Lula da Silva (President of Brazil ) - Clairvoyant/Psychic reading January 9,2023 - Lula da Silva vs Jair Bolsonaro - Who will win ? - by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” - from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
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Photo of Lula da Sulva made January 1,2023. Time of the clairvoyant reading - after the photo
Lula da Silva’s health diagnosis : Now, he has sick kidneys. Severe inflammation and pain in the both kidneys. The energy and the contraction starts at right. It’s accompanied by tough nerves. The energy is leaving correctly the body, it’s passing through the left side - the head, then it goes in the stomach, passing through the small intestines and the energy is leaving the body through the left leg. From The left side is affected painfully the left kidney. In the right side - the muscles are painful all over his body . He feels pain in the bones,spine,shoulders and headaches in the forehead.
Lula da Silva is very nervous, until the end he didn’t trusted in his victory. From now on he is starting the construction of a cabinet made by three fractions in the party (three currents). There are traitors in the third fraction (a woman).
He is starting with orders and dismissals , gathering and talking to people. Then are coming new international contracts, a small local war with drug dealers and small settlements. Then begins a more serious war in a big city located near water.
February 2023 will be a bloody month. Slogan - “Divide and Conquer! “. The emphasis is placed on talking and persuasion. Just when he thought it was all over - I see an international intervention in Brazil , attempts for blockade (including economic blockade) - April,May 2023. June 2023 will be decided if Lula da Silva will keep his power. Year 2023 he will have a deputy who will perform all his functions.
Jair Bolsonaro (Former President of Brazil) - Clairvoyant/Psychic reading January 9,2023 - Bolsonaro vs Lula da Silva - by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” - from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
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There is an army behind Jair Bolsonaro - in the direct and the indirect sense of the world. He is prepared for a change of the power and a partisan retuning . The gold and money are exported from Brazil. Bolsonaro will hide in bunkers also in the southeastern part of Brazil. He is undermining the power and expecting its return. There will be a shooting against him. The present mandate of President Lula da Silva will be shortened in order of the returning of Bolsonaro to the power. If Bolsonaro succeeds to stay alive in the next three years - there will be his time .
Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro - Clairvoyant/Psychic reading January 9,2023 - When I see agreement between Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva? - by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
Jair Bolsonaro’s photo made on October 29,2022. Time of the clairvoyant reading - after the photo
Health diagnosis : I see problems with the skin of the face and the head, pain in the ears and the ear glands, pain in the head, hypersensitivity. He has passed through a COVID infection. Swollen thyroid gland. Pain in the stomach and the ribs - a disease. Hernia around the belly button. Inflamed prostate and bladder that affects the bones of the legs.
There is a huge sum of money money that is supporting Bolsonaro - a Bank is staying behind his back - I see their interest in oil (energy) field located in the Southern part of Brazil. There will be two attempts by him to restore his power in Brazil. I see two attempts for murder against Bolsonaro. He is surrounded by a private army of mercenaries. And in the both times he tries to restore his power - there will be a lot of death in Brazil.
Bolsonaro is afraid of eavesdropping. He is finding such devices in his home and this is making him at first to go to North , then he goes at Southern Brazil. He afraid very much about his life. I see a coffin - he has recently lost a close to him person. Jair Bolsonaro has a strong support around him, but I see his supporters from the highest levels of the power in Brazil are slowly disappearing - they are destroyed.
January 2023 - Bolsonaro is trying to seek help also by Russians - but it doesn’t work. His private army is slowly disappearing.
February 2023 - I see there are still riots in Brazil - mainly in the northern parts of Brazil (northeast,northwest) - that region Bolsonaro thinks of as his own.
February/March 2023 - the amount of Bolsonaro’s supporters is decreasing. The financial institution that is supporting him will have a cover above them - their actions will be freezed and blocked by the state and the bank’s operations will be disturbed. I see a war footing in Brazil .
March/April 2023 - there will be no more rioters in Brazil - they will be arrested, killed, stopped. No more riots. I see a meeting between the two presidents - Lula da Silva and Bolsonaro - there will be talks, agreements , negotiations . They will reach an agreement.
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