Media Confirmation about New York August 2016 – Police, law + courts + jails. Important criminal will be convicted in an attempt to take his money – as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : 2016 World Predictions for USA – About Each State – Republicans or Democrats on US Election 2016 ? + Hottest News Predictions – Psychic News Part 2 Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova Publication Date: December 29, 2015

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This is only a part of the Clairvoyant/Psychic prediction : New York and State Governor Andrew Cuomo Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for USA 2016 – About Each State Of America – Who will win on US Election 2016 – Democrats or Republicans ? – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – 17.12.2015, 2pm. …….Three energy corridors and three energy companies – united – that will be interesting for the business – year 2016. The State of New York will be excited by the inflation, the melting (the running out) of money and the going to tightness in budget. The state will be interested by the weather, the natural cataclysms and the racial unrests. In the end of year 2015 – the society in the state is divided on two parts : Chosen by God and People. Only the money and the weather will be exciting for the people. Before the end of December 2015 – there is a strong cold snap. • In the beginning of January 2016 – will be felt an earthquake. Then is coming a moment of strong withdrawal of money, problems with the health. Something underground the State of New York – it’s like it is preparing to erupt – a crash is heard. The end of January and February 2016 is coming a new kind of airplane and the governing (ruling) people are greeting each other – it is like a delegation. Pending money – contracts are signed, which require money – the contract brings advantage, greatness – not money. • The end of February 2016 – Natural Gas Corridor – documents for the union of energy companies. February – problems with African- Americans – shootings, police (I don’t say law). • March 2016 – Problems with Drug Kingpins (I don’t say drugs), shootings, chasing (I don’t say arrests). March 2016 – There is a land in the state of New York, which will start to split and the crevice will be increasing because of landslides. There will be heavy rains and snow and problems with power plants. Part of the harvest will be damaged – I see a lot of Import of Fruits and Vegetables. • April 2016 – Shortly, there will be a financial meltdown. April – there will be a moment, when the state briefly will remain without a leader and governance (Because of the health condition of the State Governor). • May 2016 – The State is revived, it is like it wakes up, like the arrival of the Spring. There are many upcoming repairs of everything : homes,technics, roads. • June 2016 – the state is starting to earn money again – the finances normalizes, the bank interests too. • July 2016 – Attempts for riots. July and August 2016 – Police, law + courts + jails. Important criminal will be convicted in an attempt to take his money….. • September 2016 – ……….
Media Confirmation : 46 charged in Mafia racketeering conspiracy PUBLISHED: 11:35 AM, AUGUST 5, 2016 Vincent Thomas (centre) leaves federal court in New York, Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016. Declaring that the Mafia is not just the stuff of movie scripts, federal prosecutors charged nearly four dozen people with being part of an East Coast crime syndicate
Dozens of New York mobsters arrested by the FBI with names such as ‘Muscles’, ‘Tony the Cripple’, ‘Mustache Pat’ and ‘Tugboat’ 4 AUGUST 2016 • 11:17PM
#DavidIge #firearmstrafficking #FederalBureauofInvestigation #handguns #Businessoffer #FBIsNewYorkoffice #GovernorTomWolf #business #gamblingclub #Clintonscampaign #Iraq #Connecticut #mobassociates #Floridasenator #DepartmentofEnvironmentalConservation #Hillary #G20Summit #DannelMalloy #JohnHickenlooper #HudsonRiver #formerSecretaryofState #AndrewCuomo #ChelseaClinton #JohnKasich #California #operatingillegalgamblingbusinesses #MrEugeneONofrio #2016run #Genovesecapo #JeanClaudeJuncker #Hawaii #organizedcrime #businesscareer #Antalya #Hillary2016 #TrumpPence16 #Iowacaucuses #Entergy #BarackObama #ButchOtter #DNC #UsElections2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #LincolnChafee #israel #JosephBiden #BillHaslam #Trump2016 #2016WorldPredictions #Coughing #Trumptrain #Delaware #MamdouhelDamaty #tyranny #groundwater #houseshaking #NYPDnews #realdonaldtrump #Eastcoastmobbust #MrPasqualeParrello #Arkansas #gamblingparaphernalia #LittleItalyneighborhood #MarcoRubio #immigrants #GovAndrewCuomo #GovernorMittRomney #JoeBiden #clairvoyant #NewYorksorganisedcrime #Alaska #FeelTheBern #Bernie #makingextortionateextensionsofcredit #boss #racketeeringconspiracy #Election2016 #DNCChairwomanDebbieWassermanSchultz #creditcardskimming #mafiamembers #DemocraticnominationforUSpresident #ChrisChristie #EuropeanCountries #GovernorScottWalker #hottestnewspredictions #murdercharge #JebBush #AsaHutchinson #JosephJoeyMerlino #2016Elections #PasqualePatsyParrello #BernieSanders #congenitalpredispositiontoformbloodclots #GreatBritain #NewYorkgangs #MrJosephMerlino #clairvoyantpredictions #Georgia #Radicalislam #Candidacy #Kremlinhardliners #Iran #USNews #extortion #betsonthehorses #Maine #creditcardfraud #cooperatingwitness #Mafiaboss #arrests #DemocraticNationalCommittee #earthquakelikevibrations #BobbyJindal #GregAbbott #LindseyGraham #DimitrinkaStaikova #ClintonCampaign #capo #PhiladelphiaOrganizedCrimeFamily #HouseMinorityLeaderNancyPelosi #federalindictment #ItalianMafia #DNCLeak #DonaldTrump #MikePence #JensStoltenberg #AhmetDavutoglu #Egypt #FBIagent #MrJohnJGotti #CarlyFiorina #awallontheMexicanborder #JayInslee #coughingfit #Democraticnominee #GOPcandidate #Hollywoodlegend #Democraticpoliticalorganizations #LucheseandBonannofamilies #GeorgeWBush #ForeignMinisterSergeiLavrov #ISIS #Genovese #Oxycodone #debtfreecollegeeducation #Campaign #GOPDemocrats #Democraticparty #Daesh #hackedemails #ArmourThyroid #GeorgePataki #EastCoast #KateBrown #Massachusetts #Alabama #Bosphorus #AyatollahAliKhamenei #BenCarson #DemConvention #DNCofficials #ArabLeague #DmitryPeskov #pokertournaments #NewYork #Media #GasExportingCountriesForumGECFSummit #fraud #BruceRauner #GovernorJohnBelEdwards #DNChacking #atlanticocean #formerPennsylvaniasenator #DonaldTrump #sourceoffunds #Gambino #ClimateChange #EastCoastLCNEnterprise #JackDalrymple #Demsinphilly #Indiana #Italianmafiafamilies #Democraticpresidentialnomination #NeverHillary #makeAmericagreatagain #Investments #Cybersecurityexperts #organizedcriminalenterprise #HouseofRepresentatives #NewYorkCity #DNCleak #criminalschemes #loansharking #suspicion #DNChack #Brussels #FrancoisHollande #DNCchairwoman #FutureofIslamicState #Kentucky #DougDucey #firstfemalepresidentialnomineeofamajorparty #arson #KremlinspokesmanDmitryPeskov #IndianPointnuclearfacility #LaCosaNostra #IndianPoint #lawenforcement #corporatebankruptcies #MattMead #Mobsters #alarminglevelsofradioactivity #BanKimoon #BernieSanders #annexationofUkrainesCrimearegion #Fresnelprisms #DemocraticpartypresidentialCandidates2016 #BrianFallon #dncinphl #KentuckySenRandPaul #Kremlinspokesman #defendants #undercoverspecialagent #JimWebb #Democrats #JerseyShore #HillaryClintonscamp #crookedHillary #IvelinaStaikova #Mob #ashotgun #Clinton #Istanbul #Genoveseorganisation #Illinois #HillaryClinton #StopHillarycampaign #ISISOilTrade #DennisDaugaard #MayorMurielBowser #MartinOMalley #Breaking #JayNixon #families #kremlin #sportsgamblingbusinesses #federalofficials #healthcarefraud #Amityville #NewJersey #LCNcrimefamiles #EUMigrantCrisis #Daesh2016 #DemocraticNationalConventioninPhiladelphia #contractors #desiccatedpigglands #grandjuryindictment #DonnaBrazile #worldnews #JackMarkell #HillaryClinton #governorChrisChristie #France #DEMOCRATICNATIONALCONVENTION #GaryHerbert #LongIsland #awomannominatedforpresident #EarlRayTomblin #BrianSandoval #Disasters #Genoveseorganizedcrimefamily #Bonanno #immigrationreform #Kansas #racketeering #Election2016 #MikeHuckabee #soldiers #Sicilianroots #Trump #MiddleEast #MaryFallin #NYCcrimefamilies #Maryland #JerryBrown #IndianPointnuclearplant #Iowa #sellinguntaxedcigarettes #CongressonBenghazi #F35Cfighterjet #campaignfinancereform #Prosecutors #MarkDayton #JointBaseMcGuireDixLakehurst #Blurredvision #awomanforpresident #HandcuffHillary #earthquake #LarryHogan #Arizona #Coumadin #NYPD #Louisiana #assault #JihadinEurope #FORSALE #NewYorkCityarea #BerneSanders #FBI #buildingsshook #mobs #Gopdebates #contaminant #Iraw #Cleveland #acidreflux #Colorado #Michigan #Government #GOP #formerPresidentBillClinton #florida #Cuomo #Philadelphiamob #EveryState #Idaho #CharlieBaker #illegalgambling #Democraticprimary #BillWalker #Governor #MaggieHassan #hackingtheUSDemocraticNationalCommittee #DistrictofColumbia #NewYorkCitymobs #Luchese #GiacomoDeposit #GinaRaimondo