Media Confirmation about Earthquakes in Turkey and US troops deploy along Syria-Turkish border predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :
The End of the World – Casus Belli, Operation “J” – Clairvoyant Predictions about : Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence, General Valery Gerasimov, General Joseph Dunford, Recep Erdogan ,Gen. Herbert McMaster, the secrets of Smithsonian Institution, the war in Syria, Turkey, Iraq…
Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
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Published – March 2, 2017
Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey) – Health, Relationships with Putin, with Donald Trump, Palestina. War in Syria and with kurds. “Turkish stream” and russian rockets and weapons. Russian weapons and american soldiers. Energy cooperation for the searching of oil and gas in Syria, Cyprus and Greece. When Turkey will be without Erdogan? – Clairvoyant predictions February 26, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo – Febr. 8, 2017. Time – after the photo.
……..April 2017 starts good for him – a vote in the parliament and receiving a help and money from Germany. April 2017 is a month of internal assault in the political party which support him and temporary remaining of one leader. Then ( around the middle of April 2017) he is turning to USA for help. April 2017 – many american soldiers enter in the airports and the military bases in Turkey. The military offensive against ISIS and kurds on the border is increased. There is intervention of the United Nations. There is made corridor for military actions. Later, the kurds near the border of Iraq will have a statute of community and state.
April 2017 is the bloody month , which Erdogan will leave in the history of Turkey – many turks and kurds will die, because of a bunch of islamists from ISIS, which will remain alive.
May 2017 will be heavy survived….I see blood and tears, rivers of blood….It will be heavy also because of natural disasters, the earth will shake…
Media Confirmation :1. Earthquake of 5.1 Magnitude Hits Turkey – May 27, 2017 US troops deploy along Syria-Turkish borderPublished: April 28, 2017
#StoneofDestiny #contracts #LiaFail #TurkeysDisasterandEmergencyManagementPresidencyAFAD #ThePlanetEarth #health #ChairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaff #RexTillerson #founddead #USA #Iraq #anattemptformurder #GeneralAuditorofNATO #thewarinSyria #murder #theRussianambassadorinTurkey #Russianchiefsofgeneralstaff #searchingofoilandgas #Thenewhistory #ThemagneticpoleoftheEarth #disastercoordinationcenter #ClairvoyantCalendar2017 #AndreyKarlov #Astealing #GoetheUniversity #thelostbones #Churkin #NaturalCataclysms #TheThirdReich #StoyankaStaikova #Erdogan #DirectorGeneralofCERN #volcaniceruptions #putin #Greece #RecepTayyipErdogan #Thebeginning #israel #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #Syria #OperationJ #GenHerbertMcMaster #ArmyLtGenHerbertMcMaster #permanentnegotiationwithMoscow #theheadofTurkeysRedCrescent #NokcultureinNigeria #TheEndoftheWorld #aliengene #americansoldiers #americanbaseinAzerbaijan #thesecretsofSmithsonianInstitution #clairvoyant #YaacobIbrahimSingaporeanpolitican #kidnappedinNigeria #Mutant #Russia #ExplosionsofNuclearplants #Financialproblems #productionofelectricity #missingartifacts #cataclysms #Syriafutureelections #TheSpearofDestiny #NATO #ProfPeterBreunig #clairvoyantpredictions #Energycorridors #TurkeysManisaprovince #DimitrinkaStaikova #Energycooperation #beginning #DonaldTrump #MikePence #WorldPredictions2017 #theRepublicofChina #Serbia #clairvoyantreading #russianrocketsandweapons #problemswithChina #americantroopsinSyria #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #USGeneral #refugees #shareholders #partofmachinesofaliensgiants #amilitarycoupinUSA #whenDonaldTrumpwillbeoverthrown #publiccontract #atravel #TrumpsnewNationalSecurityAdviser #TurkishStream #Ankara #WarinSyria #ValeryGerasimov #ClimateChange #ThelostAmberRoom #softspots #flightsinSyria #Macedonia #TsaiIngwen #relics #Austria #theMoon #MeetingofUS #theelection #presidentofTurkey #AlienGeneratorforElectricity #ArchaeologicalcomplexinIreland #TheSecrets #March2017 #internalconflicts #YvesShandelon #VicePresidentofUSA #IvelinaStaikova #thewholeworld #TheKiller #Singapore #lastmoments #newleaders #NegotiationwiththeRussians #thepeaceinthecountry #separatedontwo #WeaponsinTurkey #GeneralJosephDunford #Palestina #psychicpredictions #GeneralValeryGerasimov #theplotters #BasharalAssad #KeremKinik #thehealthofDonaldTrump #problemsWars #warwithChinaandRussia #DeputyDefenceMinister #VitalyChurkin #HOTTESTNEWSPREDICTIONSFebruary #Russianweapons #France #Negotiations #PresidentofTaiwan #MevlutMertAltintas #VeryExpensive #militarycoup #SecretaryofSmithsonianInstitution #FabiolaGianotti #TheWorldYear2017 #Turkey #russianflightsaboveamericanships #ChiefoftheGeneralStaffoftheArmedForcesofRussia #Singaporeanpresidentialelection2017 #opticalillusion #TTIP #earthquake #theHillofTara #RecepErdogan #CNNTurk #magnitude #Murdersofrussians #secretinformation #RussiasUNAmbassador #DavidJSkorton #StrongandSoftspots #Cyprus #USApayingadamage #Germany #Izmir #SmithsonianInstitution #ProtestsinUSA #CasusBelli #RussianGeneral #UnitedStatesSecretaryofState