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Media Confirmation 2 about SpaceX – Falcon 9 rocket’s problems with the fuel – pre

Media Confirmation 2 about SpaceX – Falcon 9 rocket’s problems with the fuel – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova February 6, 2018 in her Clairvoyant predictions :

SpaceX launch its Falcon Heavy rocket – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions February 6,2018 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna.

I see problems with  Falcon Heavy rocket  first with the fuel and the fire  – down low at the Southeastern part. The second problem is with the small rocket at the at the Eastern part – I see flashing (flame). After the launching in stage 2 (the first one is at an angle at eastern direction, the second one is like a straight line and there is the final  stage). I see many severely injured people. I see a sabotage,  because of money. The main problem is with the fuel and the engines during the launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket. I see a trial which is crossed out. Leon Musk is sabotaged by Jews. 

Media Confirmation :

NASA advisers say SpaceX rocket technology could put lives at risk – May 5, 2018

When Elon Musk and his team at SpaceX were looking to make their Falcon 9 rocket even more powerful, they came up with a creative idea — keep the propellant at super-cold temperatures to shrink its size, allowing them to pack more of it into the tanks.

But the approach comes with a major risk, according to some safety experts. At those extreme temperatures, the propellant would need to be loaded just before takeoff — while astronauts are aboard. An accident, or a spark, during this maneuver, known as “load-and-go,” could set off an explosion.

The fueling issue is emerging as a point of tension between the safety-obsessed space agency and the maverick company run by Musk, a tech entrepreneur who is well known for his flair for the dramatic and for pushing boundaries of rocket science.

Media Confirmation 1 :

#propellant #droneship #Finance #business #AirForceweathercasters #rocketsfueltanks #BlackLivesMatter #FalconHeavylaunch #refinedkerosene #liquidoxygen #Dragoncrewmissions #Healthdiagnosis #Muskscompany #FalconHeavyrocket #SpaceXsupporters #CapeCanaveral #SpaceXandBoeing #Washington #loadandgo #Erdogan #NASA #FalconSuperHeavy #billionaires #Merlinengines #Syria #BlueOrigin #SpaceSymposium #TheSpaceCoast #PopeBenedict #psychic #war #safetyrisks #clairvoyant #MH370 #Election2020 #PresidentBarackObama #ManuelValls #SpaceX #techentrepreneur #rocketscience #humanspaceflight #investigation #Mars #UsElections2016 #DragonSpacecraft #NicosAnastasiades #DonaldTrump #WorldPredictions2017 #Bilderberggroup #NASAsSaturnVrocket #migrantcrisis #Politicians #rocketboosterlandings #heavyliftorbitalrocket #Peace #terrorism #BRUSSELSATTACKS #NASAsafetyadvisers #densifiedpropellant #Uncategorized #Ankara #ElonMusksRoadster #flamethrowers #SpaceXCEOElonMusk #Vatican #spaceshuttledisasters #SiliconValley #Falcon9rocket #loadandgofueling #Apollo #royalfamily #PopeFrancis #CapitolHillhearing #money #HillaryClinton #NASAadministrator #StephenHawking #ElonMusk #InternationalSpaceStation #SpaceShuttle #innovation #BankofEngland #Boeing #banks #GeorgeSoros #astronauts #MidtermElections2018 #Confirmation #SpaceXsFalcon9 #FalconHeavysboosters #SyriaStrikes #Turkey #spaceindustry #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #AirForceStationlaunch #CapeCanaveralAirForceStation #florida #NASAsKennedySpaceCenter #maneuver


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