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Free New Ebook about the Trade war : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy fro

Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

Published – May 23,  2018 

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

2018 © Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

*The book is published May 23, 2018 in Createspace (Amazon) and We publish it for free June 2, 2018, 10 am. in our web sites – Property of Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova.


1.  Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister) – The health of Netanyahu, The Israelian gas to Europe – East Med Gas Pipeline – Where are expected the first strikes? Problems with Turkey, War in Mediterranean sea with crowding of military force, The stones that need to be overturned. The hands of Benjamin Netanyahu – a hug or a press? The weak spots of the israelian gas pipeline – East Med. The future continuation of the gas pipeline to Egypt. His future plans – the Space, Russia – a gene in Siberia. A handful of gold for a gold deposit. Elections – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 9, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

2. Alexis Tsipras (Prime Minister of Greece) – His health, Negotiations, Israel gas pipeline (East Med), Problems with airplanes, Negotiations with Turkey about an island, The future of Macedonia, Relationships with Russia. Does Alexis Tsipras remain political leader of Greece? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 9, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

3. Nicos Anastasiades (President of Cyprus) – Cyprus will be rich and financially independent country 2020 – 2021, His health, Problems now with Russia  and financing. The construction of the gas pipeline of Israel (East Med ), In the future – there is construction of underground, underwater tunnel…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 9, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

4. Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran) – Lawsuits, New Contracts with Europe, War in Syria, Internal war, Elections, Suppression of riots, A war with Israel and USA, Merging of Muslim countries, Year 2018 – Clairvoyant predictions for each month, Year 2019, 2020 – what will happen? Year 2025 – Space business. When the Iranian mass of people is melting in the world and why? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 13, 2018, 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

5. Christian Sewing (CEO of Deutsche bank) – About the new energy of the 21th century – gravitational. Construction of a special center for launching. Problems with jews , Contracts with Moscow, Political crisis, New Elections – when? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 15, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

6. John Flint (CEO of HSBC Holdings) – Buying of shares of other banks and HSBC becomes the most powerful European bank. Opening of new offices, new oil fields, profitable military contracts, including gas pipelines, contracts with Russia, investments in Space objects (satellites), Lawsuits connected with real estates in USA – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 16, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

7. Hienrich Hiesinger (CEO of ThyssenKrupp) – His health, A new underground factory – where ? Tests, Experiments with vessels (Argentine submarine), New Stealth technologies with gold and silver, Building of Space stations on the Earth, The steel business with USA, Problems with a bank war with jews, Sabotages in factories, Military deals, Experiments in the craters of volcanoes – Antimatter, A space start and meeting with invisible life (the light is separating on two parts and there is a dark shadow in the middle, which is moving), a wound on the head – a mystery…..Business, scandal in USA – a lawsuit, reorganization in ThyssenKrupp. Experiments – a metal, dripping like a rain without magnetic attraction, Nuclear experiments – the Iran Nuclear Program; Preparation for elections – company and political, A steel war, Explosion…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 17, 2018 , 2pm. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

8.  Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission) – Projects, Plans, Financing for the construction of underground route connected with the nuclear capacities of CERN to South – a conspiracy or the future of the Earth. A trade war with USA – the beginning and the end – a gift and compromise. Contracts with USA about foods and seeds. Problems and contracts with Russia. Moving of money, Problems with Turkey, His health – surgical operations…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 19, 2018 , 10am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


Only in our Clairvoyant Shop :

Fabiola Gianotti (CERN Director – General) – A storage for Antimatter,  Very strong and powerful  electrical energy is produced  – it shifts underground layers and affects to the  Earth’s rotation  – When? The  road of the antimatter  to Israel.  A black cloud and lightning wind to Syria and Iran – the antimatter  in the  Third  World War. Problems with the strong  energy and it’s production – with bounce. A new kind of energy is created  – by antimatter and…  Year 2018 – creation of new device about  hibernation during  the  Space travels. A choice. War. When  the new achievements of CERN  will come into use by Israel  – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 18,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Photo : March 27,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.


