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India’s Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman – New religion , War , Pakistan , Details ,

Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about India, Read the rest only in Our Future Ebook and Paperback book available soon in our website and in Amazon 

“The rich also cry….. ” with Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about  :

India’s Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman – New religion , War , Pakistan , Details , Military weapons , War footing , The Space – an ISS ship , changes at the Ministry of defense , Space technologies , Seizure of territories by China , Climate change – Clairvoyant / Psychic predictions February 28 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

 photo: February 26 , 2019. Time – after the photo

Nirmala Sitharaman’s health : At February 26 , 2019 she has a slight pain in the right eye , increased pressure in the left eye , pain at the pituitary. And despite caused by nerves , the pain will increase because of more nervous situations. I see inflamed muscles on the back at left , constriction in the heart , inflamed mucus of the large intestine and heavy inflammation with pain at the right genitals and around the uterus ( womb ). She has inflamed left shoulder , a slight pain at the left pelvic area , gases. She must not work too long with computer – the result is ill pituitary and problems ( treatment ) of the left eye. She already has sensitivity ( neurosis ) at the heart – she must not lift heavy things.

The goal of India with the attacks over Pakistan is a seizure of territory – at first – one piece. Then comes the seizure of the whole Pakistan at a later stage. The interesting here: there is a third participant who doesn’t dare to play in that military game and remains aside only with its nerves (a third country which also wants territories – China ). For now , Nirmala Sitharaman is talking that she only strikes back to Pakistan and her country has long endured the Islamic raids. March 2019 – there will be gathering of an army and weapons close to the border , but slowly and very idly ( outwardly ). At March 2019 the air strikes are increased by unmanned and piloted planes. The first ten – day period – I see more military activity on land in Pakistan. Begins a military activity also on land in India. But while in Pakistan will be prepared for defense , in India will be prepared only for attacks. Special armies will participate in the attacks , treated with care in the spirit of nationalism ( a lot ). In the second ten – day period of March 2019 – in Pakistan will begin to explode bombs with different colours – there will be tests of new technologies with laser irradiation – the light of the bombs will cut like a glass. There will be explosions and the smell of burning flesh in Pakistan. There will be an assault that will lure Pakistani people to an attack in India – this is needed for the media policy. At the end of the month , the world will be separated at two parts in its opinion ( also the United nations ) , and it will only observe. Begins an invasion of India in Pakistan. They will only negotiate with China , Russia , The European union ( Germany in particular ). The nationalism takes peak in the political decisions. For now India is starting to walk step by step with a heavy step to Pakistan. The only interesting is : they have hurried with the assault , because of the circumstances – that’s why in the beginning they will be more slowly. April 2019 – I see a strong rebound – a national tragedy……..

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