Jens Stoltenberg (NATO Secretary General) after his meeting in Ramstein - Bringing International troops in Ukraine, Creating of ‘Casus Belli ‘ for a Third World War, Small rockets, New kind of weapons … - Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 23,2023 - by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova “ - from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna
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Jens Stoltenberg’s health diagnosis : I see severe pain at left (in the head) close to the eye (temple) and ear. The inflammation is very serious and before a surgery. There is also inflammation in the left lung,left arm,left leg. I see serious dehydration, the action of the bladder, inflamed muscles all over his body, reduced vision , sharpened nerve system. He feels pain in the muscles at the back of his body and pain in the tendons (they are very tight, contracted). The energy circles inside the belly are moving clockwise, the inflammation is down low (as Hernia). There is increased acidity - caused by bile and kidneys. Until the end of January 2023 Jens Stoltenberg will suffer from often headaches. He is negotiating gradually without sharp intonations. He is promising a visit, support with money - Jens Stoltenberg wants weapons. The Defence Ministers in Ramstein are meeting to decide on bringing international troops in Ukraine, the creation of Casus Belli for a Third World War.The American military ships are preparing for a travel to Ukrainian ports. The first days of February 2023 begins the releasing of money for a military equipment and intervention. Also is included a new military technology invisible to the radars - small rockets with a lot of Phosphorus. A dislocation starts in Ukraine and it will be veiled with cultural events - dance teams. There is an upcoming entering in Ukraine of military equipment from train composition coming from Poland , from North and South. They are all meeting in one circle - around Kyiv. The invasion of troops begins since February 12,13 -it will be over to February 15, year 2023. In the same time are starting the battles for the Russian republics in Ukraine(Donetsk, Luhansk..). From the Space - there are satellites helping the Russian Forces. I see new aircrafts (small, unmanned aircrafts) - they are helping to the Russians. Begins the shelling from ships against the Russian Forces. Until February 20-23 - I see a thought of closing. The photos of the victims will be terrifying . They will succeed in part of the one republic. The war footing will be announced. In the end of February 2023 - I see the preparation for International meeting about Ukraine. To military experts will be presented a weapon in details with a new element and a detail. A new type of drone will be shown. I see the starting of negotiations for Iranian fuel and it’s passing through Europe - until the beginning of March 2023. A new type of bombs will be demonstrated - exploding with poison, new type of sound waves , a new kind of people - with different DNA - without external changes, new kind of blood. What will be done with the new technologies ?For now, Jens Stoltenberg wants the circle around the Russian invasion to be narrowed down and the Russians to be expelled from Ukraine. The actions are planned until April 2023. After April 2023 the armies will attack and there is invasion of big Russian armies and captivity of Ukrainian soldiers. That will be made after a one island - a big part of it will be lost in the sea, because of a bomb in the depths of the island - it will be officially announced as Climate problems.In a personal plan to Jens Stoltenberg there is an upcoming change of home. In the next two years for him - I see eye surgery, New home at the top of a mountain - it will be in the ground, new conquering of gold and increasing of a Gold treasure. An underground city will have a new member (newborn one).
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