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Media Confirmation about Najib Razak, #MH370 and the construction of a Spaceplane for Saudi Arabia M

Media Confirmation about Najib Razak, #MH370 and the construction of a Spaceplane for Saudi Arabia March 14,2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book – Publication Date: February 26, 2016

2016 – The wars -Syria, Turkey, Lybia, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq…Leaders, Zika Virus, Brexit, Battle for oil , gas and control Between two fires – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions -Published on February 26,2016

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Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir – Money by USA, Problems with Great Britain, Buying of the Experiment MH370, Common enterprises, New offshore bank + assault – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – 17.04.2016,9am

Saudi Arabia does not win by the the time – it is against it. The uniting and the political negotiations brings only a way down. 60% of the time has passed. The other 40% are closed and in the reverse direction. The money and the profits for now are closed. Until the number 3 weeks they will be closed. Then are beginning to come more money, but the line of the profits is going downwards, not upwards. Part of the profit is invested in a place that is shore – on a water. Three companies – expecting the fourth one are making a consortium. Two of the companies are state-owned companies – connected with the law and two of the companies are like a siamese twins. United under the sign of the crescent, they are all also under the sign of the war. Saudi Arabia prepares for a large-scale world war in the four directions of the world, on air, underground and in the seas and oceans. Everywhere it is starting victoriously. The movement is from West to East. Only the question with the money will slow down the mission. In general, it will be solved only partially in tranches, but on large sums. Adel al-Jubeir sees an airplane falling -Flight MH370. He has made a negotiation for the laboratory that has made the secret researches and experiments – Saudi Arabia gave money to learn the truth about MH370 – about the energy, the electricity – the end of the flight. He has payed for the truth that starts from Malaysia and ends in China. What else is seen by the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubeir ? – The first in the world are already 5. One has come from the dark (from the ground). It is starting the rise of Saudi Arabia. On this stage, the investing of money in a space machines (space apparatuses) will not bring secure earnings. On this stage the money and their reception – the profits will come difficult – with a lot of nerves. • April 2016 – Two lawsuits (court trials) in USA, problems with banks in Great Britain. The problems in Great Britain will be solved fast. There is created a new bank in a neutral country – surrounded by water – island country. It collects fast new members and money and becomes a big offshore zone – mainly with money by Saudi Arabia. The money for the Malaysian Premier Najib Razak are invested, because they need the documents by the Experiment MH370 for the Saudi Arabian aircrafts. It is beginning the construction of new type of airplanes, that will be also a space ones (aerospace). • May 2016 – There are problems with a woman by the Saudi Royal Family – problems with her genitals (reproductive organs) – as a difficult excretion (ejection). May 2016 – They receive money by USA + military equipment, I see also tanks. • May and June 2016 – In the business there is connection with Japan – a common company and common researches – fuel – engine – technics. New countries are included, where will produced technical parts by airplanes. • June 2016 – until the end is the most dangerous month for Adel al-Jubeir – I see him in blood. Only God decides if that month 2016 will be the last. I see blood in his head and the left side.

2016 – The wars -Syria, Turkey, Lybia, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq…Leaders, Zika Virus, Brexit, Battle for oil , gas and control: … two fires-Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions-Kindle Edition

by Dimitrinka Staikova (Author), Ivelina Staikova (Author),Stoyanka Staikova (Translator)


Media  Confirmation :

Ukraine Is Building a Spaceplane for…Saudi Arabia?

Actual test facilities and experimental hardware point to a spacecraft that’s much more fact than fiction.

Mar 14, 2018 – 


This mysterious spacecraft is much more than just a simple brainstorming exercise.At the time of writing, there was no official explanation connecting these pieces of the puzzle, but sources told Popular Mechanics the unusual “space plane” is actually a partially reusable satellite launcher being developed at Ukraine’s KB Yuzhnoye and Saudi Arabia is covering the bill.

#ballisticmissiles #debtladenstatefund1MalaysiaDevelopmentBerhad #aerospaceprojects #Obamaadministration #satellitelauncher #NewZealandbasedElectronrocket #ramjetspaceplane #Iraq #TheNewYorkTimes #missingMalaysiaairplaneflightMH370 #USbackedSaudiledcoalition #AdelalJubeir #SpaceXsFalconrockets #GCCofficials #formerPrimeMinisterMahathirMohamad #Jubeir #antiradartechnology #PrimeMinisterDatukSeriNajibTunRazak #Ukrainianspacecompany #bulletshapeddesign #Grom2tacticalballisticmissile #Syria #rocketpropelledgrenadelaunchers #donation #SaudiArabiaForeignMinisterAdelalJubeir #psychic #satelliteconstellations #clairvoyant #Oman #machineguns #US #Gulf #Sovietspacelaunchers #MH370 #SecretaryofStateJohnKerry #attorneygeneralofMalaysia #Tehran #politicaldonation #aerospace #missingflightMH370o #China #SaudiArabianForeignMinister #AlJubeirsconfirmation #testfacilities #USFoodforPeaceProgram #spacecraft #1MDB #DimitrinkaStaikova #SaudiArabia #ramjetengine #flightmh370 #donationfromtheSaudiroyalfamily #formerSovietUnion #militaryships #OmanForeignMinisterYusufbinAlawi #iran #nuclearagreement #Ukraine #heatresistantmaterials #KualaLumpur #MinisterialmeetingsinManama #thesummitOrganisationofIslamicCooperation #Yemen #Bahrain #BahrainForeignMinisterKhalidbinAhmedAlKhalifa #fundsadvisoryboard #Saudiroyalfamily #Ukrainianspaceindustry #SaudiUkrainianproject #Spaceplane #1MDBsadvisoryboard #spacevehicle #PrimeMinisterNajibRazak #USAntaresrocket #genuinedonation #Ukrainiantestfacilities #AK47rifles #IvelinaStaikova #Istanbul #RussiassteadfastSoyuzrockets #aerodynamics #Malaysianparliamentarycommittee #proxyfighters #Ukraineshypersonicaircraftbasedsystem #foreignpolicy #Ukrainianrocketmakers #Houthirebels #KBYuzhnoye #experimentalhardwarepoint #EuropeanVegalauncher #MahathirMohamad #psychicpredictions #weaponsshipments #Qaryatain #missingMalaysiaairplane #Regionalconflict #internetaccess #developmentprojects #Malaysianpremier #UkrainesKBYuzhnoye #militaryradar #MiddleEast #trainingterrorists #KingAbdulazizforScienceandTechnology #mysteriousspacecraft #advisoryboard #antiaircraftmissile #Malaysia #royalfamilyinSaudiArabia #IndiasPSLVsmalllauncher #thesummitoftheOrganisationofIslamicCooperationinIstanbul #Switzerland #SmallSatellites #USSecretaryofStateJohnKerry #propulsion #KualaLumpurChina #IslamicStategroup #rocketandspacedevelopmentcompany #investmentinMalaysia #Saudibasedcenter #spaceindustry #corruptionallegations #Iranianmissiles #Gulfleaders #GulfCooperationCouncilGCC #Bahraini #genuine681MdonationtoMalaysianPM #UNSecurityCouncilresolution #financingandsupportingproxies #Earthssurface


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