Psychic News
by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna.
Authors of more than 40 books with Clairvoyant predictions/Psychic readings on the Hottest News of the day published in Amazon
Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulazis – Clairvoyant/ Psychic Predictions May 3, 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
●http://clairvoyantdimitrinkastaikova.weebly.com ●http://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.mystrikingly.com ●https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com ●http://sites.google.com/site/dimitrinkastaikova
Photo : March 8 , 2020 time of the clairvoyant reading – after the photo.
King Salman Bin Abdulazis ‘s health : At March 8 , 2020 he has a strong headache – above the forehead at left I see an intense tightening in the blood system and the muscles above the heart and inside the heart – he has passed a heart attack and a light stroke. In the month of March 2020 he has survived by the will of Allah. Then I see strong pains at his bones and the muscles all over the body , but the most intense pain I see at the hands , also the pelvic areas are affected ( left and right ). The pains are concentrated : down low in the belly at left , left hand , the back of the head – the whole left part and in the kidneys – left and right one + the wrist and fingers of the right hand. King Salman has passed for a very short moment through a brain death. He will continue with a cleansing of the liver , the pain in the stomach will be increased and the feeling for vomiting. The treatment is tough , but successful for now. There will be problems with scars over his skin caused by ill liver and prostate.
I see soldiers waiting for orders on their way – at east ( from the palace ). They are taking positions – divided on two parts. The second part of the soldiers is going at South – they strengthen their positions – between the two parts. I see the formation of battle line and the both armies are starting an invasion – towards East.
At this stage – March 2020 – King Salman Bin Abdulazis is interested by the war and the food – quality , inhibition ( holding ) in the stomach. He believes in the sky and Allah for treatment. At the end of March 2020 I see a scandal in the Royal Palace , threats , lack of money , financial problems and insisting for financial transactions.
April 2020 – I see a red stone in the hands of King Salman and thoughts as a spell – he doesn’t see , but he is feeling the events. Under the sign of the black colour is starting a bad moment for the people in Saudi Arabia because of the drought , hunger , diseases , and a climate change – the land is splitting , separating. Also the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is separating – at first to two parts , then to three parts…. At first they will be subordinated to the King , but then they are separating.
There is a forthcoming revolution , uprising in Saudi Arabia. The son of King Salman will be strong and strengthened for a certain time , but he will be killed by a close to him person.
Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulazis Al Saud ( the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ) – Clairvoyant / Psychic predictions May 3 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
●http://clairvoyantdimitrinkastaikova.weebly.com ●http://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.mystrikingly.com ●https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com ●http://sites.google.com/site/dimitrinkastaikova
Photo : November 29 , 2019. Time of the clairvoyant reading – after the photo.
He is moving forward acording to a plan written by him. After November 2019 – there will be more bans ( restrictions ). I see for the Crown Prince Mohammad problems with the spine – December 2019. There is a returning of old trauma ( injuries ) caused by falling from a horse. At the end of year 2019 and year 2020 – there will be old problems for him with real estates he is getting or he is about to acquire. I see a research of yellow water , problems with fuel , problems with future constructions – with many floors ( until February 2020 ). Before the end of February 2020 and March 2020 – I see thinking about the King’s disease. There are problems with negotiations with Trump , because of money that he owns , but he can’t use. There are problems with shipments of medicines and medical products. I also see problems with prisons and Intelligence ( reconnaissance ).
March 2020 – Prince Mohammad is taking care for his family. I see separation , security , dividing of money in different banks and the financial assurance of people close to him. April 2020 – I see the resumption of the enterprise ( undertaking ) about a construction. Prince Mohammad doesn’t decrease the oil production , but I see he is storing it in the ground. It will cost a local ecological disaster that will lead to human victims and death.
On the site there will be new constructions. Prince Mohammad is buying from USA a nuclear weapon about the war with Yemen – he will walk forward killing everything until May 2020 ( including ). Then are beginning negotiations with Russia about cease of fire and this is pretext and a password for internal war. May – June 2020 it begins dispersedly with a small amount of people , but he is making a mistake and he withdraws and strengthens his positions , then there is uprising and they are making the first deal with the King about independency and despite some of the leaders are loosing their heads – this is according to the plan , behind them are staying the real leaders , and behind them is seen Russia. WhenPrince Mohammad Al Saud is thinking that he is about to win – from June and July 2020 he enters in a black period of time. From June 2020 there is increasing of the oil price accompanied with an inflation . Begins the era of increasing of the level of technologies in Saudi Arabia. July 2020 is a feast for Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud , but he will not enjoy it. Begins a Space era for Saudi Arabia. July 2020 – A new construction will reach to a rock and there will be talking about a construction inside the construction – at great depth in a rock – as a small town. July 2020 – with and around Prince Mohammad I see many children from different families. Begins a very slow strengthening of positions and preparation for a future king. The Kingdom will deprive him from one of his women – a deal. After the big earthquake before the end of year 2020 – the life will start again. He is dividing the energy business in order to keep the prices.
