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Media Confirmation about Collapse of Central Bank of Turkey and Contracts for Turkish Stream as pred

Media Confirmation about Collapse of Central Bank of Turkey and Contracts for Turkish Stream as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova This is only a little part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – Read the rest in Our Ebook and Paperback book : Buy the Ebook only from the authors : Buy the Paperback book from Amazon – Date of Publication – October 22, 2016 Murat Çetinkaya (Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey) – The Battle of Mosul – a show for the European Union. The Central Bank of Turkey is exhausted – November 2016. When will be awakened the turkish economics and when will flow money in the Central Bank of Turkey – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – October 20, 2016, 5 pm. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

……………….. • October 2016 – a lack of money in the exchequer – expected money from the European Union did not arrive. Begins an internal stagnation in Turkey – the money in the Central Bank of Turkey are separated on two parts – active and passive. There is directing a look and interests at West – Cypruss, Greece, Albania… In Turkey – there is increasing of the US currency in the population. New additions of US dollars, because of investments after October 20, 2016. In the end of October 2016 – a theft (stealing) is found in the Central Bank of Turkey by a redirected money and because of that some taxes are rising.- After October 15, 2016 – a stress caused by russian capitals and investments – money don’t arrive directly in the exchequer – the movement is on documents. – Problems with british investors that want to invest money, but their money in the banks are moving too fast. • November 2016 – money arrive on contract as a tranche – part of Albania and other muslim banks. Money are collected for weapons and one common army. Negotiations with the authorities of Iraq – which are with no value, but with expected circulation (monetary) from the European Union about the increase of the refugees. The union with the Central Bank of Iraq provides also, if there are any rich iraqis in Turkey and export of money – that will be reported to them. Officially , the oil fields are distributed in regions. • The battle in Mosul is a military game for and of money – it will end so suddenly as it has started – when from the European Union begin to loose money and intetest. Around November 10, 2016 are beginning the first stages from the deals with the russians – again I see investments of money, which Murat Çetinkaya counts as loss. In the same time, I see a large scale deal with gold on the border between Iraq, Syria and Turkey. On the turkish – syrian border, I see many explosions of the turkish army in a grave – mourning. November 2016 – there will be a mourning for a senior turkish person from the Intelligence and the public life. In the end of November 2016 – mr. Çetinkaya is in a strong nervous depression – the Turkish Central Bank is exhausted – payments are delayed and postponed. Until the middle of December 2016 – the Turkish Central Bank is in collapse. A big amount of money arrives in the Turkish Central Bank a little before ……. Read the rest of the Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions here –

Media Confirmations : #1 -Gov’t, Central Bank taking measures to minimize problems in economy: PM Yıldırım December/02/2016 The Turkish Lira has been one of the worst-hit emerging currencies against the U.S. dollar as well as against the euro following the U.S. presidential elections, due to both global and local uncertainties. As such, the steps to be taken by Turkey’s economic managers to ease the pressure on the lira are being closely followed by global markets. #2 – Turkish Lira Drops to Record as Central Bank’s Resolve Tested December 1, 2016 #3 – How the Turkish lira entered free fall #4 – AFP: Blast heard in Turkey’s Gaziantep near Syria 26 November 2016 #5 – Erdoğan’s call to citizens: Sell dollars for lira, gold December/02/2016


Turkey’s foreign relations commission has approved the bill ratifying the agreement between Russia and Turkey to build the undersea gas pipeline Turkish Stream, parliament’s official website announced.

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