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Media Confirmation about Libya :  3 dead in attack on foreign ministry building in Tripoli December

Media Confirmation about Libya :  3 dead in attack on foreign ministry building in Tripoli December 25, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova November 14, 2018  in her Latest – CLAIRVOYANT /PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR SALE – Only in our Clairvoyant Shop :

Libya , the Libyan Elections and Candidates. Details about the Russian plans for Libya. And what will happen with the private army of Erik Prince in Afghanistan – and his company Blackwater USA – Academi ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 2018 to : Khalifa Haftar, Fayez al-Sarraj, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi , Jean-Yves Ollivier , Yevgeny Prigozhin , Russian General Valery Gerasimov and Sergey Shoygu (Minister of Defense of Russia)…. by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Published : November 14, 2018

©Copyrights 2018 Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

+ In addition to the Ebook  : A Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions about

9. DEPUTY GRU Chief Vice Adm. Igor Kostyukov – diseases – where is the cause ? A choice for the next GRU  Chief  – who will be? How the deceased Chief of  the Russian GRU General Colonel Igor Korobov got sick ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic  predictions  about  year 2019 for the health and the job of Igor Kostyukov  – November  22, 2018, 11 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo: November 2, 2018. Time – after the  photo. 

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Only a small part of clairvoyant/psychic predictions about :

Fayez al-Sarraj (Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and prime minister of the Government of National Accord (GNA) of Libya ) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 12, 2018 , 10 am.- by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

.….After 2-3 days he will be efficient again with a strong and angry spirit. Angry – because of an attack on his territory….

….December 2018 – his territory is strengthened as for a defense….


Media Confirmation  :

Libya: 3 dead in attack on foreign ministry building in Tripoli – December 25, 2018

Three Libyans among the dead as suicide attackers target building in the capital with gunfire and explosives.

