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Media Confirmation about Increasing of Military Actions in Egypt and Libya predicted by Clairvoyant

Media Confirmation about Increasing of Military Actions in Egypt and Libya predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

The End of the World – Casus Belli, Operation “J” – Clairvoyant Predictions about : Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence, General Valery Gerasimov, General Joseph Dunford, Recep Erdogan ,Gen. Herbert McMaster, the secrets of Smithsonian Institution, the war in Syria, Turkey, Iraq…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Buy the Paperback book from Amazon –

Published – March 2, 2017

General Joseph Dunford ( US General, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ) – Meeting of US,Russian chiefs of general staff – Negotiation with the Russians : about the stopping of russian flights above anerican ships, about flights in Syria, about american troops in Syria. Negotiations for american base in Azerbaijan…. When there will be a military coup in USA and when Donald Trump will be overthrown ? – Clairvoyant predictions February 25, 2017 –  – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – February 16, 2017. Time – after the photo.


March 2017 – there are military actions for a short time in Syria, then mainly protection and control with basing of troops and weapons in Europe. Begins a large-scale war in Syria and Iraq. In the end of March (around March 28), 2017 – part of the ships are going to Libya and Egypt.

The next country with increasing military actions is Egypt.

Since June 2017 – I see ships around Libya. In Libya the situation is on temporary entering and exiting (2-3 times), until they start negotiations for a base (June- July 2017)……….

Media Confirmation :1.Egypt hits Libyan terror camps again after attack kills 29 CoptsSaturday 27 May 2017 US boosts Libya presence with base in Sahara, files show#LibyaCrisisWednesday 3 May 2017 US has established a military base in the southernmost reaches of Libya, documents reveal, as Washington cements its presence in Libya and beyond amid claims by Donald Trump it has “no role” in the country.The documents were released weeks after the US President Donald Trump said that the US had no business in Libya, despite multiple reports of US troops and aircraft stationed in northern Libya, and battles to dislodge Islamic State militants from northern cities including Sirte.

#StoneofDestiny #contracts #LiaFail #ThePlanetEarth #health #ChairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaff #RexTillerson #founddead #killingofCopticChristians #USA #alQaidaaffiliatedgroup #Iraq #anattemptformurder #GeneralAuditorofNATO #Cairo #ShuraCouncil #thewarinSyria #murder #theRussianambassadorinTurkey #Russianchiefsofgeneralstaff #searchingofoilandgas #Thenewhistory #ThemagneticpoleoftheEarth #ClairvoyantCalendar2017 #AndreyKarlov #Astealing #GoetheUniversity #thelostbones #Churkin #NaturalCataclysms #Libyanterrorcamps #TheThirdReich #StoyankaStaikova #Erdogan #DirectorGeneralofCERN #volcaniceruptions #putin #Greece #RecepTayyipErdogan #Thebeginning #israel #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #Syria #OperationJ #GenHerbertMcMaster #ArmyLtGenHerbertMcMaster #permanentnegotiationwithMoscow #AbdelFatahalSisi #alQaida #NokcultureinNigeria #TheEndoftheWorld #aliengene #americansoldiers #Cairocathedral #americanbaseinAzerbaijan #thesecretsofSmithsonianInstitution #clairvoyant #monasteryofStSamueltheConfessor #YaacobIbrahimSingaporeanpolitican #kidnappedinNigeria #thepresidentofEgypt #Mutant #Russia #ExplosionsofNuclearplants #IslamicState #Financialproblems #bombingraidsinLibya #productionofelectricity #missingartifacts #cataclysms #Egyptianforces #PopeTowadrosII #Copts #Syriafutureelections #TheSpearofDestiny #NATO #ProfPeterBreunig #Christianmartyrs #clairvoyantpredictions #Energycorridors #DimitrinkaStaikova #Energycooperation #beginning #DonaldTrump #MikePence #WorldPredictions2017 #theRepublicofChina #Serbia #clairvoyantreading #russianrocketsandweapons #problemswithChina #EgyptianChristianCopts #americantroopsinSyria #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #USGeneral #refugees #shareholders #partofmachinesofaliensgiants #amilitarycoupinUSA #whenDonaldTrumpwillbeoverthrown #publiccontract #atravel #TrumpsnewNationalSecurityAdviser #TurkishStream #WarinSyria #ValeryGerasimov #ClimateChange #ThelostAmberRoom #softspots #flightsinSyria #Macedonia #TsaiIngwen #relics #Austria #theMoon #MeetingofUS #theelection #presidentofTurkey #AlienGeneratorforElectricity #ArchaeologicalcomplexinIreland #TheSecrets #March2017 #internalconflicts #YvesShandelon #VicePresidentofUSA #IvelinaStaikova #PopeFrancis #thewholeworld #TheKiller #Singapore #lastmoments #newleaders #NegotiationwiththeRussians #thepeaceinthecountry #Libyabasedjihadists #separatedontwo #WeaponsinTurkey #GeneralJosephDunford #Palestina #psychicpredictions #GeneralValeryGerasimov #theplotters #BasharalAssad #thehealthofDonaldTrump #problemsWars #warwithChinaandRussia #DeputyDefenceMinister #VitalyChurkin #HOTTESTNEWSPREDICTIONSFebruary #Russianweapons #jihadistgroups #France #Negotiations #PresidentofTaiwan #MevlutMertAltintas #VeryExpensive #militarycoup #airstrikesagainstLibyanterroristbases #SecretaryofSmithsonianInstitution #FabiolaGianotti #TheWorldYear2017 #leaderoftheCopticchurchinEgypt #Turkey #russianflightsaboveamericanships #northeasterncoastaltownofDerna #ChiefoftheGeneralStaffoftheArmedForcesofRussia #Singaporeanpresidentialelection2017 #opticalillusion #TTIP #theHillofTara #RecepErdogan #Murdersofrussians #secretinformation #RussiasUNAmbassador #DavidJSkorton #LibyaCrisis #StrongandSoftspots #Cyprus #USApayingadamage #Germany #Africom #SmithsonianInstitution #ProtestsinUSA #CasusBelli #RussianGeneral #UnitedStatesSecretaryofState


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