Media Confirmation about Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano suffers largest eruption in years – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her New Ebook and Paperback book published March 5, 2019 :
The rich also cry – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : Meghan Markle,Jacques de Molay ,David Pecker ,George Soros,Mike Pence, Vladimir Putin, Corpus Hermeticum, Brexit donors , India – Pakistan, Hatton Garden jewellery heist , Chinese Vice-Premier, Iran’s Aerospace…
By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Published : March 5, 2019
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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
George Soros ( Investor , Open Society foundations ) – The Future of the world and USA – year 2019 through the eyes of George Soros. In which moment there will be problems , a threat for his life. The Future , Climate changes , War footing , Invasion , Nuclear Threats , A successor…. – When ? Collision of World Powers – When ? – Clairvoyant / Psychic Predictions February 15 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna
photo : January 24 , 2019 Time – after the photo
…….March 2019 – problems are beginning in Iraq – attempts of Russians to be pushed away American armies and business. For a moment in the sky there will be a fire between Russia and USA. I see a preparation for a kickback , close to Japan are staying many ships from the US Navy as a wall ( barrier ). From April 16 – 23 , year 2019 – there will be temporary lull and truce. Then follows an attack of Turkey against USA – military actions. – Eruption of a new volcano near USA (Media Confirmation) ;
May 2019 -…..
Media Confirmation :
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano suffers largest eruption in years (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
Published time: 19 Mar, 2019 04:28
Mexico’s active Popocatepetl volcano has exploded late Monday evening, sending ash and debris high into the air and several kilometers away from the crater.
The 9:38 pm explosion of the active crater sent a 1.2km-high column of ash and fragments into the air, the country’s civil protection said, releasing footage of the blast.
#BusinessinUSA #athreatforhislife #health #CEO #AmirAliHajizadeh #secret #read #Chairman #indiandeposit #business #USA #Golanheights #ChineseVicePremierLiuHe #PsychicreadingGeorge #PresidentofNigeria #babies #invasion #February #VladimirPutin #delay #ClairvoyantHouse #conquest #How #husbandFrancoisHenriPinault #founder #radiation #powerovertheworld #London #HattonGardenjewelleryheist #tradetalks #StoyankaStaikova #NationalEnquirer #HowUSA #now #Newreligion #activecrater #ÚLTIMAHORA #BrigadierGeneral #DavidPecker #PeterHargreaves #ImranKhan #President #energydeposit #collision #SalmaHayek #Meghan #Predictions #Militaryweapons #war #successor #clairvoyant #Pregnancy #GrandMaster #IndiasDefenceMinister #book #TheIrishborder #Varna #PrimeMinisterofPakistan #Puebla #WaragainstIsrael #Chinesebanks #China #Ministryofdefense #CrispinOdey #WarwithChina #clairvoyantpredictions #KnightsTemplar #Mexico #life #Iran #Psychicpredictionbuy #Problems #pakistan #Onelove #OpenSocietyFoundations #AmericanMedia #DimitrinkaStaikova #NuclearThreats #U20 #changes #Seizureofterritories #MikePence #Europe #guvnorBrianReader #MexicoCity #career #yellowalertwarning #ElectionsinIran #clairvoyantreading #PresidentialelectioninNigeria #Kering #TheSpace #militaries #Sun #ebook #daughters #actress #DimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughters #Where #ProfessorMahmoodYakubu #Attacks #water #VicepresidentoftheUnitedStates #share #Hermetica #INECChairman #Climatechanges #OperationalPlan #explosion #WorldPowers #ClimateChange #explosions #seahumanrace #hedgefundmanager #eruption #NirmalaSitharaman #newbeginningoflife #unitingofIreland #Spaceinvasion #Popocatepetlvolcano #stoppingofthewar #Theworld #psychicreading #Soros #Star #ThetreasuresoftheKnightsTemplar #theroyalfamily #Postponement #GroupeArtémis #IvelinaStaikova #diamonds #money #lostfleet #Russiansecretbusiness #subordinated #details #abomb #evacuation #ISSship #CorpusHermeticum #uniting #submarine #Bulgaria #GeorgeSoros #MeghanMarkle #Warfooting #Fourstones #MuhammaduBuhari #profitbywar #volcano #nigeria #Brexitdonor #Thefuture #Authors #HargreavesLansdown #ExplosiónPopocatépetl #Airhammers #StoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #Trump #Spacetechnologies #tradewar #House #Publisher #Future #bankruptcy #Signs #territories #AdolfHitler #BlackSea #investor #ClairvoyantPsychic #Allies #PresidentofUSA #Onelife #billionaire #year2019 #emergencies #Popocatepetl #Agreement #when #Alchemy #IransAerospaceCommander #JacquesdeMolay #Creation #PresidentofRussia #DuchessofSussex #Chinesetechnologies #contagion #cities