Media Confirmation about Arctic Military Bases of Russia and war about territories and energy fields in the Arctic as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook :
Blitz Time -The Greek Crisis over oil and gas,the weapons of Nato and Russia in Europe – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions The Crisis in Greece in the Eurozone Countries Published By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova
Publication Date: July 6, 2015
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Deputy commander of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces Kirill Makarov – “There is forthcoming war in the Arctic circle about territories and energy fields – five discovered troves and seven new targets.I see new type of rockets with range 180 degrees and shooted three – the one after the other – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna -June 26,2015-3pm.
Kirill Makarov –
Hard created family. It is made after separation and love-extremely big love to other woman. And so,on his destiny is written:Kirill Makarov will have a companion in his life,which will love him and she is his full contrast. It is written on his destiny to have children by two women – a son,who will be far from him,and daughters,who will stay close to him. In his job he is perfect,workaholic-he has strong faith and many ideas. Non-standart,romantic-his only foible is his family. After the loss of parent,he became very sensitive. It is forthcoming for him a change of his workplace-travel, first in cold, arctic region, after that military attache in a western capital. In his work, there will be only advancements (job promotions). Why? For merits. To Putin and about the accident above the lake. This is the best Space intelligencer of Russia – Good analyst, he makes fast decisions and he is good leader. About Kirill Makarov are important the results,but not the money – which can not be said about his wife. Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis of Deputy commander of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces Kirill Makarov: Non cured right lung. He survived strong hit on the right side of the head near the temple and on the right leg from the pelvis below. When the weather changes,the pain will concentrate on the right leg as formication. The pain will increase on the left side of the pelvis area. Forthcoming treatment of the right kidney,liver and gall. In the future, there wilo be total three surgical interventions on the liver, gall and down low on the right side of the stomach area. The nerves will cause him pains in the heart and headache on the right side of the head. He is often sick by clogged sinusitis channels and throat.There is forthcoming war in the Arctic circle about territories and energy fields – five discovered troves and seven new targets.I see new type of rockets with range 180 degrees and shooted three – the one after the other. Media Confirmations : • Snowy stronghold: Russian defense minister visits new Arctic military base (PHOTOS, VIDEO) Published time: 19 Apr, 2016 16:12
• Russian companies continue working in Arctic offshore zone — energy minister Business & Economy April 20, 15:47 UTC+3 Under the Russian law, only state-owned companies – Rosneft and Gazprom have access to the Arctic offshore fields More: • Washington allows Shell drilling for oil in Arctic Business & Economy August 18, 2015, 3:01 UTC+3 Royal Dutch Shell will be allowed to drill into the oil-and gas-bearing zones in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea
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