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Media Confirmation 2 about Mahmoud Abbas’ Health Deteriorates, and Israel Prepares for Bloody

Media Confirmation 2 about Mahmoud Abbas’ Health Deteriorates, and Israel Prepares for Bloody Succession Fight as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published in Amazon January 27, 2018 :


Three Clairvoyants predicting to : 

Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan…

Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published  January 27, 2018

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Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about  :

Mahmoud Abbas (President of Palestine) – War and Health problems, Terrorism, Invasion, Attacks against Al-Aqsa mosque and gas fields. International contracts. Temporary new leaders. When will be the negotiation for peace ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 15,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : January 14, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Mahmoud Abbas – Health – January 15, 2018 : Intense pain in the head – caused by the pituitary, thyroid gland and left eye. His health condition is bad. With pains are reacting the kidneys, right pelvic area and the whole right leg, the pains at the right leg are concentrated at the pelvic area and under the knee. He is ready for a Stroke of the head – I see the connection – hand, thyroid gland, pituitary, eye – generally – the head. His blood system is under a disease pressure, but they are trying to keep it with low blood pressure. The left kidney must be treated and then it must have surgical operation, the right kidney doesn’t function well (weaker blood irrigation). There will be surgical operation at the back of the head, the front of the head – treatment of the left eye – at this stage – it is not for surgery yet. The good news for now is that it doesn’t make connection with heart and stomach. How long will he stand under pressure ? He is taking special medicines and change of the blood (exchange transfusion) – until the weather is cold (April 2018).

Mahmoud Abbas is leading a war like a volleyball game : he is waiting a few moments and then bombing. After January 14, 2018 – the war in Palestine will be led with a moment of rest and attacks. Now, his target is USA and the cancellation of the Trump’s decision for Jerusalem. Abbas is ready to everything not only to punish Trump, but USA also for that decision. The terrorism in USA is increased by Palestinians – and it will be more visible March 2018. January 2018 – Mahmoud Abbas is receiving a little money and little help for a war. His pains will be increased, including by medicines and they become intolerable. His genitals are sick and the antibiotics can’t handle it. He has impaired function of the glands and that will influence to his health, his mood and the course of the war. January 2018 – he is feeling poisoned by food and liquids. January – February 2018 – He makes a military offensive – advancement and people, which are fighting and exploding close to temples. February 2018 – there will be invasion and surrounding of the Al – Aqsa mosque – the Temple Mount . For Mahmoud Abbas February 2018 is very important month – the battles will be led continuously a few days and then by new incoming and retreating Palestinians until and including March 2018.March 2018 – the Israelis avoided the attack. Abbas is undertaking a passive – offensive terrorist war against Israel and USA. March 2018 – there will be a meeting of terrorist organizations that are supporting Palestine – it’s like on a piece of earth between water, but it’s connected with the mainland – close to Palestine – Egypt. Massive attacks are starting against the gas fields of Israel, with the desire to sink part of Israel. April 2018 – I see many flames and fires, many arsons.

May 2018 is the last month of activity for Abbas – close to him I see people that are helping him – he will be on a bed. As temporary substitutes I see two people. The state of Israel is separated on two parts to be managed. I see a will for Election, which is cancelled by the United Nations – it can’t help in that conflict. Year 2018 – Part Of Israel for a short time will remain under the leadership of Palestine, then Israel is taking back its territory. Palestine will be surrounded with a ring to be kept by destruction. The people will live mainly in the ground. There are forthcoming new contracts connected with the International Community – year 2018.

Clairvoyant reading for Palestine – year 2018 : May 2018 is the toughest month for them, except battles there is a forthcoming reorganization of leaders, new leadership, new strategies. I see digging of trenches, mercenaries and even more heavy war – with a lot of weapons and equipment. June 2018 -…….

