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In Answer of a Clients request   : We sell ( as PDF file sent to Email) #Clairvoyant/#Psychic readin

Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,  Bulgaria, Varna

In Answer of a Clients request   :

We sell ( as PDF file sent to Email) Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to :

Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen (Lorenskog disappearance) , Tom Hagen (Norwegian billionaire charged in wife’s killing), One of the kidnappers (Video photo), The Chief of the Police  – that includes  :

●Details about the Kidnapping  ;

● Where is Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen now, how she can be found and when …

● Details about the goal of her Kidnapping . When (In the past), how .

● A lawsuit ;

● Details about  the kidnappers  ;

● Evidences against the Killer  – where she will be found  .

● Tom Hagen – Health,  Business partners , enemies,  children,  searching….., a help from…., how and when it will end .

“…At the right hand I see a ring with  stone (lighter, with color). With that ring they have proved that she is kidnapped….”

Every person that buys that Clairvoyant/Psychic reading is subscribed with his email for our future clairvoyant reading  when there is development of the case with actual photos  published online. The future clairvoyant readings on the topic are included in this  price  of 300 GBP (or 350 Euros).

To order this Clairvoyant reading  – send an email to :  with inquiry about the payment.


Free information published  online –

Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen (Norwegian billionaire Tom Hagen’s wife being  kidnapped for ransom ) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions January 10,2019 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,  Varna.

#murderweapon #TommyBroske #RussiansteelcompanySeverstal #counterreconnaissance #body #murder #tragedy #LØRENSKOG #ElkraftAS #Elkraft #burglary #MrHagen #FalkevikHagen #police #Oslo #abduction #richestpeople #Polititeori #Monero #CrewGoldCorporation #investigation #clairvoyantpredictions #missing #ransom #Kripos #DimitrinkaStaikova #ransomnote #bitcoins #SveinHolden #Norwaysrichestmen #policeofficer #disappearance #MrHagenslawyer #murderkidnappingcase #marketmanipulation #OsloPolicesection #Interpol #Lørenskogforsvinningen #MISSINGAnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #NorwaysSupremeCourt #Oslopolicechief #Norwegianbillionaire #abductors #FinancialFunds #topsecretinvestigation #gjerningspersoner #milliardærenTomHagen #financialinfidelity #fraud #FalkevikHagensdisappearance #RolfArneLetvik #TheHagenfamily #Norwegiankroner #policeinvestigation #AnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #NorwegiannewspaperVG #homicide #Europol #cryptocurrency #billionaireTomHagen #KapitalslistofNorways400fakenumberplates #anonymoustransactions #money #etterforskningsleder #fortune #psychicpredictions #kidnappers #Norway #policedetective #FredrikDaylemaniSneve #secrecy #Fjellhamar #kryptosporet #cryptocurrency #worldpredictions #investmentprojects #Scandinaviannation #Scandinavia #investorTomHagen #mogul #investors #Økokrim #Kidnapping #Norwegiannews #billionaire #AnneElisabethHagen #NorwegiancapitalOslo #TomHagen #Norwegianspecialagencyofpolice #NRK #MsHagensdisappearance


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