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Media Confirmation about Payment from Turkey to the American Intelligence about location and returni

Media Confirmation about Payment from Turkey to the American Intelligence about location and returning of Fethullah Gullen in Turkey as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : Elections – USA, Turkey, Austria….Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : #BlackLivesMatter, The Coup in Turkey ?, Devlet Bahçeli, CIA, FBI, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacy… On the top of the needle By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

This is a little part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : John Brennan (Director Central Intelligence Agency) – Coups, World Conspiracies – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – July 17, 2016, 9 am. Photo – July 13, 2016. Time – after the photo. ……..On July 13, 2016 – I see a lot of nerves. John Brennan – financial resources were needed of the releasing of goods – big and flat packages from a sea and railway transport. I see temporary problems with technologies and communications between their selves, disorders in documents and because of them problems with investigations. Two day earlier they were expecting the coup in Turkey. Tacitly ,there were consultations and advices what should be done in such moment. There were a special group, that was engaged with monitoring of the events and connection with Turkey. There were an aircraft of USA that flew from the american military base in Turkey and was touring- as a patrol, to prevent the external intervention during the events. Through CIA and John Brennan, there is a sending (shipment) of gold in USA as a bargaining chip against Fethullah Gullen or his location.

John Brennan expects more serious problems in September 2016, that will threaten his staying in CIA as director. Now, after a few days- July 15-16, 2016 – are increasing the attacks from Turkey to Iraq and part of Syria. On a syrian territory there are made installations – I see pipes, that are connected and buried in the ground – direction Turkey. I see also small squads of people to move toward the capital of Syria – they bring mainly money in cash and test tubes with yellow liquid. Around July 20, 2016 is expected a fight on the turkish – syrian border, which I see that it is well directed by CIA – the goal is killed people and collapse of earth layers – that in the future will be presented as an offer about new turkish – syrian border. Around July 20, 2016 and a little after that – I see problems with russians – literally to all fronts, including in USA. In USA, the russians ………

Media Confirmation : Trump adviser linked to Turkish lobbying A company tied to Erdogan’s government hired retired general Michael Flynn’s lobbying firm. 11/14/16 10:00 PM EST

“…The Alliance for Shared Values, a nonprofit affiliated with the Gulenist movement in the U.S., said hiring Flynn’s firm appeared to be part of a Turkish government smear campaign against the cleric….”. “…Flynn, a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, is widely considered a contender for defense secretary or national security adviser. The former role would require a congressional waiver because he has not yet been a civilian for seven years….”.

#ShaunKing #themurderofthePresidentofUSA #Turkishinterests #Chairman #business #GreyWolves #USA #BlackLivesMatter #Unrest #AndrewCuomo #BatonRouge #CivilRightsMovement #STOPFOP #FBIDirector #PsychicPredictionsforUSA2016 #thetransitionbetweenPresidentObamaandPresidentElectTrump #lobbyingfirm #Niantic #Washington #GovernorJayInslee #foreignaffairs #plot #LtGeneralMichaelFlynn #Meetingwiththebusiness #BYP100 #RecepTayyipErdogan #blackmovements #Policeshooting #Turkeycoupattempt #FlynnIntelGroup #FethullahGulen #topnationalsecurityadvisers #Africanamerican #AltonSterling #CIA #DonaldTrump2016 #Pennsylvaniabasedcleric #police #PrimeMinisterofGreatBritain #StateOfAmerica #DonaldTrumpCabinet #TurkishNationalistOrganisation #predictionsforusa2016 #Predictions #BlackLivesMatteraffiliatedgroup #protesters #psychic #Nintendo #clairvoyant #Turkishlobbying #Ingress #Formerleader #Stateofemergency #Minnesota #ChrisChristie #AllLivesMatter #BernieSanders #BlackMovement #Problems #BlueWallofSilence #AfricanAmericanCivilRightsMovement #failedarmycoup #AfricanAmericanislamicreligiousmovement #transatlanticrelationship #MinisterLouisFarrakhan #FalconHeights #TAIK #StoptheCops #Gulenistmovement #CoupattemptinTurkey #DonaldTrump #MikePence #foreigngovernments #Pennsylvania #JamesComey #Gülenslawyers #protests #Flynnsfirm #MovementforBlackLives #FOP #MichaelFlynn #leader #clairvoyantreading #Lobbyist #TheParty #BLMactions #vicechairoftheTrumptransition #racialdiscrimination #CentralIntelligenceAgency #Trumptransition #DemocratsorRepublicans #HumaAbedin #ClericGulen #HouseNationalSecuritySubcommittee #DefenseIntelligenceAgency #custody #WhowillwinonUSElection2016 #TurkishGovernment #Director #Dutchconsultingfirm #blmdmv #NewYork #lobbying #TheresaMay #Brexit #civilunrest #JohnBrennan #DevletBahceli #Ankara #presidentialpalace #Erdoğansgovernment #Indiana #topnationalsecuritypost #intelligenceservices #policeunionheadquartersinWashington #USElection2016 #HashimNzinga #BlackLivesMattermovement #safehaven #politicalmonth #MrErdogan #WhiteHouseofficials #closeallyofTurkeyspresident #lawenforcement #TomWolf #UK #August2016 #lawsuitagainstHillaryClinton #KuKluxKlan #DavidDuke #Activists #DC #NewYorkPoliceDepartment #JohnHanke #TaksimSquare #FreedomNow #retiredgeneralMichaelFlynn #Democrats #NationalistMovementPartyofTurkey #BlackYouthProject100 #grandwizard #Istanbul #consultingfirm #money #retiredgeneralMichaelFlynnslobbyingfirm #HillaryClinton #WhiteSupremacy #DavidCameron #PokemonGo #excessiveforcecases #TurkishPresidentRecepTayyipErdogan #NewJersey #NewBlackPatherParty #psychicpredictions #ElectionDay #thefutureofGreatBritain #aconflictofinterest #Trumpadviser #NationofIslam #KamilEkimAlptekin #MrGülen #ForeignEconomicRelationsBoardofTurkey #America #Election2016 #WorldConspiracies #worldpredictions #politician #TurkishAmericanBusinessCouncil #militarycoup #State #PhilandoCastile #PresidentDonaldTrump #Americanwhitenationalist #riots #Republicans #generalsclosenesstoTrump #departmentsofStateandDefense #RetiredLtGenMichaelFlynn #Coups #Turkeysnationalsecuritycouncil #NYPD #Louisiana #Turkeywarfooting #PatrolmanBenevolentAssociation #USbasedclericFethullahGulen #NYCPoliceUnionHeadquarter #Turkishcoupplot #USA2016 #Erdoganspurge #Elections2016 #StateGovernor #lobbyingcontract #fundblackfutures #InovoBV #Governor #socialjusticemovement #USforeignanddomesticpolicy #byp100dc #TurkishAmericanrelations


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