Media Confirmation :

Mahmoud Abbas’ Health Deteriorates, and Israel Prepares for Bloody Succession Fight Head of West Bank’s Palestinian Authority was hospitalized for tests in U.S. at end of February

Mar 08, 2018

#TelAviv #Palestinianactivists #Burningtires #MahmoudAbbasHealth #health #politics #HassanRouhani #PresidentTrumpsenvoyforInternationalNegotiations #business #BeitHanoun #thesandsofSyria #USsanctionscase #politicalcrisisinIran #Iraq #TurkishbankerHakanAtilla #invasion #PalestinianRedCrescent #theTrumpadministration #VladimirPutin #Jordan #peacefuldemonstration #HashemiteKingdomofJordan #AldarKhalil #securitycooperationbetweenIsraelandthePA #protestmovement #Gazaborder #EuropeanUnioninvestments #NaturalCataclysms #elections #profitablebusiness #Bureijrefugeecamp #Athreat #onlookers #Palestinianpoliticians #SyrianElections #NewleaderofHezbollah #theKurdsIsrael #GazaCity #Lebanon #Greece #RecepTayyipErdogan #anattemptforacoup #IsraeliPalestinianpeace #israel #Iranyear2019 #ProblemswithRussia #PalestinianAuthority #Syria #Naturalcataclysm #thePresidentofIran #GreatReturnMarch #KingAbdullahIIofJordan #Predictions #protesters #population #war #energyfield #clairvoyant #election #Aconqueringwar #newterritories #ablackmachine #Hamas #Qatar #HassanNasrallahHezbollah #Attacksoverthesea #united #autonomousrule #Religion #IsraelisandPalestinians #WestBanksPalestinianAuthority #clairvoyantpredictions #new #PalestinianAuthorityPresidentMahmoudAbbas #Energycorridors #credits #icyregion #theleaderofQatar #enclave #NuclearPowerplant #succession #northernSyria #Goal #Jerusalemannouncement #Problems #teargas #thenegotiationforpeace #theborderwithTurkey #SaudiArabia #Waryear2018 #liveammunition #feeding #DonaldTrump #Ramallah #internationalunion #MeetingwiththePope #HassanNasrallah #Exploitationofnewenergyfieldsdeposits #shootingsinSyria #TheEuropeanUnion #EnteringinBulgaria #Saudis #iran #Omens #Israelisoldiers #KingAbdullahII #Ramallahhospital #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #refugees #terrorism #ThehealthofDevletBahceli #AliKhamenei #inverseluck #Attacks #magic #hospital #AyatollahAliKhamenei #EmirTamimAlThaniQatar #UNGeneralAssemblyinNewYork #Trials #DevletBahceli #Businesspartners #IDF #ShinBetsecurityservice #thecityofBourgas #Abbasregime #TurkishNationalistMovementParty #ClairvoyantDimitrinkaStaikova #Palestinians #SouthAmerica #capitalinEastJerusalem #battleswithTurkey #Molotovcocktail #Gaza #AlAqsamosque #IsraelDefenseForces #MahmoudAbbas #Battles #theKurdishledplans #Verysuccessfulbusiness #MuslimBrotherhood #IsraelampZionism #Preparation #theGreyWolvesorganization #HusamZomlot #nuclearbomb #Iraqyear2018 #Coalitions #money #RefugeesfromandinIraq #Israelipoliticalandsecurityofficials #ElectionsinLebanon #TheUnitedNations #ConstructionofPowerPlants #GazaStrip #Contaminateddrinkingwater #gasfields #details #Israeliforces #Israelimilitary #AmericansandRussians #psychicpredictions #WarwithPalestine #BasharalAssad #Bulgaria #IsraeliPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #Jerusalem #Hezbollah #thegoldofQatar #Negotiations #Palestinianprotesters #TheterritoryoftheKurds #HaideralAbadi #separatedonparts #Kilis #AvigdorLiberman #ClairvoyantStoyankaStaikova #Abbas #HamasleaderYahyaSinwar #RelationshipswithRussia #Davos #EmirTamimbinHamadAlThani #MiddleEast #PresidentDonaldTrump #year2018 #PresidentHassanRouhani #thePLOAmbassadortotheUnitedStates #ClairvoyantIvelinaStaikova #investors #theKurdishState #Turkey #Africa #RecepErdogan #theArabSpring #year2019 #Temporarynewleaders #MiddleEasterneconomy #Hamasmembers #Anarchitect #terroristorganizations #KurdishmilitantsinSyria #Internationalcontracts #Interestingmeetings #palestine #Cyprus #ThemysteryoftheMillennium #TurkeysBorderWithSyria #Prominentassassinations #Palestinianleadership #Healthproblems #Newbusiness #mysteries #theWestBank #JasonGreenblatt #Palestinianeconomy #Iranyear2018 #theKnesset #Gazaclashes


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