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Media Confirmation #2 about the Victory of Donald Trump on US Election 2016, Uniting of the old fami

Media Confirmation #2 about the Victory of Donald Trump on US Election 2016, Uniting of the old families about Anti Trump riots and New US Election as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook :

Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump – The World and USA after US Election 2016. Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions 2016,2017 and health diagnoses : Clinton, Trump, George Soros,Jacob Rothschild, Kellyanne Conway,Robby Mook, Trump Jr, Bill Clinton…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova


Product Details File Size: 1759 KB Print Length: 51 pages Publication Date: September 23, 2016

Buy the Ebook from the authors : Buy the Ebook from Amazon : Buy the Paperback book from Amazon : George Soros (Business Magnate) – Construction of railways in Albania, Serbia. A plot against Pope Francis. Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?- Who supports George Soros on US Election 2016 ? A stress caused by fire…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – September 22, 2016 ,4pm.

………From the both US Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump – George Soros is making his future plans for Donald Trump. ………

Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild – World Conspiracies year 2016 and year 2017. US Election 2016 and what will happen after that ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – September 23, 2016 ,9am. …….And the old families are uniting. It will be spoken about that on the meeting in the end of October until the first days of November 2016. After October 15, 2016 is prepared a document about specifying of work – money and…….. ……..Election 2016 in USA is well financed. Obama was their president. Now, there is a question : How they will manage will Trump? What will happen after September 2016 : I see a directed bomb from the Eastern part of USA, I hear explosions – firstly experimental, but real. Two more countries are included – Canada and France – as military help, later Britain…….. • ……These elections are not what the rulers of the world want. Year 2017 – I see new Election in USA. The president will be man…… Media Confirmation : Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, ‘take back power’ Major liberal funders huddle behind closed doors with Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, and union bosses to lick wounds, retrench. By KENNETH P. VOGEL 11/14/16 05:03 AM EST

….Some sessions deal with gearing up for 2017 and 2018 elections….

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