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Media Confirmation about offshore oil and gas block deals and earthquake in Cyprus predicted by Clai

Media Confirmation about  offshore oil and gas block deals and earthquake in Cyprus predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in the Ebook and Paperback book :

Banks, Investments, Devaluation, Inflation, Interbank wars,  Nuclear Plants,Brexit,Politics – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to Deutsche Bank, Central Bank of : Vatican, India, Israel, France,David Rockefeller, Coutts,Bank of America, Fed, Goldman Sachs….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published January 20, 2017


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Banks, Investments, Devaluation, Inflation, Interbank wars,  Nuclear Plants,Brexit,Politics – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to Deutsche Bank, Central Bank of : Vatican, India, Israel, France,David Rockefeller, Coutts,Bank of America, Fed, Goldman Sachs….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Buy the Paperback book from Amazon –

Small parts of Clairvoyant predictions :

Nicos Anastasiades (Greek Cypriot Politician – President of Cyprus) – Cyprus surrounded and a closed zone, turks, EU, russians and their new sound weapon – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 13, 2017 –  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – January 12,2017. Time – after the photo.

…….I see and hear explosions on energy field, which is guarded from South of the Greek Cyprus – there is a reversal of the magnetic needle like in an earthquake.

Now, I already see …..

(See Media Confirmation 1)

Antonio Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations) – The Greek Cyprus – A new Syria with russians on the energy fields –  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 13, 2017 –  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – January 12,2017. Time – after the photo

……What is interesting for mr. Guterres is the energy field beneath Cyprus and only that. He knows for the plan of the turks about the conquering of the Greek Cyprus. He is worried, that the choice may be given to Russia and she will win the energy field. He is worried that the Greek Cyprus may be the new Syria. He gave time until February 8, 2017 – to be determined who will exploit the energy field.From February 8th  to February 16th, 2017 – actions like announcements, and then organizing of internal unrests and problems with the health of Nicos Anastasiades – an attack. He is seeing it around February 22 until the first days of March 2017.

April 2017 – he thinks there may be a new fruitful meeting between the both Presidents of Cyprus…….

Lord William Waldegrave (Chairman of “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family -founded 1692) – Work, Finances, Bankruptcies, British Royal Family – business, funeral…. Brexit problems – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 16, 2017, 10 am –  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – July 26, 2016. Time – after the photo.

……..I see from the end of February and March 2017 – a common business with arab country. Bahrein, Kuwait, Qatar and part of the business is with Saudi Arabia – these are investments in the english business connected with oil. Expected investments in energy field in Cyprus – April 2017……

+ Hottest new prediction published

3.12.2015 г., 9:33 by dimitrinka staikova

Meeting of Ahmet Davutoglu (Turkish Prime Minister) with Mustafa Akinci (President of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria, Varna – 2.12.2015, 2pm.

Mustafa Akinci (President of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) – Now, he has sick throat, inflamed sinusia channels on left – eye, ear, throat – near the thyroid gland. The inflammation is with pain and is going on the right side – muscles, lungs – it affects the breathing and urinary tract. He has a non treated left kidney – it is not painful. The strong pain on the right side is caused by gasses and bacteria and affects the muscles, including the heart. On the back of the spine, the muscles on right, the waist and especially the right side of the pelvis are painful. This is flu that will pass, except – the disease on the left kidney.

The life of mr. Mustafa Akinci is a deal, making of reverence to a senior than him and money. His weak point – He wants a home like palace. His rise will be in the next two years. Then, he will be formally doing his job, but it will be sent someone else to which he will make reverences. His only goal is to hold the greek president of Cyprus on distance. He must not cause conflicts or to be involved in conflicts – Now – until the Spring of year 2016.

Since May 2016 are starting terrorist attacks in Cyprus – prepared by Turks. They will blast boats and small ships. I see as a geyser new energy source year 2016 in Cyprus – on South – It will explode between one already found deposit – on east by it and aside there will be new searching of oil.

Ahmet Davutoglu (PM of Turkey) – In that conversation he already talked about money and three energy sources. Attempts to be closed the zone. They talked about Cyprus as territory. Plans are started about the conquer of territory – The Greek Cyprus.

1.The first part is a small piece of land near the dividing line by the side of Greek Cyprus – money are givven – economic takeover, but the territory is closing. The second part is the conquering of the whole part of the Greek Cyprus :

• First, a town near water.

• Near the town on Northwest, I see big vessel from which are invading turks and the island – surrounded by vessels. The turks from Cyprus are invading only in the northern part of the Greek Cyprus sideways of the town near the turkish vessel.

• December 2015 – Only Energy – Ahmet Davutoglu is interested only by oil and natural gas.

• January 2016 – A month of roads, conversation with the European Union about money and the War in Syria.

• February 2016 – Contracts – Problems,war – Everything falls appart.

