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Media Confirmation about Akihito – Emperor of Japan and World Predictions about Japan 2016 as predic

Media Confirmation about Akihito – Emperor of Japan and World Predictions about Japan 2016 as predicted by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : European and World Royal Families – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions about Europe and the World 2016-2019 The New World Order

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova , Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Publication Date: June 5, 2016

Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic prediction :

Akihito – Emperor of Japan – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about the Emperor and Japan, about the business, war, contracts, awakening of the human gene – space gene connected with the japanese race, Energy Contracts, Health – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – June 2, 2016, 2pm. Photo – May 19, 2016 Health – Emperor Akihito had on May 19 and 20, 2016 (time after the photo) pain in the head – the right ear and behind, on the top of the head. He had pains also in the pelvis (the apple-shaped bones of the pelvis), spine, gall, stomach and knees. His diseases until now : neurosis in the heart, right eye, clogged channels – the gall, the pancreas – diabetes type 2, the urinary tract and prostate. In the bones are also Rheumatism caused by a physical falling and bruising of the pelvis, the spine and part of the head. The pains in the knees will be increased when the weather changes. He has a hereditary gene of a flying man and disease in the kidneys. (Media Confirmation #9). The Emperor understands the war as good thing for the business, but he denies the meaningless war. He admits only the war of the four energy companies. I see an invasion (offensive) in three directions – territories in USA, European Union…Akihito is one of the four that rule the world. By the other three, Akihito sees problems with the second one and the third leader, who soon will be isolated in their countries and during an attempt for escape they will be deleted as leaders. Year 2016 – Japan suffer losses in the business – mainly in the business in USA. • May 2016 – Signing of contracts – secret and visible about the increasing of the business in the European Union and Canada. I see a new technological developments about the searching of fuel and a joint companies in Canada – until the end of May 2016. I see already signed new contracts about export of foods and vegetables from Japan.(Media Confirmation #10).Japan remains first in the world in the searching and using of new energy, creation of new computer man-robot (Media Confirmation #8),using of energy from a distance. Year 2016 – there will be a problem with the pouring in the ocean of a nuclear energy, contaminated air, diseases caused by radiation. Japan develops the best technologies about deep ocean machines and technologies.(Media Confirmation #7).The information about the world that they have, they put it in a business products about the people. Year 2016 – There will be a big death rate in Japan – more than 20% . (Media Confirmation 4) .It will be lost a japanese island – Japan will lead wars on two fronts, but with symbolic number of soldiers in a joint coalition. The true war is on the business front. Japanese will always be Number 1 and one step ahead the others in the business and in the future. Emperor Akihito is standing with two legs in the present and in the future time. He sees far ahead in the future, when on the Earth there will be only two leaders. • May and June 2016 – there are agreements, deals, problems with the nature – storms, splitting of the land and rock (on island) .(Media Confirmation #1) • June – July 2026 – They will have proposals about a military union – accepted.There will be displacement (dislocation) of part of american base from Japan to other direction . (Media Confirmation #2). In the future there will stay first -2, then – 1, and then – Zero American Military Bases in Japan. The end of July 2016 is very dangerous time – time of death in the whole Japan – (Media Confirmation #5). In the beginning of August 2016 are gathering the first leaders in the world – there will be convesations about the surviving of the human race . (Media Confirmation #6)

and about the awakening of new human gene – already there were experiments – they take only decision. The new gene comes by a Space experiment – faster and more predatory – connected with the Japanese race . (Media Confirmation #3). • September 2016 – will be difficult about Emperor Akihito. I see him in the end of August and the first days of September – follows a mishap (misadventure)…..

Media Confirmations : 1.Dozens of Large Earthquakes Could Split Japan’s Southern Island 12:00PM EDT 4/18/2016

2. U.S. Military To Return 4,000 Hectares of Land on Okinawa to Japan

July 29, 2016

3.Japan has approved gene editing using a fertilised human egg

4.Japan and the last commute – Peak death

Aug 6th 2016 | TOKYO

5.Japan knife attack: stabbing at care centre leaves 19 dead

Man armed with knives attacks facility in Sagamihara, outside Tokyo, before telling police: ‘It is better that disabled people disappear’

Tuesday 26 July 2016

6.July 26th 2016   President Uhuru Kenyatta is next month expected to host Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and over 20 Heads of State. The leaders will be in the country for the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (Ticad). Read more at:

7.Searching Sea for Metal Is Japan’s Answer to Land That Has None 

August 9, 2016

In the blackness of the deep ocean, engineers have used remote-controlled robots and special sensors to search the sea floor for the most promising deposits.