Xi Jinping (President of  the People’s republic of China) – The man who  knows the  answers of all mysteries. There is found energy deposit  close to the border with  South Korea and in South Korea – which they plan to be exploited  by the both Koreas. The commercial  policy with Jews by two parts. The  new invasion  – dark matter with  energy “objects ” of people. Where are the remains of the  missing flight MH370 – now….. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 12, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Photo : May 7/8th,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.

+ A gift – Our Ebook:

Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

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Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister) – The health of Netanyahu, The Israelian gas to Europe – East Med Gas Pipeline – Where are expected the first strikes? Problems with Turkey, War in Mediterranean sea with crowding of military force, The stones that need to be overturned. The hands of Benjamin Netanyahu – a hug or a press? The weak spots of the israelian gas pipeline – East Med. The future continuation of the gas pipeline to Egypt. His future plans – the Space, Russia – a gene in Siberia. A handful of gold for a gold deposit. Elections – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 9, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo : May 8, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s health May 8, 2018 :

There is a disease condition of the right sinus drainage duct (around the right eye), a shrinking of blood vessel at the thyroid gland at right. The energy is going to the right hand (it walks around the shoulder area). I see an inflamed spine ,left kidney and tailbone. There is a strong energy (painful) at the knees, inflammation of the muscles – the palms and strong inflammation at the kidneys and the urinary tract. The left kidney will be treated longer – it is for a surgical operation.

In the negotiations for gas pipeline in the future will remain two countries – Israel and Cyprus. The present plans for the including of Athens will fall out. In the future will remain the direct connection with Cyprus. The gas pipeline at first is in a straight line, then it is going at North ( almost at 90 degrees), then it is going at Greece, but it will be close to border, again the angle is almost 90 degrees, when it is going upwards to Bulgaria. The main distributive hub will be from Cyprus to North (Bulgaria). There will be inclusion of one more country – an intermediate stop between Israel and Cyprus. And the both natural gas hubs will be protected from Turkey with a fivefold rings for protection – only from the side of Turkey.

Mainly, the collision and the strikes from the side of Turkey are expected in the first gas hub after Israel. There is a forthcoming attack and an attempt for conquering of a new territory by Turkey – the first gas hub after Israel. Then follows the attempt at Cyprus – the natural gas field for attacking by Turkey, but in the beginning is stopped until the protected territory ( the rings, which are protecting by Turkish side the territory of Cyprus). Then, there is a beginning of crowding (gathering) of turkish army at Northern Cyprus and accumulation of many vessels in Mediterranean sea.

The water areas and the future gas pipeline will be occupied mainly by Israel, USA, NATO and the European Union. The other military forces will be pushed until Turkey. The owners of the gas pipeline will be jews – six persons.

May 2018 are the stones that need to be removed. The contracts are starting since May 2018 (after May 24th) and despite the participation of Greece, then Greece will fall out. Alexis Tsipras (the Prime minister of Greece) will participate with his personal funds, and through a very small part of Greece is passing the gas pipeline for Europe.

At the end of May and the beginning of June 2018 are starting the problems with Turkey – military actions – Cyprus will be protected. There is intervention by Russia, but it will remain formally – as observer.

At the end of June and July 2018 are beginning the problems with the gas pipeline in Israel (caused by Russia). There will be no technical problems that will be accidental (random). First, the gas pipeline begins at Israel, then to Egypt, and in the future it will unite the israelian and the egyptian natural gas. There are forthcoming heavy battles in Egypt and Libya year 2018. Begins the collection of funding (financing) about the gas pipeline since May 2018 from Israel. Where the gas pipeline is passing through – the hands of Benjamin Netanyahu will be opened for a hug or a strong pressure.

Year 2018 – at this stage the plans are developing too fast and there will be a moment when they are loosing control, because of the lightning speed – then Russia slips in to try to destroy this enterprise. The weakness of these plans will be the shares of the gas pipeline and the playing with the falling , the raising and the bankruptcies of a certain companies. It will not go without a war and explosions while the gas pipeline is built.

