Media Confirmation about : Jordanian protesters with yellow vests and demonstrations across the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan December 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova January 4, 2018 in her Ebook and Paperback book Published January 27, 2018 :
Three Clairvoyants predicting to :
Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan…
Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Published January 27, 2018
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2018 © Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :
King Abdullah II of Jordan ( The King of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) – Mysteries, Religion, Energy field, an attempt for a coup – when? Exploitation of new energy fields (deposits), New territories in icy region, Meeting with the Pope, War – year 2018 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 4,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo : January, 2018. Time – after the photo.
…….October and November year 2018 – the family of king Abdullah will have the feeling of fear and they will hide in bunkers underground – there will be more fear from the air and from a direct attack….
Until the end of year 2018 is forthcoming another one travel to USA, Great Britain and France. And then, in the end of the year they are closing theirselves for a certain time – it’s like they are expecting something to hit the Earth and a Space invasion.
The life on the Earth will continue, but in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan already will be started a bloody war……
Media Confirmation :
1. Jordanian protesters don yellow vests as demonstrations spread Government accuses ‘opposition abroad’ of inciting unrest – December 13, 2018
Also on Wednesday evening, dozens of protesters in yellow vests used burning tyres to block the main road in the village of Taybeh, 100km north of Amman. The demonstrations marked the first time that the two-week-old youth protest movement spread outside Amman. The protests that began in late November were ostensibly triggered by the recent passage of an unpopular income-tax law and high unemployment. More protests were expected at the prime minister’s office on Thursday evening.
#KingAbdullah #TelAviv #health #politics #HassanRouhani #PresidentTrumpsenvoyforInternationalNegotiations #business #thesandsofSyria #USsanctionscase #politicalcrisisinIran #Iraq #TurkishbankerHakanAtilla #invasion #theTrumpadministration #VladimirPutin #Jordan #HashemiteKingdomofJordan #AldarKhalil #EuropeanUnioninvestments #NaturalCataclysms #elections #profitablebusiness #Athreat #SyrianElections #NewleaderofHezbollah #theKurdsIsrael #Lebanon #Greece #Jordaniangovernment #RecepTayyipErdogan #anattemptforacoup #IsraeliPalestinianpeace #israel #yellowvests #Iranyear2019 #ProblemswithRussia #Syria #Naturalcataclysm #thePresidentofIran #KingAbdullahIIofJordan #Predictions #protesters #population #war #energyfield #clairvoyant #election #Aconqueringwar #unemployment #newterritories #ablackmachine #Qatar #HassanNasrallahHezbollah #tribalists #Attacksoverthesea #united #autonomousrule #Religion #IsraelisandPalestinians #clairvoyantpredictions #new #PalestinianAuthorityPresidentMahmoudAbbas #Energycorridors #credits #icyregion #theleaderofQatar #NuclearPowerplant #northernSyria #Goal #Jerusalemannouncement #Problems #thenegotiationforpeace #theborderwithTurkey #SaudiArabia #Waryear2018 #feeding #DonaldTrump #internationalunion #MeetingwiththePope #HassanNasrallah #Exploitationofnewenergyfieldsdeposits #shootingsinSyria #TheEuropeanUnion #EnteringinBulgaria #Saudis #iran #Omens #Jordanianprotesters #KingAbdullahII #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #refugees #terrorism #ThehealthofDevletBahceli #AliKhamenei #inverseluck #Attacks #magic #AyatollahAliKhamenei #EmirTamimAlThaniQatar #Trials #DevletBahceli #Businesspartners #thecityofBourgas #TurkishNationalistMovementParty #ClairvoyantDimitrinkaStaikova #SouthAmerica #capitalinEastJerusalem #theInternationalMonetaryFund #battleswithTurkey #AlAqsamosque #MahmoudAbbas #Battles #theKurdishledplans #Verysuccessfulbusiness #MuslimBrotherhood #Preparation #theGreyWolvesorganization #HusamZomlot #nuclearbomb #Iraqyear2018 #Coalitions #theHashemiteKingdomofJordan #money #RefugeesfromandinIraq #ElectionsinLebanon #ConstructionofPowerPlants #Contaminateddrinkingwater #gasfields #promonarchist #details #AmericansandRussians #psychicpredictions #WarwithPalestine #BasharalAssad #Bulgaria #IsraeliPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #Jerusalem #Hezbollah #thegoldofQatar #yellowvestprotestmovement #Aqaba #Negotiations #TheterritoryoftheKurds #HaideralAbadi #separatedonparts #Kilis #ClairvoyantStoyankaStaikova #RelationshipswithRussia #Davos #Amman #EmirTamimbinHamadAlThani #MiddleEast #PresidentDonaldTrump #year2018 #PresidentHassanRouhani #thePLOAmbassadortotheUnitedStates #ClairvoyantIvelinaStaikova #investors #theKurdishState #Turkey #islamists #Africa #demonstrations #RecepErdogan #theArabSpring #year2019 #Temporarynewleaders #MiddleEasterneconomy #Anarchitect #KurdishmilitantsinSyria #Internationalcontracts #Interestingmeetings #palestine #Cyprus #ThemysteryoftheMillennium #TurkeysBorderWithSyria #Prominentassassinations #Palestinianleadership #Healthproblems #Newbusiness #mysteries #theWestBank #JasonGreenblatt #Iranyear2018 #theKnesset #JordanEngineersAssociation #Jordanian