#ThePentagon #Tripoligovernment #OPEC #reconciliationconference #Russiantrollfarm #GhassanSalame #theTaliban #politics #ErikPrince #Gerasimov #AustriasOMV #Tobrukadministration #privatesecuritycontractorWagner #PresidentialCouncil #Shararaoilfield #navalbase #Sicily #AguilaSalehIssa #Shoigu #LNA #TheUnitedArabEmirates #Zueitina #HouseArmedServicesCommitteestaffer #LibyanPresidentialCouncil #Libyanborders #Haftar #theAfghangovernment #TotalofFrance #Russiantroops #Washington #HeadoftheUNMissiontoLibya #UNSMIL #NouriAbusahmain #GovernmentofNationalAccord #Libyanfield #Prigozhin #Libyanofficial #HaftarsLibyanNationalArmy #FieldMarshallKhalifaHaftar #theHouseIntelligenceCommittee #UN #Medvedev #MohammadalDarrat #legalauthority #ForeignMinisterMohamedSayalah #theRussianarmy #SkhiratAgreement #CIA #Frenchentrepreneur #LibyanNationalArmyheadKhalifaHifter #Libyan #Akakus #KhalifaHaftar #SaifQaddafi #theHouseofRepresentativesHOR #YevgenyPrigozhin #politicalprogrammeforLibya #LibyanState #Russianmilitaryofficers #PrimeMinisterFayezalSerraj #Haftarsoffice #ErikDPrince #Russia #MoamerKadhafi #Benghazi #Libyans #privatesecurityforces #SaifalIslam #USmilitaryintervention #AliZidan #AlJamaaAlIslamiyya #AlAsala #Afghans #Libyancrisis #NationalForcesAlliance #PMSC #Putinschef #NATO #PrimeMinisterofLibya #LibyanIslamicFightingGroupLIFG #EgyptianPresidentAbdelFattahalSisi #Libyasinternationallyrecognisedparliament #Libyaelection #Gaddafisson #EsSider #KhalifaHifter #ContactIntelligenceTeam #theLibyancrisis #Libyangeneralelection2018 #ShoiguandHaftar #GaddafissonSaif #FayezalSarraj #RussianDefenseMinisterSergeiShoigu #DonaldTrump #HNEC #electoralcommission #oilindustry #SergeiShoigu #PresidentialElections #chiefofstaffofRussiasarmedforces #Egypt #politicalreformprogram #Libyancivilwar #Lobbyist #Islamistmilitants #RussianPrimeMinisterDmitryMedvedev #Cyrenaica #Hariga #Libya #JabhatAlIslah #oilrevenues #NOCsheadquartersinTripoli #terrorism #LibyaElection #SaifalIslamGaddafi #LibyanNationalConference #theLibyanconflict #UAE #LibyanIslamicMovementforChangeLIMC #Russianelite #OperationDignity #HighCouncilofState #SalehAfihima #theLibyanarmy #Zawiyarefinery #Libyasoilreserves #GhassanSalame #LibyaElection2018 #defenseministry #privatizationofwarinAfghanistan #AlBayda #Libyanelections #mercenaries #RussianDefenseMinistry #LIBYANELECTIONS2018 #LNAcommander #BlackwaterfounderErikPrince #BrazzavilleFoundation #KhalidalGhuwail #Gaddafisregime #LeDrian #Libyanreconciliation #LibyasformerambassadortotheUnitedArabEmirates #Libyansociety #ValeryGerasimov #Muammar #technicalability #Salafi #LibyaDeservesBetter #ArifAliNayed #NOCchairmanMustafaSanalla #EuropeanCouncilPresidentDonaldTusk #pressconference #HouseofRepresentatives #RasLanuf #Libyanpoliticalagreement #PostQaddafiLibya #diplomaticbreakthroughs #moscow #USpresident #GenValeryGerasimov #POTUS #Zawiyaport #parliamentaryelections #Libyansecurity #thegovernoroftheLibyancentralbank #JeanYvesOllivier #Sanalla #Libyandiplomacy #AlRahma #theAfricanUnion #theMiddleEast #Libyanpublicfigure #MuslimBrotherhood #ThechairmanoftheNOC #Warshefanaregion #privatemilitaryandsecuritycompanies #Barqa #UnitedNationsmission #Sarraj #presidentoftheHoR #Bayda #AymanBoras #parliamentaryandpresidentialelections #NationalArmyCommander #easternLibya #AliZeidan #paralleldiplomacy #Qaddafisson #UNroadmap #HaftarandSerraj #Diner #UNLibyaenvoyGhassanSalame #Libyandinars #Gaddafi #Tripoli #Libyaspresidentialelections #AlWatan #SpainsRepsol #Tobruk #oilfacilities #CentralBankofLibyainTripoli #foreignpolicy #Breaking #kremlin #NationalOilCorp #UStroops #oilproduction #DepartmentofDefense #SaddekElkaber #jihad #Libyamilitarymeeting #GNA #militarycontractor #EastLibyangeneral #SunniMuslimregimes #Zeidan #internationalconferenceonLibya #Libyaswar #westernLibya #AbdullahalThani #Libyastateoilcompany #Zeidanscabinet #nationaloilcorporation #MustafaSanalla #HisbUttahrir #Palermo #KhalidalMishri #Russiasmilitary #Russianweapons #France #warinAfghanistan #oilports #LibyanNationalArmy #NOC #Madkhalibrigades #Salafiparties #electoralprogram #Libyaoil #BenghaziDefenseBrigades #Misrata #Libyanrivals #TheGaddafiregime #Libyanpresidentin2018elections #MiddleEast #GeneralNationalCongress #LibyaConference #MuammarGaddafi #AguilaSaleh #oilandgasinterestsinLibya #crudeoil #GeneralKhalifaHaftar #عليزيدان #Russiandiplomats #Libia #Africa #LibyanArabJamahiriya #CIAofficers #Candidate #ForLibyaWithLibya #afghanistan #Libyancitizen #Gaddafistas #Salamè #privatecontractor #LibyanMuslimBrotherhoodsJusticeandConstructionPartyJCP #NOCcontrol #SaifalIslamslawyer #LibyaCrisis #AlUmmaAlWasat #LibyanPresidentialElection #Haftarscommand #AfghanWar #StatoilofNorway #amemberoftheTobrukbasedLibyanHouseofRepresentativesHoR #jihadis #CapitolHill #headofthegeneralstaffoftheRussianarmy #Government #Russiandefenseminister #dinars #FrenchforeignministerJeanYvesLeDrian #topRussianmilitaryofficials


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