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Media Confirmation about lauching of new particle accelerator in CERN – predicted by Clairvoyant Dim

Media Confirmation about lauching of new particle accelerator in CERN – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – “May 2017 – Suppression (hiding) of a bad start and injection of particles and their spirally movement. A machine is plugged in – that ball, which is on the head of one of the leaders, and there is watching in another world, like on a tv screen….” – in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Hidden Truth -World Predictions 2017 : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany and the planet Earth – Climate Change – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : McDermott’s Castle, Benjamin Netanyahu,  King of Thailand, The Stone of Destiny, President of Taiwan, CERN Director-General, The Stone of Scone, Bosnia Giant Sphere,  the killer of the Russian ambassador, General Auditor of NATO ….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

2016 © Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published December 30, 2016

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

The Ebook is avaible only from the authors :

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Part of Clairvoyant reading about :

Fabiola Gianotti (Director-General of CERN) – The rise of CERN, Travel for a golden key, New energy, The hand of God, New discoveries, Terrorism in CERN, Discoveries about : tracing, reversal of land, with military applications. After September 2017 – I see a big destruction of the human race – Clairvoyant reading /Psychic predictions December 10, 2016, 9am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – November 21, 2016. Time – after the photo.

………..Fabiola Gianotti ‘s Health : On November 21 and 22, 2016 – I see pains in the right eye, the head (above the eyes), throat, right pelvis, spine and kidneys. There is an old hitting on the back of the head at left, I see a bruise in the kidneys – they have weak blood irrigation and fat above them (extra fat). The spine is curved from the neck to the bottom – it makes a morbid and painful connection with the right pelvis. I see the left pelvis enlarged and with unusal shape. The left leg, from the top to the bottom is like numb. I see an old trauma in the left knee. The left hand also doesn’t have good blood irrigation. The liver has smaller shape. There is a bacterial infection in the gall, that causes gases and swelling of the stomach. From the left side – the large intestine reacts painfully. I see her with increased eye pressure, to wear glasses, and with already starting form of disease in the heart – the left side. The disease in the heart is hereditary – she will have two surgical operations there in the future (the one will be because of incompatibility). I see a sensitivity to metals (allergies).

I see gathered a big group of people – leaders – above them – double power. I see something to arrive from the Space and it has triplle power. The world in CERN is separated on three parts. There are three leaders – the first one is ordinary, with normal marks of human – slicked back hair, ordinary nose. The second one is connected with nerves, financing, with a smaller face – small and fat nose, fat lips. The third one has short hair – small and snub nose, oval chin and there is a ball above the forehead, captured with a wide strap on his head.

The ball is separated on four parts. The first one is smaller, begins at one o’clock clockwise and end at three o’clock – it represents an energy with three “X” ( something related with the male beginning). The second part begins from three to six o’clock (clockwise), the third one  is from six to nine o’clock. The fourth part  of the ball is bigger and it is related with beginning of energy as a hole (opening) and one part of it – is empty (from 9 to 10 o’clock). The device is about war, with military application – it throws, sends the collected energy. The first  leader – has the ability to call at himself because of money (attraction of money), the second leader is like a chief of team leaders. They keep everything documented. The third leader is observer of the movement, work, experiments.

The distribution of the world and the mastery of a certain technology is in the thoughts of Fabiola Gianotti . Until the first days of December 2016 – I see pains in the left leg, waist and throat at left. A travel connected with work in Israel. December 2016 is a month of traumas and fallings.

January 2017 – is a month of the rise of CERN and new discoveries – I see blue grains – from gaseous state to become in solid state , new energy, new Space researches, creation of a new space suit by a drawing of an ancient one. And researches and creation of a new food with red colour, crashed to powder and put in the common food for people – it gives strength and make the people sleeping for a certain longer period (about travel in Space).

Until the middle of February 2017 is made a recapitulation of the rise and discoveries of CERN.

March 2017 – I see a team of three people to travel in the unknown – the travel is long, but not on one place – like a time machine – it is abouta golden key.

April 2017 – is a water month and the experiments in CERN will have a short rest – problems with the technics (technology) after April 20 will be often. There will be an accident and official death of a person (I see him missing).

