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Media Confirmation about Oil Prices Surge Again Before OPEC Meeting with Non-Members as predicted by

Media Confirmation about Oil Prices Surge Again Before OPEC Meeting with Non-Members as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Publication date – October 22, 2016


This is only a part of the Clairvoyant/Psychic prediction about : Mohammed Barkindo (Secretary General of OPEC) – Health, Family. The price of the oil competes with the buying of gold. November 2016 – the price of the oil will spin like a whipping top – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – October 16, 2016, 4pm.- by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna. • …….October 2016 – I see him to travel in Europe in a cold country – meetings and conversations with political leaders – inevittable dispute. October 2016 – there is a forthcoming lightly increasing of the oil price on the world markets, followed by a light reductions – the price will spin around 47 to 55- 65 in the different countries. The end of October – it freezes for ten days, after that it makes a surge. The price of the oil will compete with the buying of the gold. • November 2016 – the price of the oil will spin like a whipping top – up sharply and down sharply. Behind the surges will stay – firstly – three countries, then will remain two : Saudi Arabia and Venezuela…

There is a forthcoming emergency meeting of OPEC. A war and groupings between the exporters of oil. • In the last days of November until the first ten days of December 2016 – A sadly event with a big global response – on two places in the world. In the one is Iraq and in the other… There will be a burning water area and (oil) tanker…. Then follows an international meeting – December 2016 of OPEC accompanied by a lot of security. After many cries and shouts, patience and compromises, the price of the oil will float around 70 dollars…. It will reach 80, but it will go back – temporary. The agreement is until February 2017. • From December 2016 to February 2017 – the life of Mohammed Barkindo will be threatened by the bullet in the stomach and attempts for physical assault and kidnapping in the family. His soft spot is ……


Media Confirmation : #1 – Oil Prices Surge Again Before OPEC Meeting with Non-Members by Reuters DECEMBER 9, 2016, 9:26 AM EST #2 – MIDDLE EAST,November 24, 2016 9:06 AM Reuters Risking Flames and Mines, Iraq Oil Workers Battle to Cap Burning Wells #3 – Over 30 dead as Ugandan tanker explodes in Kenya By AFP Added 11th December – See more at:

#creationofsmalleuropeanarmy #Airbus #MuratÇetinkaya #contracts #OPEC #DeutscheBankAG #health #CEO #Finance #MohammadSanusiBarkindo #JohnCryan #politics #HassanRouhani #chemicalattacks #business #PresidentoftheWorldBank #ProblemswithGreatBritain #Iraq #exnazis #NewEnergyBusiness #Commanderoftheforces #JPMorganChase #PresidentandCEO #Jordan #ClairvoyantHouse #RussiasCentralBank #militarydictatorship #aCoupagainstPutinandRussia #radiation #CharlesKoch #Brentcrude #Commonenterprises #BillClinton42ndUSPresident #Coalition #ExperimentMH370 #Lebanon #aboutthetruerulersoftheworldlivingintheocean #SecretaryGeneralofOPEC #JacobRothschild #ElviraNabiullina #oilmarket #HillaryClintonorDonaldTrump #israel #russiantechnologies #Forthcomingassimilation #2018 #internationalsituation #antimatter #VenezuelanPresidentNicolasMaduro #OPECmeeting #BusinessMagnate #SaudiArabiaForeignMinisterAdelalJubeir #inflation #KhalifaHaftar #nonOPECproducers #Predictions #HSBCBank #constructions #psychic #boughtwithgold #DealsinEurope #Bankruptcies #clairvoyant #ProblemsinEgypt #lifeinabunker #Buyingofweapons #oilprices #PeoplesBankofChina #Russia #Qatar #Azerbaijan #poisonedwater #hottestnewspredictions #MohammedBarkindo #cataclysms #BusinesswithGold #refugeecampsinAlbania #China #HSBCHoldings #intherocks #GentSejko #November2016 #clairvoyantpredictions #financing #PresidentoftheEuropeanCentralBank #UScrude #GeorgeSorosonUSElection2016 #DeputyGovernor #Commerzbank #JoeKaeser #BankofChina #SaudiArabia #exchangerate #FayezalSarraj #DonaldTrump #Europe #ManagingDirector #influentialbillionairesintheUS #JensStoltenberg #PresidentofIran #Egypt #IMF #ChristineLagarde #LybianGeneral #clairvoyantreading #BankofAlbania #OilPricesSurge #ClairvoyantCalendar #CoalitionsagainstIsrael #Libya #attemptsforcoups #CentralBankoftheRepublicofTurkey #JamieDimon #OPECConferencePresident #PeterShumlin #hardbattles #Gold #productionfreezecuts #DimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughters #Albania #CEOofDeutscheBankAG #earthquakes #NATORussiaCouncilMeeting #Brexit #CEOAirbusGroup #Character #Investments #mutations #conversationswithMoscow #aglimpseintothefuture #4thBaronRothschild #MoneybyUSA #BankofTurkey #newtechnologies #newenergyfields #nonOPECcuts #PrimeMinisterofoftheUnitedgovernmentofLibyainTripoli #oilservicesfirm #MarioDraghi #oilministers #DouglasFlint #InternationalMonetaryFund #OrganizationofthePetroleumExportingCountries #Kazakhstan #Constructionofrailways #PhilipHammondBritishForeignSecretary #20162017 #GroupChairman #IvelinaStaikova #goldenmoney #MohammedBinSalehalSada #money #HillaryClinton #RussianCentralBank #QatarsMinisterofEnergy #171stOrganizationofPetroleumExportingCountriesOPECmeetinginVienna #Newoffshorebank #nature #newCrusade #GlobalOilForum #psychicpredictions #BankofEngland #AplotagainstPopeFrancis #banks #exchangeratedollareuro #Bulgaria #GeorgeSoros #instability #DeutscheBörse #ProsecutionandCourt #rebellions #family #Finances #afireflower #Future #JimYongKim #gashub #Russiancompanies #buyingofgold #Africa #JPMorganChaseCEO #barrel #CarstenKengeter #assault #newcoalitions #KazakhEnergyMinisterKanatBozumbayev #CentralBanks #EuropeanUnion #aship #Germany #QatarCentralBank #MarkCarney #2017 #Independency #nowandinthefuture #newpresident #Governor #collapse #moneybytheoilfields


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