Media Confirmation about Rand Paul – “…He sees the World from above – He doesn’t see the little man” – neighnor’s conflict predicted July 2015 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :
USA Election 2016 -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions to :Jeb Bush,Hillary Clinton,Donald Trump,Bernie Sanders,John Kasich,Rick Perry,Martin O’Malley…
World Predictions about USA and All Candidates Us Elections 2016
Published by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova and Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova
Copyright ©2015 Dimitrinka and Ivelina Staikova
Buy the Ebook from the authors – https://sites.google.com/site/dimitrinkastaikova/
Buy the Ebook from Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Election-2016-Clairvoyant-Psychic-Predictions-ebook/dp/B012IFTLFO/
Buy the Paperback from Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Election-2016-Clairvoyant-Psychic-Predictions/dp/1515263991/
Rand Paul (Us Elections 2016) – “This is a leader for war -He sees the World from above – He doesn’t see the little man” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – July 22 -2015, 4pm.
….Very nervous person – hypersensitivity. In the past, he had a hit by catastrophy (accident) and that caused pain at the back of the right side – hand and pelvis. Above the right side, near the thyroid gland there is constriction of the muscles – the pain covers also part of the thyroid gland and makes cysts. I see also problems with the liver. This hypersensitivity is expressed in strong pains in the head (the fontanel -above the forehead). He owns sports spirit for a fight. If he must fight – he will fight. His spirit always remains young and the only control for him is because of the money. This is a leader for war – he sees the world from above, he doesn’t see the little man.…
Media Confirmation :
CBS NEWS November 9, 2017, 8:13 AM
Rand Paul tweets reports disputing neighbor’s claims of landscaping drama
#theUSattackinSyria #pretrialconference #Gibraltar #RonnaRomneyMcDaniel #RepublicanParty #health #SenatorRandPaul #CEO #Chairman #Syrian #negotiated #MitchMcConnel #business #USA #daughterofPresidentDonaldTrump #Jointventures #astruggle #Wars #newowners #prisons #DarrenWoods #Year2017 #RepublicansVsDemocrats #Awar #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #Energywar #Iraqian #MarkMeadows #Supporters #PresidentandCEO #JohnKasich #trivialclaims #Badhealth #worldpredictionsDemocrats #powerovertheworld #newoilfields #StoyankaStaikova #Washington #EnergyBusiness #SpeakeroftheUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #diseases #BarackObama #blackmovements #UsElections2016 #LincolnChafee #worldnews #JosephBiden #Palaceintrigues #PaulRyan #President #USAelections2016 #Authored #Awarforterritories #NewEnergycontracts #oilextraction #IvankaTrump #Predictions #landscapingissues #Chiefeconomicadvisor #Spain #war #MarcoRubio #GovernorMittRomney #JoeBiden #clairvoyant #mrMcCarthy #FabianPicardo #Texas #rightwingoftheRepublicanparty #Russia #shareholding #ChrisChristie #ScottWalker #Israeli #JebBush #newcontracts #ThefutureofUSA #DowChemical #2016Elections #disputebetweentwoneighbors #UnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #BernieSanders #clairvoyantpredictions #new #award #CERAWeek2017 #Candidacy #CERAWeek2017 #SenateMajorityLeader #UsElections2016 #ThenewHitler #life #Russians #advisor #therepublicans #energy #Howhewilldie #LindseyGraham #HouseMajorityLeader #BobbyJindal #InternalwarinUSA #USPresidentialrace #AlexanderNovak #gascorridors #Senate #PrimaryElections #LindseyGraham #DimitrinkaStaikova #newdeposits #JimWebb #MartinOMalley #goldFear #DonaldTrump #newlypurchasedisland #hisdream #CarlyFiorina #politicalparty #leader #BobbyJindal #GeorgeWBush #ActingDirectorofSecretService #PresidentialPrimaries2016 #pleuraleffusion #Campaign #LincolnChafee #GOPDemocrats #Democraticparty #distributionoftheworld #Gold #underwaterconstruction #GeorgePataki #throughthefireofyear2017 #RickSantorum #RickSantorum #RickPerry #BenCarson #Work #TedCruz #JebBush #TurkishStream #CarlyFiorina #DonaldTrump #ClimateChange #Financingofbusiness #RandPaul #Republican #RandPaulandReneBoucher #JosephBiden #destroy #Investments #HouseofRepresentatives #KevinMcCarthy #seizure #AbdulhamidSaeed #democratsbusiness #ExxonMobil #newtechnologies #memberoftheRepublicanParty #HouseFreedomCaucus #Polticalparties #mrCallahan #BenCarson #UnitedStatespresidentialelections2016 #Senator #GeorgePataki #Mission #BernieSanders #SpaceBusiness #energybusinessClashes #alienspacetechnology #DemocraticpartypresidentialCandidates2016 #palacecoups #Egyptian #psychicpredictions #JimWebb #Democrats #RepublicanNationalCommittee #eliminated #IvelinaStaikova #transportationbysea #theworstyear #diamonds #money #HillaryClinton #AndrewNLiveris #MartinOMalley #ChiefMinisterofGibraltar #AwarintheRepublicanParty #PresidentialCandidate #Banksgroupchiefexecutiveofficer #fourthdegreeassault #EU #GoldmanSachs #USAelections2016 #MinisterofEnergyinRussia #details #news #vaults #suppressionofriots #psychicpredictions #nerves #PresidentofUnitedStates #Power #Cyprian #uniting #TedCruz #2016Elections #JohnKasich #HillaryClinton #Warfooting #MittRomney #USPresidentialElections #cooperation #Earning #MikeHuckabee #militarycoup #Lybian #expansionofdistribution #militarybusiness #antiTrumpleanings #PresidentDonaldTrump #awarinthebusiness #RandPaul #italians #Republicans #SenatorPaul #legalwar #Whosrunningforpresidentin2016 #GaryCohn #UAEslargestbank #WilliamJCallahan #theheadofthePresidentAssaultagainstDonaldTrump #MikeHuckabee #Africa #FirstAbuDhabiBankNBAD #SecretsIsolation #presidentialelectors #wingintheRepublicanparty #JoeBiden #successors #ChrisChristie #Agreement #ReneBoucher #when #Party #presidentialcontest #RandPaulneighbor #RickPerry #ribinjury #TheRepublicanParty2017 #oilfields #Underground #assaultonSenator #Healthproblems #notguilty #AwarforGibraltar #bank #lawsuits #MarcoRubio #WhiteHouse #ScottWalker #RepublicanParthy #MittRomney #oilandgasfields