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Media Confirmation about Preparations for War in Gibraltar predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staik

Media Confirmation about Preparations for War in Gibraltar predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : 

Donald Trump and The Republican Party 2017 – Business, Energy, Palace intrigues – Republicans Vs Democrats

Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions : Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Paul Ryan, Dow Chemical, Gary Cohn and more…

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Published – April 16, 2017

2017 © Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

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Small part of Clairvoyant predictions about :

Fabian Picardo (Chief Minister of Gibraltar) – A war for Gibraltar. When Gibraltar will be negotiated from EU for Spain? – Clairvoyant predictions April 5, 2017   – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – April 2 , 2017. Time – after the photo.

…..Fabian Picardo’s health diagnosis on April 2 and 3, 2017 – Extremely heavy headache which comes by the high blood pressure (the back of the head) and is concentrated on the eyes. In the right eye there is a forthcoming surgical operation and treatment. I see strong constriction in the esophagus, heart, bile and pancreas. The hormonal disbalance affects also the left kidney – it is sick. There is a strong inflammation and pain in the whole spine, bone spurs in the neck. There is also inflammation in the left pelvic area. Around the spine – I see a bulge (thickening) and constriction of the muscles like a rope. In the gene of that man there is a gene of flying man.

I see many people to keep the Northeastern border of Gibraltar. I see an energy field – big one, which has fuzzy boundaries to Northeast. Mr. Picardo is very scared by the present moment of potential war and invasion of Spain in Gibraltar. He thinks that the life of the people is endangered and the country Gibraltar as whole will be exterminated (the people will be killed).

April 2017 – there are only preparations for war.

May 2017 …….

Media Confirmation :

Third Spanish warship invades Gibraltan waters in the space of a month

29 APRIL 2017 

#theUSattackinSyria #Gibraltar #RonnaRomneyMcDaniel #RepublicanParty #health #CEO #Chairman #Syrian #negotiated #MitchMcConnel #business #USA #daughterofPresidentDonaldTrump #maritimeincursions #Jointventures #astruggle #Wars #newowners #prisons #DarrenWoods #Year2017 #RepublicansVsDemocrats #Awar #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #Energywar #Iraqian #MarkMeadows #PresidentandCEO #Spanishgovernment #Gibraltarsterritorialwaters #Badhealth #powerovertheworld #newoilfields #StoyankaStaikova #theBayofGibraltar #EnergyBusiness #SpeakeroftheUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #diseases #watersofftheRock #blackmovements #Palaceintrigues #PaulRyan #President #Authored #Awarforterritories #NewEnergycontracts #oilextraction #IvankaTrump #Predictions #Chiefeconomicadvisor #Spain #war #TheRock #clairvoyant #mrMcCarthy #FabianPicardo #RoyalNavyHMSScimitar #Texas #Spanishvessel #rightwingoftheRepublicanparty #Russia #shareholding #Israeli #newcontracts #sovereignty #ThefutureofUSA #DowChemical #UnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #BritishSpanishsovereignty #seabelt #clairvoyantpredictions #new #award #CERAWeek2017 #CERAWeek2017 #SenateMajorityLeader #ThenewHitler #life #Russians #advisor #therepublicans #energy #Howhewilldie #HouseMajorityLeader #InternalwarinUSA #AlexanderNovak #gascorridors #SpanishnavysDescubiertaClass #diplomaticprotests #DimitrinkaStaikova #newdeposits #warforGibraltar #UKgovernment #goldFear #DonaldTrump #newlypurchasedisland #hisdream #ForeignOffice #politicalparty #leader #ActingDirectorofSecretService #UnitedKingdom #distributionoftheworld #Gibraltarsgovernment #Gold #underwaterconstruction #throughthefireofyear2017 #illegalincursion #Spanishterritorialwaters #TheresaMay #Brexit #Work #TurkishStream #ClimateChange #Financingofbusiness #Republican #destroy #Investments #EuropeanCouncilPresidentDonaldTusk #KevinMcCarthy #seizure #AbdulhamidSaeed #democratsbusiness #ExxonMobil #Spanishnavy #newtechnologies #memberoftheRepublicanParty #HouseFreedomCaucus #RoyalNavy #mrCallahan #Brexitdeal #Mission #SpaceBusiness #energybusinessClashes #alienspacetechnology #palacecoups #Egyptian #Democrats #BritishsovereigntyovertheRock #RepublicanNationalCommittee #eliminated #IvelinaStaikova #transportationbysea #theworstyear #diamonds #money #AndrewNLiveris #madrid #ChiefMinisterofGibraltar #AwarintheRepublicanParty #Banksgroupchiefexecutiveofficer #EU #SpanishcorvetteCazadora #GoldmanSachs #MinisterofEnergyinRussia #details #vaults #suppressionofriots #psychicpredictions #nerves #Power #Cyprian #uniting #Warfooting #Gibraltanwaters #cooperation #Earning #militarycoup #171TreatyofUtrecht #Lybian #expansionofdistribution #militarybusiness #P78Cazadora #PresidentDonaldTrump #awarinthebusiness #italians #legalwar #GaryCohn #UAEslargestbank #WilliamJCallahan #theheadofthePresidentAssaultagainstDonaldTrump #theUnitedKingdom #Africa #FirstAbuDhabiBankNBAD #SecretsIsolation #wingintheRepublicanparty #successors #Agreement #KingdomofSpain #when #Party #EuropeanUnion #deal #TheRepublicanParty2017 #oilfields #Underground #Healthproblems #Gibraltarianwaters #AwarforGibraltar #bank #DefenceSecretarySirMichaelFallon #lawsuits #RepublicanParthy #SpanishpatrolshipInfantaCristina #Spanishwarship #BritishGibraltarTerritorialWaters #oilandgasfields

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