8.Elementary? Robot ‘Dr Watson’ diagnosed rare leukemia after medics fail to find it

Published time: 8 Aug, 2016 23:51

After diagnosing a patient with acute myeloid leukemia, doctors at Japan’s University of Tokyo’s Institute of Medical Science were left dumbfounded when the woman wasn’t responding to treatment.

9.Japan’s elderly emperor just hinted he wants to abdicate

Aug. 8, 2016, 

Public broadcaster NHK reported last month that Akihito, who has had heart surgery and been treated for prostate cancer, wanted to step down in a few years – a move that would be unprecedented in modern Japan.

10.Philippine Aquamarine Resources Inc., a company set up by former congressman Rene Diaz, is leading moves for joint venture arrangements with a consortium of Japanese companies to set up plants for the export of various agricultural products, in General Santos and Davao (for Mindanao).

Publication date: 7/29/2016

#GasampMetalsNationalCorp #contracts #dictatorship #governmentapprovaltoeditthegenomesofhumanembryosforresearchpurposes #Excalibur #Japanesewaters #mininggoldandcopper #Toyota #health #TheHolyLance #PrinceAkishino #submarineresourcebusinessdepartment #congenitaldiseases #eruptions #ThePrinceandGrandMasteroftheSovereignMilitaryOrderofMalta #massacres #business #SheikhAhmedalTayeb #earlyphaseofgrowth #worldssixthlargestexclusiveeconomiczone #geneediting #TheFutureofSweden #territorialinvasions #japaneserace #researchers #internationalmaritimelaw #Cairo #PrinceNaruhito #QueenElizabethII #centralTokyo #invasion #underseamineralresources #CanadasNautilusMineralsInc #USRearAdmiralRichardEBird #MissingEgyptAirflightMS804Whereistheplane #masskillingsinJapan #QueenofShebaBalqis #miningequipment #LargeEarthquakes #modifyhumangenes #governmentconsortium #seabedventure #elections #EnergyContracts #oceanoilmarket #searchtheseafloorforthemostpromisingdeposits #ThefutureofSpain #HofburgPalaceinVienna #NorthAmerica #thecommanderofUStroopsontheisland #carehomefordisabledpeopleinthecityofSagamihara #volcanicactivity #diseases #JapansUniversityofTokyosInstituteofMedicalScience #pharmaceuticalindustry #rocketlaunchers #huntinggroundformetalsinJapan #NextGenerationTechnologyforOceanResourcesExplorationProgram #energyandmineralsupplies #fertilisedhumanegg #ThegraveofJesusChristinMalta #treatment #Syria #Staticelectricity #prostatecancer #ExtractingOre #Avalon #humangeneediting #KingHaraldVofNorway #ethicalproblem #copper #PrimeMinisterofGreatBritain #OperationHighjump #CRISPR #2020OlympicGames #treatmentforcongenitaldiseases #ImperialCrown #theSixthTokyoInternationalConferenceonAfricanDevelopment #emperorsduties #MitsubishiHeavyIndustriesLtd #Predictions #USledcoalition #WorldPredictionsaboutGreatBritain2016 #psychic #Rampagekillings #CRISPRCas9 #war #revolution #clairvoyant #GeorgFriedrichFerdinandPrinzvonPreußen #Japaneseisland #symbolofthestate #Greatness #UNSecretaryGeneralBanKiMoon #HIVresistance #UnitedNationsConference #detrimentaleffects #SouthKorea #metalsupplies #magma #Futurism #China #ore #HolyRomanEmpire #RingofFire #clinicaltesting #TheSpearofDestiny #ThebattleontheSouthPole #Denmark #PatriarchKirill #thewifeofkingSolomon #ShinzoAbe #theMinisterofDefenceofSaudiArabia #KingofSweden #nuggets #KingArthur #businessinAfrica #NautilusMinerals #NewUnions #islandnation #reproduction #postwarJapan #Pyramids #ElectioninSpain #puttingtheeggbackintothewomb #drunkdriving #EmperorofJapan #SendaiandGenkainuclearpowerplants #Ancientlibrary #EmpressMichiko #TheHolySpear #SaudiArabia #researchpurposes #EmperorAkihito #tsunamiwarnings #newdiscoveries #landreturndealJapan #YoshihideSuga #disappearance #Prussia #Egypt #Okinawans #clairvoyantreading #Oceanmining #landslide #OceanResourcesExplorationProgram #TheholeattheNorthPole #bioethicspanel #ImperialRegalia #thequeenofengland #thediamondmineofkingSolomon #terrorism #Miningtheocean #Japansprimeminister #SalmanbinAbdulazizalSaud #Japanspostwarconstitution #Kumamoto #Volcanoes #TheKingofBelgium #KingWillemAlexander #Gold #PrinceCharles #mudslides #warplanes #heartsurgery #princeWilliam #Americanforces #strengtheningofmuscles #JapanssouthernislandofKyushu #moneycargo #Americancivilian #alcoholban #Emperor #earthquakes #Brexit #alientechnologies #TheRoyalTreasury #SumitomoMetalCorp #DeepWaters #RobotDrWatson #massmurders #remotecontrolledrobots #Sagamiharaattack #rescueefforts #Sweden #coppercrisis #NaziAryanThule #CrownPrincessMasako #PacificBasin #WorldWarII #cognitivecomputingsystem #RiskyVentures #militarycontracts #NHK #modificationofgenes #oil #correctinggeneticdefects #KingArthurandhisrevival #thefutureoftheMilitaryOrderofMalta #protestsagainsttheUSpresenceonOkinawa #newtechnologies #ChrysanthemumThrone #Spaceinvasion #QueenofDenmark #homegrownsupply #JapanOil #USMilitary #FraMatthewFesting #Japantsunami #editthegenomes #newobjectbetweentwopyramids #aircampaigns #GrandImam #Pacificcoast #Genomeediting #mutualaid #psychicreading #Internalwar #modificationforeyecolour #KingAbdullahIIbinAlHussein #geologist #Clinicaltrialsofgeneeditingtechnology #ManuelVallsPrimeMinisterofFrance #Japanesegovernment #TheFutureofDenmark #OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment #thedeathofPrinceRogersNelson #militaryregime #PopeFrancis #militarypresence #theKingdomofPrussia #diamonds #Turkishartillery #ESSA7Sattelite #HolyChalice #genemodificationtechnology #KingofJordan #KingPhilippeofBelgium #HolyGrail #Hisahito #Akihito #seafloorminerals #QueenMargrethe2ofDenmark #Tokyo #DavidCameron #Earthscrust #Japanesegovernmentbioethicspanel #UStroops #Holland #theAsahiShimbun #mineralresourcesindeepwaters #basicresearch #JapaneseEmperorAkihito #ThefutureoftheCrownofGreatBritain #KingSalmanofSaudiArabia #KyushuElectricPowerCo #Mythologicalisland #AlAzharMosque #PrinceAlwaleedBinTalalAlsaud #tsunami #ProblemswithCrashedplaneofEgyptAirMS804ofBernardBajoletHeadoftheDirectorateGeneralforExternalSecurityFranceMay2016 #psychicpredictions #nerves #japan #GermanEmpire #ImperialPalaceinTokyo #financialyear #Senkaku #NextGenerationTechnology #CryptsinMalta #Ticad #IBMscognitivecomputerWatson #theEmperor #coastguardvessels #Troubles #miningseabed #PrimeMinisterShinzoAbe #militarypersonnel #KingCarlXVIGustafofSweden #economicboom #embryos #problemswiththeGovernment #theLanceofLonginus #EarthquakesJapan #LieutenantGeneralLawrenceDNicholson #USNavalmissionintheAntarctic #Thefuture #Disasters #PrinceofPrussia #Diaoyu #IBMssupercomputer #SpaceDisasters #Jogmec #worldpredictions #landbasedminerals #governmentapproval #GeorgFriedrichFerdinand #ThefutureofNorway #JapansCrownPrinceNaruhito #MiddleEast #Okinawa #Netherlands #Reichkrone #Emperorabdication #collapses #Kyushu #humanembryos #abdication #Nikkei #extraterrestrialmachines #FukuokaMeteorologicalAgency #naturalresources #MohammadbinSalmanalSaud #AmericanmilitarybasesinOkinawa #Izenaseahole #Thule #nonmedicalpurposes #worldsthirdbiggesteconomy #Japaneseconsortium #England #magnitude #reasons #miningcompanies #NipponSteel #mineralrichrock #TheDutchroyalfamily #TheRoyalHouseofNorway #archipelago #headoftheHouseofHohenzollern #Immortality #metalsminingtechnologydepartment #Business2016 #devices #helipads #KingFelipeofSpain #seabasedmineralores #QueenRaniaAlAbdullahofJordan #seafloor #ClairvoyantHealthDiagnosis #Deepseaprojects


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