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Media Confirmation about: NAFTA deal reached  and Russia delivers new missile defense system to Syri

Media Confirmation about: NAFTA deal reached  and Russia delivers new missile defense system to Syria, despite US warnings as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her new Ebook and Paperback book :

New Ebook :

Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank ofItaly, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published : September 18, 2018

Ebook with more than 100 pages with Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about Banks, Money, Finances, Politics and more World Predictions for year 2018 and 2019.

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UN Special Envoy for Syria – Staffan del Mistura – Hottest News Predictions about Idlib Syria – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions September 15, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,  Varna. 

Photo : September  11, 2018, Time – after the photo. 

Stafan del Mistura’s health: For the first time I see a human energy  moving so well in the spine – it is remarkable.  September  11 and 12, 2018 – he has a pain in the pancreas, the bile,  a pain down low  in the  stomach,  the urinary tract,  the right knee, pain in the thyroid gland, pain in the nose : the channels at right under the eye and at left above the teeth.  There is an imbalance caused by ill thyroid gland at left – surgical treatment. He will treat the left eye,  kidneys,  stress hormone – the left side, the liver and the bile, the urinary tract and prostate  – there is an upcoming surgery.  I see now a weak blood irrigation  at the right  side – the muscles  – a hand + a lung. He will have problems with the breathing,  the left pelvic region and the prostate.

I see a conversation about five countries involved in a war – they are like into a circle  – surrounding a group of people. For the people there is still a way out from the war, which is located  at North. Now, there is a conversation and a wish for negotiations  for another road facing South. The interesting thing this time is that in the western side are the Russians,  at the eastern side are the Americans and the Russians are thinking this territory for their own. I see a shuffling and conquering again of this land by Russians  and the movement of these U.S. troops  up to the circle.  The road to  South is crossed out  – closed. The U.S. troops retreat to Northwest. An invasion is expected to North of Russian soldiers and slow cleaning of the Syrian territory by terrorists.  The direction is strictly at North and second beam strictly  – Northeast. They are seeing an object  – a town valuable to Russians and Iranians. I see the Iranian soldiers to attack in sync with the Russian soldiers.

Between the two attacking armies (Russians and Iranians) I see an energy center where in the moment there are Jews. This center is separated on two parts. The one part is remaining Russian and the other part with Jews in it – is attacking the camp of the Iranian army- (Media Confirmation 1).A help is coming by the Russian army, they are conquering this center again and restoring the command of the Iranians in this part. And so, five leaders are commanding in the region: the first one is Russia, the second is a big bank with a statute of a country,  the third,  fourth and fifth are Muslim leaders. September 2018 – Now, the conversations are only wishful. After two days of proposals are going to political leaders who will only laugh. After September 13, 2018 – there are new proposals  – an offensive is expected.  For now, the dates are September 16 – the night  and  September 18 – show actions. – (Media Confirmation 1).Around September 20, 2018 until the end of the month I see a movement of troops and battles.  By the Turkish side are trying to make a funnel as a triangle  with the wide part in Syria. The walls will be narrow  and  that will slowly become the path of retreat. The Turkish invasion will be stopped- (Media Confirmation 2).  The European  Union will try to give money, but without a result. The Russians will insert a  new type of weapon,  which after the conquering of a  certain territory – it will protect that territory,  it will be not possible the entering or the leaving of that territory  – it is like a  dead zone with a lot of tension  – electrical and sound tension. – Media Confirmation 

The West  will retreat with a sigh. Trump will be stressed about his armies in the Mediterranean sea. The end of September 2018 and the beginning of October 2018 – there will be a short collision on the borders of Syria between Americans and the Russians. The prudence prevails at the Americans  – they will withdraw and lead negotiations. But while their attention is in Syria and Mediterranean sea,  begins the real battle  : NAFTA  and Nord Stream…(Media Confirmation).

Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova.

Order your Ebook today, pay with PayPal and You will receive the PDF file in the next 24 hours with Email delivery.

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Media Confirmation:

  1. NAFTA deal reached: Canada, U.S., Mexico reach trade agreement under new name – September 30, 2018

After more than a year of negotiating a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canada, the U.S. and Mexico have finally inked a trade deal.
  1. October 02, 2018 – 04:54 PM EDT

Russia delivers new missile defense system to Syria, despite US warnings


#MiddleEuphratesRiverValley #SyrianObservatoryforHumanRightsmonitoringgroup #USPresidentDonaldTrump #SecretaryofStateMikePompeosnewenvoyforSyriaengagement #AsSusah #Golanheights #NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement #DeirEzzor #VladimirPutin #reconnaissanceplane #Jordan #NationalsecurityadviserJohnBoltonwarned #TahrirAlSham #Turkeybackedfighters #ChrystiaFreeland #MarineGenJosephDunford #IlyushinIl20M90924 #Washington #Israelsarmedforces #hostilities #Israelifighterjet #Lavrov #tradeagreement #Russianmilitaryaircraft #Syrianantiaircraftbatteries #SDFfighters #Russia #Tehran #JimJeffrey #surveillanceplane #Iranianfighters #Syrianopposition #ISbastion #humanitariancorridors #IsraeliF16 #Mexico #RussiabackedSyrianmilitaryoperation #proAssadforces #caliphate #offensive #SyriasIdlib #Russianmilitaryspokesman #SyrianDemocraticForces #TahrirAlShamalliance #SaudiArabia #trade #IgorKonashenkov #SyriaIraqborder #SergeiShoigu #Egypt #ForeignMinisterMevlütÇavuşoğlu #Israelipilots #canadanafta #iran #ceasefirezones #BenjaminNetanyahu #UNspecialenvoyforSyria #PresidentTayyipErdogan #Russiasdefenceminister #airstrikes #Daesh #theeastbankoftheEuphratesRiver #ppositionheldIdlib #SyrianPresidentBasharalAssad #RussianDefenceMinistry #canada #Idlib #CanadianPrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #missiledefensesystem #Ankara #UnitedStatesMexicoCanadaAgreementUSMCA #NAFTA2018 #Assad #chemicalweapons #ceasefireinIdlib #UNSyriaenvoyStaffandeMistura #jihadists #moscow #Russiabackedregimeforces #Brussels #S200rocket #RussianForeignMinisterSergeiLavrov #Idlibprovince #NAFTA #USCongress #MexicanPresidentEnriquePenaNieto #demilitarizedzone #Assadregime #Syrianwar #LatakiaProvince #Russianministry #MexicanpresidentAndresManuelLopezObrador #kremlin #Syriadiplomaticteam #airandgroundattack #militarydefeats #Assadscoalition #SecretaryofStateMikePompeosaidlastweek #specialenvoyforSyriaJoelRayburn #US #Hezbollah #France #USbackedSDF #TheSyrianregime #Russianmilitaryplane #Syrianforces #Hmeimimairbase #Latakia #wreckage #thechairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaff #oppositionbastion #humanitariancatastrophe #PresidentDonaldTrump #Syriasbeleagueredrebels #Turkey #theUnitedKingdom #extremists #Syrianmissiles #coveragainstmissiles #Damascus #latestNAFTAnews #StaffandeMistura #JaishAlEzzainsurgentgroup #rebelfighters #terroristorganizations #IsraeliPrimeMinister #Syrianantiaircraftdefences #Russianbackedoffensive #Germany #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #civilians #Syriancrisis #Israelsambassador #chlorinegas #Hamaregion #chemicalattack


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