Media Confirmation about Deutsche Bank Collapse exactly as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : Bilderberg Group – Henri de Castries,Prof. Charpentier (CRISPR), The CEO of Deutsche Bank AG,John Elkann ( Fiat Chrysler ),Thomas Enders ( Airbus Group) ,Christine Lagarde (IMF),Douglas Flint (HSBC Holdings),Joe Kaeser ( Siemens AG),Carsten Kengeter ( Deutsche Borse)… – Psychic predictions The Rulers of the World
By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – July 7, 2016 Buy the Ebook from Amazon – Buy the Ebook from the authors : Buy the Paperback book –
Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
John Cryan (CEO of Deutsche Bank AG – Germany) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about the Future of Deutsche Bank AG – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – June 22, 2016, 3pm. ……… • September 2016 – investing of money in a new constructions – Metals mining (heavy metals), creation of new companies. I see Deutsche Bank to have money invested also in other, as a trust bank and September and October 2016 to withdraw big amounts of money by that bank. September 2016 – the bank in Germany will comply with problematic political situation. • September and October 2016 – there will be offices of the bank for sale. The bank is not in stagnation, but in restructuring – it distributes money on more places in the world to earn better. • September 2016 – I don’t recommend to mr. John Cryan to travel in Greece and Turkey – there I see a hard moments (hard times) connected with people. I see in that time, things that were underground go on the surface and construction, that will end with obelisk and a star. The problems of the bank will come because of the Euro – Dollar rate, the relationships with USA and signing of present and future contracts about military equipment/weapons. In the future, there is pending new financing for construction of new german airplanes…… Media Confirmation : Could Deutsche Bank Collapse? The German bank’s shares reached historic lows this week after a $14 billion settlement request by the U.S. Sep 30, 2016
#Airbus #DeutscheBankCollapse #drugdiscovery #Daimler #pharma #researches #DeutscheBankAG #stockprice #AgenceFrancePresse #health #CEO #Finance #Chairman #JohnCryan #HenrideCastries #DeutscheBoersesEurexdivision #business #problemwiththesoftware #geneediting #Europeanstocks #ThefutureofHSBCBank #PhotographtakenbytheESSA7Satteliteon23November1968 #theUnderwaterpyramidsnearCuba #Broad #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #PresidentandCEO #USRearAdmiralRichardEBird #assets #Underwatertechnologies #HorizonDiscovery #Novartis #Personallife #Colonel #war2016 #AirbusGroup #BillGates #GermanchancellorAngelaMerkel #PhilosophersStone #Lehman #theBroadsFengZhang #banksfailure #ThomasEnders #ThefutureofEurope2016 #ManagementatDeutscheBoerseandLSE #thechangeofthedirectorIMF #therussians #LSE #KingHaraldVofNorway #CRISPR #GermanGovernment #inflation #MarketWatch #boardmembersfromlargepubliclytradedcorporations #Predictions #DeutscheBank #psychic #BilderbergClub #formerLondonMayorBorisJohnson #CRISPRcodiscoverer #RoyalDutchShell #USbankinggiant #clairvoyant #GeorgFriedrichFerdinandPrinzvonPreußen #RegeneronPharmaceuticals #DeutscheBankinvestors #theMiddleClassinEurope #Varna #JohnElkann #Exor #hottestnewspredictions #cataclysms #academia #Teleportation #DuPont #HSBCHoldings #FiatChryslerAutomobiles #newscientificachievements #clairvoyantpredictions #theHouseofHohenzollern #theformerrulingdynastyoftheGermanEmpire #People #theTurkishSyrianborder #JoeKaeser #rightwingpopulistparty #PsychicpredictionsfromYear2016toyear2019 #drawnoutdeathspiral #ClairvoyantCalendar2016 #Bilderberg #AXAGroup #TheBilderbergGroup #Europe #ManagingDirector #Bilderberggroup #IMF #BritishPrimeMinisterDavidCameron #ChristineLagarde #Europeanbankingregulators #clairvoyantreading #Politicians #systemicrisks #MaxPlanckInstituteofInfectionBiology #directorsoflargebusinesses #ClairvoyantCalendar #DeutscheBanksstock #Nokia #EmmanuelleCharpentier #LehmanBrothers #ProfEmmanuelleCharpentier #Europeslargestfinancialservicescompanies #Gold #ThebattleontheSouthPole1947 #JenniferDoudna #bankers #financialfundamentals #henridecastriesbilderberg #Director #water #Emperor #Brexit #ChrisHadfield #TheRoyalTreasury #CEOAirbusGroup #netcontributor #NaziAryanThule #newsreports #eurozoneeconomy #henridecastriesnetworth #Evotec #NewUnionsofcountries #Mythologicalislandwithuknownlocation #space #NewUnionswitholdfriends #Spaceinvasion #nextyearselection #JupiterOnJupiter #Germanyslargestbank #DouglasFlint #InternationalMonetaryFund #rulingelite #themedia #IBM #chairmanandCEOofAXA #emigrants #ReidHoffmanCofounderLinkedin #ThemergerofDeutscheBörse #TheholeattheNorthPolecanbeclearlyseen #GroupChairman #theKingdomofPrussia #AXAsdeCastries #Shares #annualprivateconference #mortgagebackedsecurities #JunoSpacecraft #transportcompany #Xerox #thenature #theFutureofDeutscheBankAG #henridecastrieslinkedin #EuropeanCentralBank #TheCubanunderwatercity #henridecastriessalary #psychicpredictions #thehealthofDeutscheBank #pharmaceuticaldevelopment #USJusticeDepartment #thefutureofGreatBritain #air #biotech #Bulgaria #BilderbergConference #expertsfromindustry #davidrockefeller #LondonStockExchangeGroupPlc #CEODeutscheBörse #futurework #globalmarkets #SiemensAG #PrinceofPrussia #GeorgFriedrichFerdinand #USfinancialcrisis #ThefutureofNorway #DeutscheBoerseAG #Whattheywillfindthere #globalfinancialcrisis #speculation #TheCreationofNewWorldOrder #dealswithweapons #Deutschecrisis #ChairmanofBilderbergGroupsSteeringCommittee #bankruptcy #Germanbank #5thComtedeCastries #CRISPRtechnology #dealwiththeUSJusticeDepartment #settlement #financialcrisis #Bilderbergmeetings #difficultlanding #henridecastriesfamily #CarstenKengeter #Thule #Bayer #memotoDeutscheBankemployees #assault #newkindofhuman #Cryan #bankingcollapse #subprimemortgages #liquiditycrisis #postBrexittussle #TheRoyalHouseofNorway #EuropeanUnion #Berlin #Experiments #Germany #EuropeanandNorthAmericanpoliticalelite #heirofhisgrandfatherGianniAgnelli #Commonenergybusiness #USregulators #nowandinthefuture #Astronaut #earth #stockexchange