The other weakness is the israelian gas field itself – a blue element will be inserted inside it , which will explode very easy the natural gas….

And Benjamin Netanyahu is the other element – after some time he will be removed (death), and then the six persons (the owners of the gas pipeline) will be revealed – to remain visible only three of them. Is this a plot (conspiracy)?

This is a way to the Space and and a new war of technologies, future business in the Space and surrounding of Russia in order to destroy her – as a gene, which is in Siberia – they are giving a handful of gold for a gold deposit.

Also, there are forthcoming Elections in Israel.

Alexis Tsipras (Prime Minister of Greece) – His health, Negotiations, Israel gas pipeline (East Med), Problems with airplanes, Negotiations with Turkey about an island, The future of Macedonia, Relationships with Russia. Does Alexis Tsipras remain political leader of Greece? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 9, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo : May 8, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Alexis Tsipras’ health May 8, 2018 : In the moment – he has inflammation of the left ear and Flu. I see inflamed muscles at right, inflamed stomach with a small wound in it. At the back – the whole back and the muscles are cold and there is a pain at the pelvic area. The spine from the kidneys below is inflamed. In the future – there is a forthcoming treatment and surgical operation of the prostate.

Now – Alexis Tsipras is nervous, there is a lack of money in a greek bank (national bank). He doesn’t see a future in the gas pipeline of Israel. His hopes are connected only with Putin and the russian natural gas.

May 2018 – there are negotiations through the whole month – until the end of May 2018. At the end – the negotiations will end, but for now in benefit of Russia. June 2018 begins a threat for his life. I see him in a hospital – for a short time. He is signing documents in benefit of the gas pipeline of Israel. There will be problems – since May and June 2018 with greek airplanes (military and civilian airplanes). I see a tacit agreement with Turkey about an island, payment of a lot of money from Greece to the European Union, constructions in Macedonia, and unions with Macedonia – until the end of June 2018 – because of threats by Albania.

Macedonia will have an union with Greece and in the future – it will become a province of Greece. Despite Greece will become even more poorer – there begins an era of revival for greatness – until the end of year 2018.

Since September 2018 are starting the contracts. The relationships with Russia will be in the foreground July-August 2018. July 2018 – from a greek ports will go russian militaries on a terrorist mission against the gas pipeline of Israel. July 2018 – there are problems in Greece from the side of Albania (terrorism, explosions). Greece will increase its military power with NATO and USA. August 2018 – the world is separated first on two camps, then each camp is making its separated coalitions.

September 2018 – Alexis Tsipras will have problems as a political leader of Greece – a new figure appears. In the future, he will remain in the political leading elite, but he will be no longer political leader.

Nicos Anastasiades (President of Cyprus) – Cyprus will be rich and financially independent country 2020 – 2021, His health, Problems now with Russia  and financing. The construction of the gas pipeline of Israel (East Med ), In the future – there is construction of underground, underwater tunnel…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 9, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo : May 8, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Nicos Anastasiades ‘ health May 8, 2018 : The right pelvic area – there is a pain that stiffen the muscles at the back and at the spine. He has a sick heart – he is passing through treatment and surgical operations. There is a light inflammation of the right lung. He had a serious problems at the abdominal cavity – as bleeding. He has sick pancreas, liver and weak blood irrigation down low at the abdominal area. The more intense pains are caused by the liver and the pancreas.

The acidity in the body is increased….

About Nicos Anastasiades – the gas pipeline of Israel and the protection of Israel are needed. What bothers him are Turkey and Erdogan. He is taking the final decisions, but someone else is leading Cyprus – behind him are staying two assistants (advisors). He will have serious health problems.

There is a slight collapse in the financial system – then negotiations with Russia. A new banks are coming in Cyprus. There are very good relationships with Swiss banks.