• March 2016 is decisive and hard month for Turkey. A war on two borders. Attacks…Terrorism…Murder…of notable turkish politician.

Media Confirmations –

1.Light mag. 4.4 earthquake – Cyprus Region on Saturday, 18 March 2017 – 24 hours ago

2.Cyprus cabinet approves Eni, Total, Exxon offshore oil and gas block deals

Exploring the Mediterranean’s Levant Basin has become more attractive since Eni discovered Egypt’s offshore Zohr field in 2015, the biggest gas field in the Mediterranean and estimated to contain 850 billion cubic metres of gas.

Reuters  |  March 18, 2017, 08:13 IST

#DowJonesIndustrialAverage #NewYork2017 #soundweapon #MarcusbyGoldmanSachs #aprophecycomestrue #PresidentofCyprus #DirectorandFormerChair #health #higherinterestrates #TreasurySecretary #Chairman #politics #business #funeral #USA #JanetYellen #Iraq #Jews #governmentmoney #Year2017 #Unions #JensWeidmann #AndrewCuomo #Thepresentmoment #FinancialRevision #turks #NaturalCataclysms #india #TheplanJuncker #OrionNebula #StoyankaStaikova #MrBlankfein #JeanClaudeJuncker #Rockefeller #Greece #AntónioGuterres #FrancoisVilleroydeGalhau #Devaluation #israel #President #Murders #Asaleofshares #WhiteHousesNationalEconomicCouncil #Repairofnuclearplant #MrTrump #Cypruscabinet #inflation #NuclearPlants #Cypriotconcessions #DeutscheBank #Bankruptcies #InstitutefortheWorksofReligion #clairvoyant #Oman #WallStreet #pandemic #StateSupport #OccupyingWashington #offshoreoilandgasblockdeals #closedzone #biggestgasfield #China #Eni #FrancesTotal #clairvoyantpredictions #financing #divisionoftwonewcountries #Russians #goldentreasure #JeanBaptistedeFranssu #Problems #conqueringfromturksbylandandsea #lighterregulation #DimitrinkaStaikova #ReserveBankofIndia #NicosAnastasiades #SaudiArabia #thebank #bankofIndia #DonaldTrump #Aloan #BrianMoynihan #GovernorofNewYork #Trumptrade #UnsettledlegaldocumentsfromEU #aterritory #CouttsBank #LordWilliamWaldegrave #nuclearplant #terrorism #opendoorstoAfrica #bailouts #NewworldleaderNewflyingmachine #seniorpositionsonthepresidentelectsteam #GovernorofBankofFrance #Bosphorus #canada #theTempleofSolomon #ConstructionofanewHolyPlaceinSouthAmerica #Clairvoyants #underwater #Brexit #Work #FederalReserveofUSA #Coutts #ClimateChange #energyfields #merger #hedgefundmanager #RockefellerampCo #Neworder #QatarPetroleum #theBankoftheBritishRoyalFamily #Investments #Total #ClimateChangeonthecontinents #SouthAmerica #GoldmanslowerManhattanheadquarters #Exchangerateofthedollar #TheGreekCyprus #alientechnology #EgyptsoffshoreZohrfield #PresidentofNorthernCyprus #demonstrators #Bankingmergers #MustafaAcinci #AcoupinCyprus #savingsaccounts #thenorthernregions #AnewSyria #UK #PsychicpredictionstoDeutscheBank #Internalwar #lowertaxes #bankingconsortium #CentralBankofVatican #DomeofRock #GoldmanSachsheadquarters #EnergyMinisterGeorgiosLakkotrypis #Court #IvelinaStaikova #NobleEnergy #BankofAmerica #StephenBannon #CentralBankofIsrael #EU #EuropeanCommissionPresident #GoldmanSachs #UrjitRavindraPatel #filmfinancier #victory #Participationinwars #KarnitFlug #Interbankwars #psychicpredictions #banks #Awarbetweenbanks #BritishRoyalFamily #BanquedeFrance #AntiTrumpProtestors #theVaticanBank #SecretaryGeneraloftheUnitedNations #thesecretofflightMH370 #France #gripofWallStreetonWashington #GoldmanSachsGroup #USNuclearRegulatoryCommission #davidrockefeller #sponsorship #theFutureoftheWorld #profits #StevenMnuchin #StephenGBurns #Finances #consortium #Fed #Europeanarmy #ItalysEni #IndianPointnuclearplant #GaryCohn #CyprusPeaceTalksinGeneva #investors #Turkey #financialcrisis #thedeathofthePopeHealth #Africa #HowthePopewilldie #DavidRockefellerJr #freemovementofpersonsinEU #LloydBlankfein #Exxon #DisruptJ20protestors #MediterraneansLevantBasin #Cyprus #Germany #impactinvesting #VISTATelescope #CapitolHill #ExxonMobil #negotiationswithEU #ChairmanandCEO #PartofIran #Governor #TheWellofSoulsinIsrael


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