In Addition : Clairvoyant reading to the Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulazis – May 3 , 2020 by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
Photo : March 8 , 2020. Time – after the photo.
King Salman has a strong energy in the head , I see him to think actively for something and he is sending his thoughts far away. I see problems for him with the throat and thyroid gland – as an enlarged cyst , swollen in his throat that creates discomfort. Behind his back I see a very strong and active Intelligence that is working in five directions. In the moment of the photo ( March 8 , 2020 ) – he is thinking about two oil fields ( big ones ) – the one is exhausted , and in the other the oil is crossed out. The King is seeing his Kingdom separated ( divided ) at three parts , but on the top is ruling an underground ( illegal ) power.
March 2020 – Saudi Arabia is governed by the Military and divided to four parts.
April 2020 – I see storing of the oil inside a big building and from there – export with oil cisterns ( tanks ) and ships.
May 2020 – I see contracts for oil. There is a forthcoming strong heat in Saudi Arabia. I see evaporations going towards the sky. There is a separation of a big amount of gas in the air. I see a lot of money , upcoming battle actions. I see dust that makes the air black.
In Addition : Clairvoyant reading to Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulazis Al Saud ( the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ) by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
Photo : November 29 , 2019. Time – after the photo.
I see problems with the eyes – there is a strong pain in and above the eyes. Pain in the neck and throat. Problems with the breathing and lungs. There is swelling and gases in the stomach , pain in the legs and oroblems with the movement. I see a security behind his back , but as a wall of technologies. Prince Mohammad is thinking about radiation , radioactivity , and nuclear technologies connected with Russia. He is thinking about a woman with long curly hair that emits very strong energy around herself , she has a royal blood. I see four people connected , two of them are crossed out. There will be problems for Saudi Arabia with a sea and sea cargo.
In Addition : Clairvoyant reading to the Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulazis – May 3 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova
Photo :March 8 , 2020
March 2020 – Americans are making a visit. Week 1 – there is a threat of coronavirus – there are many militaries around the Royal Palace. Week 2 – the oil is a target – there is a proposal – a strike on the Russian oil production. Week 3 – the King has pain in the stomach , a disease in the head. The King is dissatisfied , the infected people around him are increasing. Week 4 – the King doesn’t want to make business with Russians , but people from his family want , and there are Russians making a contact with them. April 2020 – Week 1 – there are four close to him people ruling instead of him , but one of them is sent to a trip at first , and then he is crossed out. Week 2 – there is a concentration on a threat of infection ( contamination ) and attempts for removal. Week 3 – two of his advisers have no longer influence on him – only the advisers connected with Russians will remain. Week 4 – I see excitement connected with the original strain of the virus and thinking about many dead people. May 2020 : Week 1 -there is talking about a deal connected with people that speak Russian language – it is connected with nuclear weapons. Week 2 – the coronavirus is affecting the banks – I see two famous bankers in Saudi Arabia to have problems , one of them also with the Police. Week 3 – problems with banks , they passing into secularization. Two of the close advisers of the King are heavy affected. Week 4 – the King id immobilized and ill. It looks like a result of a foreign intervention. He will overcome it very tough.
● New Ebook and Paperback book : World Predictions and Prophecies 2019 – 2020. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : the Impeachment of Trump, Saudi Aramco, Israel ,LUKOIL, Gazprom, Hassan Rouhani, Ursula von der Leyen, Mike Pompeo, Credit Suisse, the Vatican…by Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova – Published October 5, 2019
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LIST WITH 73 EBOOKS FOR SALE WITH CLAIRVOYANT/PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS ABOUT THE HOTTEST NEWS OF THE DAY – by the Authors – Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varnahttps://clairvoyantdimitrinkastaikova.weebly.com/hottestnewspredictionsBUY FROM OUR EBOOK STORE AND ENJOY !
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