In the future, there will be a construction of tunnel from Cyprus – underwater tunnel – the documents are starting from year 2018. The tunnels are passing through Cyprus from greek and turkish side (but first from the greek side). There are new money coming (new funds) at Cyprus – that will poise her economy.

Since year 2020 – 2021 – Cyprus will be rich and financially independent country.

Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran) – Lawsuits, New Contracts with Europe, War in Syria, Internal war, Elections, Suppression of riots, A war with Israel and USA, Merging of Muslim countries, Year 2018 – Clairvoyant predictions for each month, Year 2019, 2020 – what will happen? Year 2025 – Space business. When the Iranian mass of people is melting in the world and why? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 13, 2018, 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo : May 8, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Hassan Rouhani’s health May 8,9 year 2018 : I see pain at the left eye (not very intense) – it is coming from the back of the head – at left and from the neck vertebrae. He has a strong flu, which is in the beginning. I see already sick throat and the both lungs are affected by the flu. His body is fighting – there is a slightly increased temperature and strong static electricity, which precedes skin redness and appearance of pimples. The muscles are painfully affected – at the back, the whole left side, and from the right side – until the waist…. There is inflammation also in the kidneys and the right pelvic area. There are bone spurs at the neck vertebrae. At the right shoulder area – pain, inflammation of the urinary tract. All body parts are included to clean the disease and to heal the body – this is his health condition for 15 days ahead in the time.

Hassan Rouhani – His money are the half than expected, 1/4 of the money are already invested in a war – it is still too small amount of money than the wanted financial assets. But the preparation and the investments for a war have already begun. Now – there are two lawsuits, which are expecting Iran. The first one unites two controversial moments from a contract. The second one is connected with a nuclear bomb. A bad moment has begun connected with the aircrafts of Iran. There is also a bad moment connected with ships and sea transport, but there the things will stay on one level – until their fixing. New contracts are expected and new business. This is not the case with the aircrafts – there are included in battles – both on the shore – at south and the airplanes will be intercepted and exploded. This is a bad time for Iran – I see a very sick person, on a bed (as expectation for death). I see problems about an energy company and a threat for Elections. Negotiations for energy. Energy companies in a war. The threat coming from Trump – Hassan Rouhani is sure that the threat is coming from a woman – but not from Trump itself.

The next is his health and his work on the new energy deposits, which will stabilize the financial and the military policy. I see conversations with the European Union and business contracts, which are giving a possibility to the European countries to earn from the Iranian oil – France, Germany, Belgium (Luxembourg). There are forthcoming contracts after the threat from court. There is a forthcoming war with USA and Israel. That situation will be kept at least two more years. Then it begins slightly to collapse. Libya is starting to gain strength in the world and to unite all muslim countries around themselves. Under the threat  for conquering – Iran will join to a new union (alliance). Until then – the internal disputes are passing to internal war and the cruel suppression of that war (with blood, murders and prisons). The center of this internal war will be in two big cities and the leaders will be moving, that’s why the destruction of the opposition in Iran will be more slowly and more difficult. When the external war ends – a piece of Iran will be torn (lost territory). Now – May 2018 – a war in Syria – Iran is alone against Israel (Russia is not joining, but it is filling the emptied territories with her armies).

Despite the discontent, there will be new contracts for weapons and aircrafts from Russia. The end of May and June 2018 – problems with the relationships with France and Germany. Germany first will help to Iran (tacitly) with military equipment in the fight against Israel. In the future, Iran is giving a small military base to Germany in return for military equipment. France is refusing from business contracts and they insist only for oil fields. I don’t see  investments of big amounts of money by France in Iran. To provide international support – Iran begins to import manpower from European countries. The next aim of Israel are the nuclear reactors. The question which Hassan Rouhani is asking is – When that will happen?

