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Happy St. Valentine’s Day ! Salma Hayek (actress ) and her husband Francois – Henri Pinault ( chairm

Hottest News Predictions by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – February 2019

Happy St. Valentine’s Day ! Salma Hayek (actress ) and her husband Francois – Henri Pinault ( chairman and CEO of Kering and president of Groupe Artemis ) – One love – One life –  part of Clairvoyant / Psychic predictions February 12,2019 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.

Photo : February 9 , 2019. Time – after the photo.

Salma Hayek Pinault’s health diagnosis:  At February 10 , 2019 – I see very strong headache over the eyes and in the bottom of the eyes , strong pain at the left ear , constriction and pain in the thyroid gland – the pain is going also at the right hand. The heart reacts because of nerves and constriction in the duodenum. It is felt externally as a swelling in the stomach. She has gases in the large intestine , strong acidity in the body because of the bile ( gall ) and affected ( and inflamed ) pancreas. The stomach has slightly increased size. The genitals at left are causing a slight pain. The right pelvic area , tail bone , left kidney – have a slight inflammation – it is connected also with the pain in the head and playing of the blood pressure. These days – there will be a slight pain in the left knee. There was a physical strike on the back of her head at left and that will give a reflection into a future headaches. At right – now – the pain on the back of the head is connected with a tense blood vessel and she will feel pain from the neck to the right hand. The massages on the back of the muscles ( all over the body ) must continue – this is good for the kidneys , spine and tail bone. In the future she must be careful with the playing of the blood pressure – very high blood pressure and very low – will lead to very unpleasant moments.

Now – there is only talking without visible results in the business relationships. There will be engagements at the end of February and March 2019 – but they will rather as advertisement. A proposal for movie (again advertising) March 2019. The more interesting events are June – July 2019 – a movie with all nuances – modern , historical , fantasy . But who will be the sister in the movie ? The kids will conquer her time during summer 2019 because of the health of two children. August and September 2019 is a time to and for her husband – business and nerves. September 2019 – I see traveling and shooting ( photos ) in a dessert area. I see many Spaniards close to her , less Frenchmen , Englishmen and Americans. It will all end as advertising ( advertisement) and movie ( technically ) in USA. November 2019 – Salma Hayek will be happy and satisfied . Despite a little before that she will have survived a car crash , and gravity – later. In the end of year 2019 – I see Salma Hayek to hold a candle and to pray.


Francois -Henri Pinault (Chairman and CEO of Kering and President of Artemis Group ) – His health at February 10 , 2019 – He had a problem from the past with the both eyes. Now – I see a more intense reduction of the vision in the left eye. The pituitary is affected ( an old non – treated inflammation ). It is the same for the thyroid gland – at left. At the right part of the thyroid gland there is a swelling and two cysts. I see a pain in the soul and future treatment of the right part of the heart ( surgery ). The right lung , the urinary tract and left genitals are inflamed in the moment . In the past the right leg was hit. It is written by fate about him to have scars above the both knees. I see a constriction around the heart. He must take a rest more often and he must be in a calm place. There is a danger by heart attack. Now , there is a strong inflammation of the spine , high blood pressure , inflammation of the right kidney and of the muscles – the waist – at right , because of radiation and an attempt for moving ( as attempt for sports). The moving must stop. Both Salma Hayek and her husband Francois – Henri Pinault have similar diseases with the difference – with Francois – Henri Pinault I see contamination with radiation and more severe diseases. The cause is put either close to the Heating ( inside) or on the window ( outside ). It came from outside through the window ( as a man who cleans ).

So far – Business February 2019 – I see a prolonged deal with arabs , problems with the movement of ships , a stress because of Brexit in Great Britain , problems with duty in USA – the end of February and March 2019. March 2019 – through England – there is a business with Russians – from one contract are becoming two. An union with German company , a breakthrough in Turkey ( investments and hire of Turkish labor ). A construction of railroad and a road – western Europe, but former Soviet republics + energy business ( joint shareholder business ). April 2019 – there is inclusion of Russian in the business (percentage + shares ) for business – goods in Russia. March , April and May 2019 – new business with China – it begins from Africa. April 2019 – putting of money into a war ( as aids , including humanitarian aid )….

Francois – Henri Pinault loves his family very much. It is not written by his fate to die soon. He will make experiments with his health.


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Product details :

File Size : 1,4 MB

File type : PDF

Print length : 19 pages

Publishers : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova (August  16, 2018)

Sold by : Dimitrinka Staikova

Language: English 

Words : 7780

Characters (no space) – 36005


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