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Media Confirmation about Internal war and Elections 2016 in Turkey “Turkish prime minister will not

Media Confirmation about Internal war and Elections 2016 in Turkey “Turkish prime minister will not contest AKP elections to be held at end of this month, according to Turkish media ” as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebooks:

Shinzo Abe,Putin,The Grey Wolves of Turkey,Refugees in Europe,Russian Mafia,Cosa Nostra,Yakuza-boss of all bosses,Judas Iskariot,Assad,Pope Francis-Psychic Readings and World Predictions 2016 By Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova and Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova

  1. Publication Date: September 13, 2015

The World Leaders,celebrities,events,Unions – Coalitions before the Third World War – Clairvoyant/Psychic World Predictions by Clairvoyants Ivelina Staikova and Dimitrinka Staikova

  1. Publication Date: May 30, 2015

Devlet Bahceli (09.9.2015 – Leader of Grey Wolves – Turkish Nationalist organization and Chairman of Nationalist Movement Party of Turkey) – “Turkish Stream – When?, Turkey – Elections 2016, Internal and External Wars, The Grey Wolves Inside” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna – 09.9.2015,1pm.

In the Party are united five energy companies + incoming (transient) Party with two energy companies. Three energy companies and the stopping of 2/3 by Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline are depending by the institution of the Grey Wolves. For permission of 1/3 – one segment-has contributed : a bank, money and negotiations with these five energy companies. Devlet Bahceli’s Health Diagnosis : He has problems with the throat, strong pains in the head – the forehead + fontanelle, a disease in the blood circulatory system. Above the heart i see weakness and constriction in the blood vessels. This is Above the heart – it is not in the very heart. I feel neurosis, fear because of military actions. Problems in the abdominal cavity – intestines and cysts and serious pains in the bones in the whole body. On the back of the head the pain is located on the right side, but on the left side there is foreign energy source. I see sick right lung. By the right side there are pains and old scars on the leg. By the left side there is formication because of the weak blood irrigation. In the moment , he has bacterial infection and he must has special diet. Agreements with Iran are not completed. There is agreement for Syria, but not also for big part of the territory of Syria. They can’t make agreement also with Iraq. There is agreement – Where everyone to lead the military actions (the combats). The Intelligence Services don’t contact each other. The new plan of Turkey is the colonization (the settlement) of the mountains with refugees, new buildings – opening of roads toward the new oil field in Syria. Construction of new roads to Azerbaijan, Iran. In the future Turkey will want expansion of its war with Syria – direction Damascus,Iran. For now, they don’t see Iraq with active participation in that war. They only afraid if soldiers by Saudi Arabia enter in Syria through Iraq. Turkey thinks the war in Syria for its priority in the region. In the future is forthcoming the Union of Turkey with Iran – I see corridor which they provide to Iran to put forward its weapons toward Israel – this in details is upcoming as negotiation until November 2015. There is forthcoming rush (haste) because of the russian army in Syria. September 2015 – problems with the legs and the moving , and problems with the incoming energy company, problems with electronics and technics – electric shocks (strong electricity). Until the end of September – Conversations with Iran. There is a standstill in the relations with Russia – the end of October – ultimatums to Russia. Building of Nuclear plants by two companies – two countries. The end of October and the begining of November – the head and the pains – brief treatment and light surgical intervention. October – November 2015 – Battle,hard battle with a lot of blood and victims, Problems with PKK and ISIS. The Elections in Turkey will pass as internal agreement between its people, but not as nationwide event. It is expected a big business deal – December 2015 – With many,many money – Also USA is participating – It will help also for the Elections 2016 in USA : the deal – I see white grains, as chemical powder. The money in the future will be invested in oil corridors – Iran. What is characteristic about that man – he has no soul, that’s why the place where the soul is located in the body is sick, it hurts. He has a special genetics and he was exceptional as leader but with exhausted energy capacity. His foible is the energy. If he finds a way for loading – he will recover completely. January 2016 – the year is starting slowly. After the first days of the year is starting internal war in Turkey – arrests,dictatorship. On the external border with Syria the war will be reduced briefly to strong air strikes, including also the southern border. Year 2016 Turkey will lead double war on two fronts with PKK and ISIS. Inside the very Turkey there is upcoming cleavage – one part of it will not be controlled. Year 2016 – there are forthcoming elections for Turkey won with a lot of blood by communists. For elections will be talked after February 2016 – preparation March – April 2016.

Media Confirmation : Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to resign: Reports #TurkishPolitics Turkish prime minister will not contest AKP elections to be held at end of this month, according to Turkish media – See more at:

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