Israel has adopted a policy of air strikes – a rest a air strikes again. The world and the United Nations will stay silent – the end of June and July 2018. Israel is preparing to attack – through the Summer season. The second part of the Summer 2018 and the Autumn is – decreasing of the funds of Iran – retention (arrest) of their money. The second moment of waiting in the politics and the war is October 2018 and the beginning of November 2018 – already a war with Iran. The question is – What will do Israel with Lebanon? Because after Lebanon is looking around the international situation – they are staying next to Iran and unite with them. This is a moment when the world revolts against Israel , but the official policy is still silent.

At the end of year 2018 – the world will be engaged with North Korea and the coalition around her. Will there be year 2019 and 2020 – South Korea?

Year 2019 – it will be very poor year for Iran – at a war and a decision yet for independence. At the end of year 2019 and year 2020 begins the uniting around new Libyan leader about the conquering of the world by the Muslims.

Year 2019 – India is exporting a nuclear bomb in the Space and begins with threats about the destruction of the world. How many faiths will remain on the Earth? Until year 2025 – the world is going to destruction. Begins the era of the Space constructions and Space business. Iran is included with people, equipment and ingenious minds in the Space business. As a nation, government and faith – they will survive 100 years more. Then, they will melt in one common nation – small and surviving on the Earth and temporary in the Space. After the war – there is a period of heavy Climate change of which a few people will survive.

Christian Sewing (CEO of Deutsche bank) – About the new energy of the 21th century – gravitational. Construction of a special center for launching. Problems with jews , Contracts with Moscow, Political crisis, New Elections – when? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 15, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo : May 14, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Christian Sewing’s health May 14,2018 : An inflammation has begun at the spine – the first area is the waist and the tailbone, both with the right pelvic region – there is bad blood irrigation. The second inflamed area is close to the kidneys – at the right side are inflamed also the muscles. At the moment, there is inflamed sinus drainage duct under the right eye and there is a strong disease process at the left side of the thyroid gland – it is making cysts that will lead to surgical operation. I see sick liver and bile. There is imbalance of the thyroid gland, the sex glands (gonads) and increased acidity of the glands.

At the present moment, he is interested by the business that is in motion, an energy company which must be in a good financial level and a big, powerful energy source, which must be more powerful than a nuclear power plant – four times more powerful. For all that – Deutsche Bank is ready to pay twice as much amounts of money – an energy that will be used for a lightning movement from West to East. A lot of money are paid about an energy coming from the Earth, about a construction of a very high building that will be seen as a pylon (tagging/marking of a site) and it will used as a space center.

Christian Sewing is seeing the eastern hemisphere of the earth as a place for war about that new energy and a place for pushing out the positions of jews. There will be a construction of a special center for launching, later it will be called – Teleportation of objects and subjects. I see intervention of russians (Moscow) in that project, which will not be allowed. May 14 – 15 , 2018 – there are conversations with China and official authorities. I see an investment of money (as donation) and beginning of partial (fractional) business connected with telecommunications and goods , there is buying of two or three real estates. The connection with the official authorities is a woman who later becomes leading in a business enterprise and intelligence (reconnaissance). Begins the construction of underground facilities, then begins the transportation of special technologies to a completed phase of this construction. At the end of May and the beginning of June 2018 – there will be temporary breaking of the relationships with Beijing – this is scheduled by Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank has entered into a new phase of its business – the stagnation was to direct the money to a future space business and the preparation for war. Now, on the first place is the reconnaissance, that’s why Christian Sewing has become a CEO of the bank. He will hide his family and he will protect it also in the future.

He has no weakness, he likes to make risks after doing a perfect analysis. June 2018 – there is a forthcoming for him sea transportation of a big amount of extraordinary stones – successful. The cargo will be accompanied and monitored by submarines and from the Space. The purple liquid will look reddish (as a ruby) and it will be carried in pieces. February and March 2018 are the months good for experiments. Then follows Africa – not as underground construction, but as finishing details for a space center.

Does the German nation will become again above everything and everyone? Both with the russian and partially the Chinese nation – it will restore her greatness, but on the table of the business (as beginning). June 2018 – At first look, there is a bad deal for Deutsche Bank and formally loose of money – It is not so – money are separated to a created new bank. Until July 2018 – I see separation also in the business. Officially, Deutsche Bank will be occupied with exchange operations. I see one more CEO, who will remain in the second bank. After around two years, begins an exchange (swap) of directorial (managerial) positions.

