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Media Confirmation about Internal war in Turkey which slowly begins to move toward Istanbul as predi

Media Confirmation about Internal war in Turkey which slowly begins to move toward Istanbul as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : Billionaires, Intelligence Services, United Nations Secretary-General Selection 2016, Terrorism, Politicians,Business and World Predictions 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

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Donald Tusk (European Council President) – The Refugee crisis until the end of year 2016 , Constructions in Syria, War in Turkey, Energy war about the prices, Year 2017 – unstable year about the European Union – – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – 21 March 2016,9am. Photo – by 20.03.2016 That deal is woven only by nerves. I see the conversations about Syria and talking about : the destiny of Syria, separation of the territory of Syria, taking of part of the territory of Syria. These are decisions to one of the leaders (the first) in the world of the European Union. I see the creation of closed area. I see refugees aspired to walk at West to go back and to return in Syria – against their will. The destiny of the refugees is to return in Syria. They will be called and money will be promised to them. Year 2016 – begins new era for the destiny of the refugees. Whoever returns to Syria will leave the bottom and will go upwards. Whoever does not return will be closed in separate (special) sites – camps… Donald Tusk does not recognize the intervention of Russia in the conflict. The construction in the closed area is the only thing that is interesting – about him and about the European Union. March 2016 – the refugee wave will not be stopped, it is increasing… But not Turkey will play the major role, but Greece. In Greece are made new camps and there are gathering people. By the European Union also will be returned refugees, but in Greece – where are made “temporary” camps. The people become huge ammount. April 2016 – Turkey begins “cleaning” – killing of kurds in the region for the future construction. There are accomodated “the rebels” which are to the West – in the Syrian territory to keep it. The area is mountainous. They will leave only in the foothill by the syrian side a few families. After April 16,2016 and mainly May 2016 will begin the transportation of the refugees from Greece and Turkey to this area. The kurds that are still there just will not have the chance in such influx of people, which are not their enemies. The kurds are moving inside Turkey. The internal war, which I call rebellion slowly begins to move toward Istanbul. May 2016 – is the beginning of the construction – object on Syrian territory ,which will intercepts gravitational waves. Whether around it there will be a city? – No, in such vicinity, it will be a little more distant. May and June 2016 – the news by that region will be scarce. Battles will be led, but already about the division of Syria. The war slowly and lightly is going in Turkey. April, May and June 2016 – There will be an energy war – until the first days of June. Follows difficult negotiations. Attempts until the end of October 2016 – The refugee crisis to be solved with decision by the European Union. Until the end of the year – October, November, December 2016 – the borders and the refugees are closed. New documents are signed about them. Since year 2017 – The European Union is going to instability and difficult moments and decisions. Media Confirmation : Kurdish militant group says it was behind Istanbul bombing REUTERS, 10/06 14:28 CET

…”Some may miss peace, but we have just started the war,” the group said in its statement”…

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