May 2017 – Suppression (hiding) of a bad start and injection of particles and their spirally movement. A machine is plugged in – that ball, which is on the head of one of the leaders, and there is watching in another world, like on a tv screen. After May 24, 2017 – CERN must expect an attack – I see explosions. The problem comes from an inside person.

It is discovered “the mantle” , which they will call – the “Hand of God” and it will have military application. It is prepared with machines (devices) put opposite one another, on distance and a third one, which sends the cloud of gases in a certain direction. If “the mantle” meets an open electricity and fire – there are explosions (like in CERN).

There is another weapon – a shooting with “a hook” . This is a touch by a shot of a machine – it is harmless and becomes like a mark (print) on the object (subject) and gives (sends ) information about him and around him.

After August and September 2017 – enters into force also a new weapon – roll-over (reversal ) of thick layers of earth.

June and July 2017 – I see a moment of split between countries and scientists. July 2017 – the people/the scientists in CERN are reduced.

Since the Autumn of year 2017 – I see the scientists to work underground (tests, experiments). I see a research of human gene – Giants (a woman).

After September 2017 – I see a big destruction of the human race………..


Media Confirmation :

Top lab CERN launches key new accelerator

AFP on May 10, 2017, 1:20 am

“The Geneva lab has long voiced hope that an enhanced LHC may help uncover new particles, possibly proving the existence of extra space-time dimensions….”


Hidden Truth -World Predictions 2017 : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany and the planet Earth – Climate Change – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : McDermott’s Castle, Benjamin Netanyahu,  King of Thailand, The Stone of Destiny, President of Taiwan, CERN Director-General, The Stone of Scone, Bosnia Giant Sphere,  the killer of the Russian ambassador, General Auditor of NATO ….

Published December 30, 2016

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

 The Ebook is avaible only from the authors :

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or Buy the Paperback book from Amazon – 

Table of Contents :

1. McDermott’s Castle (Castle Island – Lough Key, Ireland) – Clairvoyant/Psychic reading of the First King of Tuatha de Dannan (the druid of the silver arm) – Where was the repository for valuables ? What is left there? Time, History, Nephilims – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – November 28, 2016, 2pm.

2. Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime minister of Israel) – His meeting with Guatemalan president, A conquering war in Syria, Lebanon, Extrusion of palestinians in Egypt, Third World War… – Clairvoyant predictions/Psychic reading  December 01, 2016, 3pm

3. King Maha Vajiralongkorn (King of Thailand – the new king Rama X) – Year 2017 : A new commander in the stormy sea. This is the year when Thailand is loosing lands – Clairvoyant predictions/Psychic reading December 12, 2016, 9 am.

4. Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) atop the Hill of Tara – Archaeological complex in Ireland – Very Expensive Alien Generator for Electricity – Clairvoyant reading December 4, 2016, 3pm. 

5. Tsai Ing-wen (President of Taiwan – the Republic of China) – New investments in Taiwan, a lot of money, problems with the financial system – because hiding and keeping of money, health, development of top secret technology for sound and energy – Clairvoyant predictions/ Psychic reading December 5, 2016, 10 am.

6. Fabiola Gianotti (Director-General of CERN) – The rise of CERN, Travel for a golden key, New energy, The hand of God, New discoveries, Terrorism in CERN, Discoveries about : tracing, reversal of land, with military applications. After September 2017 – I see a big destruction of the human race – Clairvoyant reading /Psychic predictions December 10, 2016, 9am. 

7. The Stone of Scone (The Coronation Stone in England) – Energy, Power, Money and the most ancient Time Machine. Why Prince Charles can’t ascend to the throne of England ? Where is the stone ? Where exactly in Kremlin is the Stone of Scone ? What represents – from inside ? In the future – experiment with the Time Machine….The Time Machine copies the generator of Nikola Tesla in the Philadelphia Experiment – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions December 15, 2016, 10 am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

8. Klerksdorp Spheres (artifacts found in a mine in South Africa – the mysterious “spheres” of Ottosdal, South Africa) – Clairvoyant/Psychic reading December 20, 2016, 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

9. The Mysterious Giant Sphere in Bosnia – Clairvoyant/Psychic reading  December 20, 2016, 11 am. – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

10. Mevlut Mert Altintas ( The Killer of the Russian ambassador in Turkey – Andrey Karlov) – Is he dead? His plan for escape. For whom he works? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions December 22, 2016, 10 am. 