August 2018 – the most important from that month is that a certain thing is forged by gold – an object. There are wires (veins) inside by many alloys and metals, this is figurative like a wooden object and when you throw it, it goes back – this is the triumph in the business. September 2018 – is a good for earning of money for Deutsche Bank. October 2018 – I see investments in USA – Elections 2018 and for the keeping of the business. This is a bad month – I see many payments about old obligations and conflicting issues.

November 2018 Deutsche Bank is enclosed, blackmailed and the employees are a subject of harassment for betrayal – all forms of harassment are used and worse…

The end of November and December 2018 begins a rapprochement of positions and contracts with Moscow. This is also a political time for Germany and a new political crisis in the leadership of the country – there is a threat for Elections and a preparation for new – Year 2019.

John Flint (CEO of HSBC Holdings) – Buying of shares of other banks and HSBC becomes the most powerful European bank. Opening of new offices, new oil fields, profitable military contracts, including gas pipelines, contracts with Russia, investments in Space objects (satellites), Lawsuits connected with real estates in USA – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 16, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : March 7, 2018. Time – after the photo.

John Flint’s health March 7, 2018 : At the future, there are forthcoming surgical procedures of the eyes and treatment, surgical operations of thyroid gland (at right) – there are antibodies (thyroid gland) which are causing pain at the back of the head (above the neck) and there will be treatment there (as irradiation). I see imbalance of sick glands + the sex glands . There is a light inflammation of : the left lung, stress hormone. There is a light pain at the right side of the stomach (between the stomach and the waist), strong gases at the stomach (Colitis), inflammation of the kidney and the urinary tract, that will affect the prostate, inflamed muscles (at the back of the thighs). The sick energy is staying at the tailbone. I see inflammation of the spine (but without pain) – enlarged vertebraes – only close to the neck and at the neck.

John Flint is a warlike businessman. For him is the slogan – “The peace is at the tip of the spear”. He is always thinking about money and he is always “a little” pessimistic in the earning of money. In his thoughts – he is always in motion and thinking details about the future. Now, he has problems with russians and money, Intelligence (reconnaissance) and closed money of an energy company. The photo of John Flint is made March 7,2018 – He had cold and problems with sinus drainage ducts, bones and headaches. I see conversations about money and a refusal to finance, exchange operations, a travel in USA and conversations about investments and projects about energy corridors. There is opening of office at North America and relocation of office at South America. Investments of money in a northern territory (a research + I see laboratories), new researches at the Arctic about oil fields. April 2018 – I see reduced financial results, but between April and May 2018 – there are happy events – profits by the movement between the banks of money and a stock market shocks (there is a decrease of money of the americans at the expense of HSBC Bank).

May 2018 – the money (the profits) are moving sharply upwards and then drop sharply – as a game of lonely player. May 2018 is the month of Argentina (a game with inflation on the market). May 2018 – there will be political battles also in Great Britain (a discord between the parties). The end of May and the beginning of June 2018 – money ,which are leaving the bank from insurance (a big one, because of a deadly event) – this is also an advertisement for the bank. This is also the time of the problems with the thyroid gland of Flint and treatment. Then everything calms down, he needs calmness. The end of June 2018 , after nervous stress are starting the more serious problems with the eyes of John Flint – they give reactions and pain to the intense solar light. He is starting to live in an underground home during the Summer. I see a waiting about a surgical operation of the eyes – about the exact time. I also see cramps of the whole right side (bones and muscles).

