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Media Confirmation about Iran’s floods, avalanches and dust storms – Bad weather conditions in Iran

Media Confirmation about Iran’s floods, avalanches and dust storms – Bad weather conditions in Iran predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Elections in Europe and the World year 2017 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about French Presidential Election, German Federal Election , Presidential Elections in Iran, Hong Kong Chief Executive election, Bashar al-Assad, Donald Trump Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – February 15, 2017 Buy the Ebook only from the authors :

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Small Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran and candidate on the Presidential Elections in Iran 2017) – Health, Elections, War, Money and gold, new territories… – Clairvoyant/Psychic reading February 5, 2017, 10 am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna. Photo – February 1, 2017. Time – after the photo. …….February 2017 after Febr. 10 – I see problems with Saudi Arabia and specifically Saudi Arabia will have problems with iranian intervention. In the end of February – there will be a financial support of Moscow (Putin). I see February 2017 a lack of medicines and ammunitions for weapons. The warriors will fight in a bad weather conditions. I see turbid rivers (abounding in water). The financing is divided on two parts, the smaller part is going for the population. I see that …… Media Confirmation : Areas in Iran in grip of inclement weather Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:4AM “….In Iran’s south, flooding has taken over entire neighborhoods in the city of Shiraz and eight counties belonging to Bushehr Province….”

Floodwaters are seen on the roads in the southern Iran city of Shiraz on February 18, 2017.

Fars News Agency cited the governor of Bushehr’s Dashtestan County as saying that flooding had claimed the life of a young female from a village there.

#2017ElectioninFrance #contracts #health #HassanRouhani #governorofBushehr #Prison #thewarinSyria #CemÖzdemir #EmmanuelMacron #disastermanagementauthorities #PresidentialElectionsinIran2017 #Year2017 #Enemies #elections #memberoftheBundestag #MartinSchulz #StoyankaStaikova #KurdistanProvince #votes #GilanProvince #AreasinIran #CandidateoftheGreens #EshaqJahangiri #Bundestag #EnMarcheCandidateforPresident #Rasht #Twohealthdiagnosis #terrorismandwar #snowdrifts #GermanFederalElection #Asmallarmy #oldjewishfamilies #IranianFirstVicePresidentEshaqJahangiri #MarineLePen #snowfall #cityofQazvin #HongKongChiefExecutiveelection #ElectionsinEurope #combinatorial #ChiefExecutiveelection2017 #war #Northeast #PsychicpredictionsaboutFrenchPresidentialElection #clairvoyant #election #HongKongChiefExecutiveElection2017 #Farsnewsagency #newterritories #Varna #intelligence #militarytechnologies #Tehran #hottestnewspredictions #FEBRUARY2017 #northerncityofRasht #IranianFirstVicePresident #PresidentoftheEuropeanparliament #Syriafutureelections #byClairvoyantHouse #strongandweakpoints #disbalanceofenergy #Problems #Fars #FrancePresidentialElection2017 #Electionprogram #DimitrinkaStaikova #CarrieLam #surprise #Meteorologists #DonaldTrump #ClairvoyantCalendaroftheGermanFederalElection #basharassad #Europe #CandidateofthePartyofEuropeanSocialists #PresidentofIran #clairvoyantreading #ClairvoyantCalendar #iran #kurds #testing #Iranssouth #ReginaIpLauSukyee #FinancingbyMoscow #2017GermanFederalElection #Activity #Iranianprovinces #Gold #DietmarBartsch #CandidateofChristianDemocraticUnion #2017Election #aura #GermanFederalElection2017 #ChancellorofGermany #Clairvoyants #help #EastAzerbaijanProvinces #Coleader #assaults #GermanSocialDemocrats #retreat #candidateforchancelloronGermanElections2017 #DimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #Flooding #PoliticsandMysteries #HongKong #AngelaMerkel #coup #Floodwaters #psychicreading #inclementweather #energycompany #PresidentialElectionsinIran #Bushehr #SahraWagenknecht #Shiraz #CandidateofAlternativefurDeutschland #IvelinaStaikova #theinternationalcommunity #MoneybyMoscow #PresidentialCandidate #FrancesFrontNationalFNfarrightpartysPresident #collectingofvotes #Partial #victory #psychicpredictions #2017FrenchPresidentialElection #BasharalAssad #Germanpolitician #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #Warfooting #Negotiations #Prosecution #PresidentofDieLinke #Moneyandgold #Winner #DashtestanCounty #LeaderoftheGermanLeftParty #PresidentialCampaign2017 #TheWorldYear2017 #rebels #Turkey #blizzard #theLeftPartyintheBundestag #Candidate #PresidentofUSA #FrançoisFillon #winningcandidate #FraukePetry #BenoitHamon #sponsors #amerger #BushehrProvince #threats


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