11. Yves Shandelon (General Auditor of NATO found dead) – A stealing of secret information – five more people will die after Yves Shandelon –  Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions December 23, 2016

12. The World Year 2017 – World Predictions 2017 (December 24, 2016) about : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany…. – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

13. The Planet Earth and the Climate Change – Cataclysms. The beginning – the end of the World and again the beginning. The new history – after the natural cataclysms – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions (December 24, 2016) –  By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

And more Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions…….

+ Hottest News Predictions – Psychic news December 2016 

#Syrianconflict #ThePlanetEarth #Finance #KingofThailand #business #hiddentruth #USA #valuables #Aleppo #Iraq #TuathadeDannan #GeneralAuditorofNATO #QueenElizabethII #GlobalPredictionsfor2017 #Year2017 #BlackLivesMatter #CastleIsland #AndreyKarlov #MiddleEasternPeace #PrincePhillip #Discoveriesabouttracing #repository #thedruidofthesilverarm #NaturalCataclysms #StoyankaStaikova #nephilims #Washington #Erdogan #DirectorGeneralofCERN #Lebanon #thenewkingRamaX #thethroneofEngland #Thebeginning #billionaires #israel #WorldWar3 #periodofmourning #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #ceasefiredeal #Syria #Davutoglu #Astealingofsecretinformation #hermajesty #TheEndoftheWorld #psychic #war #USIsraelirelations #clairvoyant #Thailand #UnitedNationsresolution #planetEarth #TheStoneofScone #MH370 #Russia #LiaFailStoneofDestiny #McDermottsCastle #IslamicState #PresidentBarackObama #topsecrettechnologyforsoundandenergyFabiolaGianotti #cataclysms #ManuelValls #WestminsterHall #clairvoyantpredictions #USIsraeliRelations #TheStoneofDestiny #UsElections2016 #CERN #Taiwan #energy #StoneofScone #NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganizationNATO #PresidentBasharAssadsregime #reversalofland #bigdestructionofthehumanrace #Guatemalanpresident #Travelforagoldenkey #NicosAnastasiades #presidentoftheUnitedStates #DonaldTrump #WorldPredictions2017 #newdiscoveries #Bilderberggroup #migrantcrisis #theRepublicofChina #Brexitvote #thirdworldwar #Serbia #Politicians #BenjaminNetanyahu #Ireland #Artifacts #Peace #terrorism #UnitedKingdom #thegeneratorofNikolaTesla #BRUSSELSATTACKS #PrinceCharles #History #princeWilliam #withmilitaryapplications #AconqueringwarinSyria #TheCoronationStoneinEngland #Ankara #SouthAfrica #ClimateChange #PrinceofWales #Macedonia #TsaiIngwen #PredictionsForTrump #ExtrusionofpalestiniansinEgypt #ancientTimeMachine #theClimateChange #Newenergy #AlienGeneratorforElectricity #ArchaeologicalcomplexinIreland #psychicreading #YvesShandelon #ThehandofGod #royalfamily #IvelinaStaikova #money #HillaryClinton #TerrorisminCERN #thekilleroftheRussianambassador #StephenHawking #Newinvestments #Palestinianterritory #kremlin #KingMahaVajiralongkorn #WorldPredictionsthatcametrue #psychicpredictions #BankofEngland #Power #banks #KlerksdorpSpheres #France #TheMysteriousGiantSphereinBosnia #PresidentofTaiwan #MevlutMertAltintas #thefutureofthemonarchy #RussianKremlin #time #themysteriousspheresofOttosdal #thePhiladelphiaExperiment #Confirmation #MiddleEast #ClairvoyantsDimitrinkaStaikova #TheWorldYear2017 #Future #CERNDirectorGeneral #militaryconfrontation #GeneralAuditorofNATOfounddead #BosniaGiantSphere #Turkey #TheKilleroftheRussianambassadorinTurkey #mineinSouthAfrica #LoughKey #theHillofTara #KingCharles #EuropeanUnion #Cyprus #Germany #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #TimeMachine #experiment


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