July 2018 is a golden month about military profits – the Middle East and Africa. I also see attempts about inclusion at gas pipelines Northern countries and attempts for negotiations with russians (Putin). August 2018 – there is an event around the Queen – financing and profits (the event is sad). I hear a declaration of war, it is not in Great Britain , but it is connected with a colony of Great Britain. August 2018 – Great Britain is preparing for a war – I see military actions also between Cyprus and Turkey (including in Greece). Ships and planes are sent. August – September 2018 – Great Britain remains lonely, majestic and forgotten by the rest of the world – it feels isolated, but rich. I see investments in rockets (small, as battle rockets), satellites (Space). Since September 2018 – there is a new financial policy for England (preparation for isolation). I see investments of money in the politics of USA and tightening (stagnation) of the financing in USA. Many trials connected with real estates in USA. October – November 2018 again the strong revenues will be single and then comes a drop (decline, recession) – as a game of ping-pong.

November and December 2018 (despite it is since September 2018) begins the preparation for a merging of banks and buying of shares from other banks. HSBC Bank is buying shares and afterwards – it is assimilating (melting) other banks and then HSBC Bank remains the most powerful in Europe (including a Russian bank).

Year 2018 is an year of the John Flint’s health. From the end of the year and the beginning of year 2019 – he will loose a close to him person – he must not cry. He will bear heavily that death. It is written in his destiny that close to him will stay a daughter.

Hienrich Hiesinger (CEO of ThyssenKrupp) – His health, A new underground factory – where ? Tests, Experiments with vessels (Argentine submarine), New Stealth technologies with gold and silver, Building of Space stations on the Earth, The steel business with USA, Problems with a bank war with jews, Sabotages in factories, Military deals, Experiments in the craters of volcanoes – Antimatter, A space start and meeting with invisible life (the light is separating on two parts and there is a dark shadow in the middle, which is moving), a wound on the head – a mystery…..Business, scandal in USA – a lawsuit, reorganization in ThyssenKrupp. Experiments – a metal, dripping like a rain without magnetic attraction, Nuclear experiments – the Iran Nuclear Program; Preparation for elections – company and political, A steel war, Explosion…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 17, 2018 , 2pm. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : January 19, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Hienrich Hiesinger’s health January 19, 2018 : I see problems with the vision of the left eye and pain at the right eye. There are inflamed sinus drainage ducts at left, inflammation of the ear, throat, and nose. The inflammation covers the left side and it is reaching the throat and the thyroid gland – at left. I see taking of energy medications – the liver is loaded, inflammation of the urinary tract, left kidney and left lung. There is bad blood irrigation at the back of the muscles – the right side. In the future – he will treat prostate and he will consider a surgical operation. January 19, 2018 – he had a high blood pressure and pain at the back of the head.

There is a forthcoming hard time for earning of money. Despite the difficulties, the profits will be temporary increased and then will be fragmented between the companies. January 2018 – I see a lot of nerves, a travel – they will be mainly interested by deals at sea. There are conversations with factories (plants) all over the world. In the beginning of February 2018 – a fear from travel with aircraft, because of a storm and the plane’s malfunction – Feb. 2018. Negotiations , agreements about a new factory in South America – underground and expanding of the territory of the factory. Tests connected with vessels – related with metals -endurance (strength) and speed of movement.

The first test – successful, the second test – tragic (South America – Argentina 2017). Preparation for formally, company separation of the finances (profits) of united steel companies. Each one of the companies will contain the other capital in shares. Appearance of gold and silver alloys – new Stealth technologies on the metals of a certain devices. New Space technologies about fast movement, building of new space stations which are also a space ships on the Earth. The end of February 2018 – begins the separation with partners. March 2018 – begins with a travel and negotiation – political power. I see problems with a close to him woman ; collection of money and lack of the needed sum ; problems with negotiation with Trump and waiting for a new negotiation, problems with jews in the business and stopping of the cash flows by jews. Attempts for sabotage in their factories (plants), problems connected with electricity and power supply, preparation for a big political negotiation (which they didn’t like).

