Media Confirmation about Huawei developed its own operating systems in case it’s banned from using Android and Windows – March 14, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova January 26, 2019 in New Ebook and Paperback book Published January 26, 2019 :
Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi
Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
Published : January 26, 2019
In the Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon are not published the clairvoyant/psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey),Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to one of the kidnappers of the wife of Norwegian billionaire – Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen – January 19, 2019 ,Nigel Farage, Nicolas Maduro
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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
Ren Zhengfei (Founder and President of Huawei technologies ) – Health , To who will pay for mediator , Money for the Israel elections , When will be released his daughter ; the profitable space future of Huawei – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 16 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
photo: January 15, 2019. Time – after the photo
…….March 2019 begins a reorganization of hardware and software of Huawei. There will be a new software and hardware, new design and competitive pricing – (Media Confirmation) , a new invasion of Huawei from a new generation – there will be space innovations, including health diagnostics. The end of February and March 2019 – mr. Ren Zhenfei will have problems with the spine.
Until April 2019 – I see a…….
Media Confirmation :
Huawei developed its own operating systems in case it’s banned from using Android and Windows – March 14, 2019
Huawei has developed its own proprietary operating systems, and it’s ready to implement them in case its US legal battle leads to a ban on the export of US-made products and services like Android and Windows. Even though it says it’s ready with an OS replacement for its computers, Huawei would need to find new hardware partners since it relies on Intel processors in its Windows laptops. With Intel and Qualcomm off the table and MediaTek processors generally reserved for cheaper, low-performance devices like Chromebooks, Huawei may need to start developing its own laptop-grade processors.
#TrumpCanceled #antiIslamfocus #ChiefofGeneralStaff #EgyptsministerofInvestmentandInternationalCooperation #Brexitparty #stagnation #Maduro #Pelosisstrategy #HuaweifounderRenZhengfei #HassanRouhani #governmentcontractors #HuaweisCFO #pollution #politicalcrisis #Americantroops #defensesystem #JacobReesMogg #PrimeMinisterofEgypt #palestinian #Cairo #Wars #espionage #HuaweiTechnologiesCoLtd #TheJusticeDepartment #unifiedDemocraticcaucus #economiccrisis #CheopsPyramid #116thCongress #AbdelFattahAlSisi #Syriannuclearreactor #TrumpShutdown #IslamicJihad #founder #Egyptseducationsystem #Venezuelanmilitaryhighcommand #WorldEconomicForuminDavos #tradetalks #GeneralAvivKochavi #USlegalbattle #Washington #EUdeparture #USdiplomaticstaff #Egyptiandistributors #Venezuelangenerals #SpeakeroftheUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #Lebanon #businessenvironment #tradedealwithChina #Beijing #theMaduroregime #corruption #RecepTayyipErdogan #Hebron #israel #militaryintelligence #Syria #theElectoralCommission #PrimeMinisterofGreatBritain #theIslamicRepublic #Conservatives #bankingsector #IranianinfrastructureinSyria #ShutdownStories #freetradeagreements #HuaweiandZTE #realdonaldtrump #FridayThoughts #presidentofVenezuela #UScompanies #Ukipleader #PennsylvaniaAvenue #criminalcharges #NancyPelosi #clairvoyant #Hamas #theHouseofRepresentatives #coupdetat #SpeakerPelosi #federalworkers #Huawei #Russia #USexportlaws #Tehran #theNationalCrimeAgency #NancyPelosi #Israeliterritory #Norwegian #CFOMengWanzhou #Iranians #localelectionsacrossEngland #China #longrangerocket #SaadHariri #PresidentofVenezuelaNicolasMaduro #FBIDirectorChristopherWray #HugoChávez #industrialhubs #DieWelt #USsanctions #fiscalconsolidation #IRGCcommander #EgyptianPresidentAbdelFattahalSisi #Iran #oppositionleader #theGazaStrip #Israelielections #IronDomemissiledefensesystem #Egyptianauthorities #smartphones #WorldEconomicForum #Pelosi #basharassad #Leaderoftheopposition #Policy #PresidentofIran #Egypt #planB #congressionalDemocrats #missilebarrage #Huaweiequipment #rogerstoneindictment #Trumpsborderwall #Brexittalks #PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #NorwayKidnappers #MiddleEast2019 #Venezuelan #PrimeMinisterofLebanon #thedaughterofHuaweisfounder #Google #HouseSpeakerNancyPelosi #operatingsystem #electionsinEngland #DamascusAirport #EndTheShutdown #StateoilcompanyPDVSA #BritishPolitician #mutiny #USmadeproducts #imperialistUnitedStatesgovernment #democracy #MiddleEasterncountries #TrumpCrimeFamily #regionalinsecurity #TheresaMay #USextraditionrequest #Brexit #Israeliairstrikes #Trumpsshutdown #shutdown #SpeakerNancyPelosi #terroristattacks #IDF #thearmedforces #Androidreplacement #HouseDemocraticmajority #headoftheparliament #GeneralVladimirPadrino #SabrinaMeng #NigelFarage #RenZhengfei #IranianforcesinSyria #MinorityLeaderChuckSchumer #QassemSoleimani #commanderofIransRevolutionaryGuardCorpsQudsForce #IDFsgroundforces #Israelis #theNationalAssemblyNigelFarage #MajGenresYitzhakBrik #AnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #HouseMinorityLeaderKevinMcCarthy #MrMaduro #presidentofTurkey #Microsoft #EgyptianPresident #coup #IsraelDefenseForces #headoftheEuropeanparliament #ShutdownImpact #PresidentPelosi #psychicreading #GovernmentShutdown #USwithdrawalfromSyria #proBrexitparty #Madbouli #Kirinprocessors #borderwallwithMexico #Democrats #MrGuaido #thedefenceminister #AntonioTajani #Qualcomm #theConservativeparty #USChamber #longrangeheavymissiles #VenezuelaCoup #SinoUSrelations #HuaweiexecutiveRichardYu #partyleaders #TheJewishstate #SenateMajorityLeaderMitchMcConnell #5Gnetworks #Caracas #theCapitol #TheSpectatorIndex #Maduroloyalists #USShutdown #psychicpredictions #NorthernIreland #PresidentofHuaweitechnologies #TheLabourleader #BasharalAssad #theArabSpringrevolution #MassachusettsSenatorElizabethWarren #PresidentofSyria #kidnappers #IDFchiefofstaff #Android #Hezbollah #Healthcare #PrimeMinisterMostafaMadbouli #TheWhiteHouse #putsch #Egyptians #LeaderoftheLabourparty #regionalmarket #politician #NicolasMaduro #Ukip #GovernmentShutdown #Trump #Tory #USdiplomats #TrumpCaves #MiddleEast #Education #PresidentDonaldTrump #MemberoftheEuropeanParliament #generalelection #Israelistrikes #Republicans #USsanctionsonIran #investors #militaryintervention #Turkey #Switzerland #Speaker #wifeof #billionaire #Crime #OperationHouseofCards #SaharNasr #MengWanzhou #HsbcHoldingsPLC #shutdowncrisis #AlAttabamarket #bordersecuritysystem #IranianpresenceinSyria #EuropeanUnion #economicgrowth #Iraniantroops #Chavistas #labour #humancapital #Intel #MostafaMadbouly #TomHagen #monetarypolicies #JeremyCorbyn #mountHermon #LtGenAvivKochavi #JuanGuaido #Windows