be like a banking beast, and his son will entirely copy his behaviour. How Jamie Dimon can be won ? – On a good cup of coffee and a nice conversation about common friends and enemies in his club. • The Business is the only thing exciting for him now. Since September 12, 2016 – there was an upcoming gathering of two halves – related with an energy company and bank – it is already accomplished. Until the first days of November 2016 – it will end also on documents. The end of September 2016 – there were problems with their candidate – president – the chosen from the bank. • Since the beginning of October 2016 – because of the bad weather and landslides – problems with construction and falling (downgrade) of areas. The first days of October – problems with children which are studying – a family. Around October 10, 2016 – problems with slowly coming and not in entirety transactions. Around October 15, 2016 – Threats from the bank with a court for debtors – A big energy company which is in partnership with Canadian energy company. Money will be imported from Canadian bank in J.P. Morgan Chase – the deal is very big and it is related with constructions of energy corridors. Around October 20, 2016 – Investing of money in a presidential campaign. 1. New Banking services, new taxes. 2. Preparation about the buying of telecommunication company. • In the end of October and the beginning of November 2016 – secret participation through shareholders in auction for Military supplies of weapons and ammunitions. Putting a weapon on a Space sattelite.

He will not like the chosen president and he will stay in a position of waiting. Since November 2016 – He will enter in a period of “Calm before the storm” and listening. The actions related with the Space and repercussive on the Earth are starting after November 20, 2016 – The beginning is like a storm….. In this period , the senior staff of USA in the most of the time is going in underground bunkers and they are ruling the World from there. More serious will be until the end of year 2016. Two more years, the weather will be with unexpected storms – fast and heavy. After that comes a ferocious heat – radiational and incinerating, then the level of the water is rising and the nature begins to calm- the people will be 1/3 of their common number. The plants will revive turbulently, but the people and the animals will have mutations. The world does not begins from the zero – the life continues…..

Media Confirmation : Jamie Dimon has a good chance to be Treasury Secretary, but the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase & Co. reportedly has told President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team he doesn’t want the job.


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