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Media Confirmation about Pope Francis’s problems with the eyes and only from September 2018 – I see

Media Confirmation about Pope Francis’s problems with the eyes and only from September 2018 – I see the returning of the faith, bravery and and the will for fight of Pope Francis – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published December 29, 2018  :

Kings without Borders – Year 2018

 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :  

Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and …

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published : December 29, 2017

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Pope Francis – The integrity and the hardness of the Church will be threatened – year 2018. New life, New people and personalities, New Church – reborn – year 2018 – When? What is exciting for Pope Francis now? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions December 6, 2017, 10 am. – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,  Bulgaria,  Varna.

 Photo : Dec. 2, 2017. Time – after the photo.

Pope Francis health – Dec. 2017 – I see problems with Sinus drainage ducts (Flu), impaired imbalance of the Pituitary (an upcoming treatment again), inflamed urinary tract, an old trauma of the left palm. He will treat : throat, right kidney (surgical operation). I see the left kidney swollen (enlarged) and inflamed in the lower end – this is causing the pains down the waist and reaching the right pelvic area. He is mostly interested now about : the medicines (for himself), emigrants, a travel. The internal peace provided legally in the countries – dictatorship, energy business. Through His eyes I see a thought for a dark object, directed beam to the underground part – the center of a pyramid, discoveries for war in the very distant past and good results achieved for reaching of information about that past, searching for a door to the Pyramid – outside of it, inclusion of the functions of the Pyramid – an electrical generator and a radio station, that is sending signals in the Space at Northwest. The problem is , that these signals now are gathered in a small energy field and they are not going in the Space – the trajectory of the emission of the signals is changed . I see that there is a very stubbornly searching from outside for a hole (opening) about the entrance in the Pyramid. The zone is separated to six (6) parts, but there is created another one energy 7th parts. And so, the entering as an exploration – I see it in the beginning through the eastern part, but then it goes down and through the Southeastern part – it will happen through and by the water – this is the only opening they will find for now – a natural one. Of course, there are stairs too, but they are by the southern side and with a large space – a circle occupied by a construction downwards (as the upper part of the Pyramid). There is passing from one premises to another, like from one room to another and corridors – I have described it in other Clairvoyant prediction published in my ebooks. The new thing is, that I see joint achievements with russians and I see the object closed and guarded.

December 2017 – Pope Francis will have more problems with the left eye (Media Confirmation 1).

Hard times are coming about the Catholic Church. The people require and demand more and more from the Church. December 2017 – there will be leaving of part of the Gold, giving of bribes and corruption for internal peace. The diseases are increasing in the Vatican, temporary the constructions are stopped. January 2018 – I see negotiations with Moscow, building of a new Church in a snow region, there’s found a new energy source in water and future profits by it, again at the end of the month – there is leaving of huge sums of money by the accounts about mandatory payments. The end of January and February 2018 – because of the Climate Changes – there is abandonment of one monastery and moving of the people in other one. Even more secrets will come to the surface by the antiquity. The integrity and the hardness of the Church (until March 2018) will be threatened. April 2018 – I see a lot of water and death and a new beginning.

The whole Summer 2018 they will gather strength and only from September 2018 – I see the returning of the faith, bravery and and the will for fight (Media Confirmation 2).

Media Confirmation:

1. Vatican Expels 2 Cardinals Implicated in Sexual Abuse From Pope’s Council

  1. Dec. 12, 2018

ROME — The Vatican announced Wednesday that it had removed two cardinals implicated in sexual abuse cases from a powerful council of advisers picked by Pope Francis to guide him on matters critical to the future of the Catholic Church. In September, Pope Francis defrocked — or “reduced to the lay state” — the Rev. Fernando Karadima, Chile’s most infamous pedophile priest, seven years after a Vatican investigation relegated the priest to a life of “prayer and penance” for his sex crimes.

2.  Pope reveals serious medical condition Fri 30 Mar 2018

The Vatican’s deputy spokeswoman, Paloma Garcia Ovejero, confirmed Francis was speaking about his own cataracts and is due to have surgery next year, though there were no details on when.

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