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Media Confirmation about Problems in the Energy Business in Delaware-USA as predicted by Clairvoyant

Media Confirmation about Problems in the Energy Business in Delaware-USA as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : 2016 World Predictions for USA – About Each State – Republicans or Democrats on US Election 2016 ? + Hottest News Predictions – Psychic News Part 1

Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova

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Delaware and State governor Jack Markell World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 26.11.2015,9 am. The State of Delaware is interested more in the exploitation of Natural Gas – then are the Oil and the Telecommunications. Governor Jack Markell divides the state on two parts : the ordinary people and the Intelligence – Informers + Agents + Intelligence. The second group are companies, which are mainly connected with transport. In the state are starting the exploitation and projects about the searching of fields (troves,deposits) and about the use of the land. There will be a confronation and non officially separation of three companies during conclusion of contract – the first company is profitable and independant. The second company – is united by two companies on the Intelligence and connected with transport and land, with a common representative – one man. With order and scandal they are trying to stick on the first company. The goal is the exploitation of energy field. About this moment the connection is unstable. The First Company is connected with the Governor of Delaware – the dispute will continue…The goal is not a common business, but the destruction of the governor. The searching underground : after three layers – big stones – rocks – then a big cavity – there are the oil and the natural gas – the big money. The financing is started by the State, a Company of the Intelligence is involved, which is connected with the searching of oil and natural gas. At the end, they are trying to abandon the Project ,under the pretext that there is nothing there. The Governor of Delaware finishes the project with his own money. They are trying to harass and press him all the time. December 2015 – Problems with Prosecution and Legal charges – A road to Washington – lawsuits. There will be riots in Delaware. Because of the bad weather – the people will be excited because of the harvest, the bad weather will cause destruction of buildings. • The financing January 2016 is late and comes on parts. There is a pressure against the Governor. • Since February 2016 – things are going well. There will be a new social assistance payments. • March 2016 – the State of Delaware mobilizes men – A Civil Army is gathered – prepared defence ready for the protests. • April 2016 – Pacification of the population. • May 2016 – More work – New Constructions connected with land. In the State of Delaware since May 2016 there will be increased birthrate. I see more military in that State. • June 2016 – is connected with the earning of money. • July 2016 – transport accidents. • August 2016 – Delaware meets the news about a War of USA. • September and October 2016 – decreased financing – Preparation about the US Election 2016. The Presidential Election 2016 is accepted by the americans November 2016 as a war. There will be voices about the transfer of the Election 2016 on a more recent date, but…the old date remains. The State likes more……….

Media Confirmation:

Weatherford Further Amends Previously Announced Tender Offers

Published: June 10, 2016 4:30 p.m. ET

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