April 2018 – the whole month is divided to small tasks. Many negotiations with russians and collisions at the Arctic between bases – german and russian. Difficulties during the take off of aircrafts – damages (searching for the reason – which is birds). The month is to smaller profits, but it is a good month for Hienrich Hiesinger – I see him happy and successful and with coalition – Germany, Norway… (technologies). April – May 2018 an energy deal is prepared the “North Stream” with a thought that in the future – the gas pipeline to be used by Germany – without russian natural gas. May 2018 – there is starting of new contracts with Iran – USA, Turkey – I see investing of less money, but taking of better positions at the wars in the Middle East – Turkey, Syria, Iraq. A new contracts are starting about new military supplies – I see also tanks, aircrafts, ships and round underwater facilities. May 2018 – I see experiments – there are sent round metal objects (with high technology) into the craters of volcanoes – searching of the strength and the life underground.

June 2018 are coming the first results – partially seeing (dark shadows – a life). More metal round disk are sent into the craters of volcanoes – there is a searching for a new energy and deposits of metals, minerals, gold, diamonds… and antimatter. June 2018 – there is prepared for launch space object with a multipurpose function and equipment (small, compact) – it is fired in the Space.

In the beginning is seen a strong light, then the light is separated on two parts, and there is a dark shadow in the middle, which is moving – What is this? – a mistake of the equipment or a reality – moving of a space body (object) – unknown – a meeting in the Space – the life inside is invisible. There are short visits, and I see a wound on the head of the person who is watching the screen – in the periphery of the wound will be found other colors. June 2018 – the business is starting to increase its production. There will be problems with a metal which is starting to boil and to make bubbles.

July 2018 – there is a scandal in USA – first, there is a contract, then ahead of eviction – the European steel. After they have stepped less, since March 2018 – now is growing a conflict because of money  and mixed contract with the European Union. The companies are forced about a confidential contract – they refuse first, but September 2018 – the contract is made.

July 2018 is the heaviest month for the german steel and business – I see an incriminating lawsuit and forthcoming losses of money, partners and contracts. July 2018 – Hienrich Hiesinger is surrounded by children (little), he will not feel the lack of love, but he will feel bad (because of work). There is a forthcoming separation of the company on parts, new directors, and he in the future will be one of those directors, but not the main one.

August 2018 – new experiments – a metal dripping like a rain and not affected by the magnetic attraction of the Earth. I see nuclear experiments (with the nuclear program of Iran) and buying from Iran of new technologies. September 2018 – preparation for Elections – company, but political elections are upcoming. There will be a choice ahead of Hienrich Hiesinger – it is connected with his job. October 2018 – the steel business is already in a war, the banking business too. There are difficulties with coalitions and contracts. Keeping of the american market. Between October and November 2018 – problems with the health – because of explosive in the face of Hienrich Hiesinger – I see a burned face and following many surgical operations (also on his body). Then – there are problems with the health and a choice for job.

Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission) – Projects, Plans, Financing for the construction of underground route connected with the nuclear capacities of CERN to South – a conspiracy or the future of the Earth. A trade war with USA – the beginning and the end – a gift and compromise. Contracts with USA about foods and seeds. Problems and contracts with Russia. Moving of money, Problems with Turkey, His health – surgical operations…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 19, 2018 , 10am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : May 17, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Jean-Claude Juncker’s health : At May 17, 2018 – I see raising of high blood pressure, inflammation of the spine (with pain), inflammation at the pelvic area (of the both legs). I see intense pain at the upper part of the left leg; pain at the left eye ; imbalance to the pituitary and the thyroid gland (at left) – they are ill and there will be a surgical operation at the pituitary in the future. There are : inflamed left lung, urinary tract and in the future, for a short time – there is a treatment of the prostate. I see very tight muscles of the back. In the past, he had problems with the right knee (meniscus) – he will feel pain now and there will be dragging of the left leg – because of kidneys and tightening of tendons. It’s like he is carrying a burden (weight) at his shoulders – that’s how are reacting the both shoulders. The more serious in the future is with the head and the thyroid gland. He has a hereditary strong immune system.

Now – he notes the problems and he is sitting on the table for negotiations. There are five people on the table, but only four of them are decisive. There are conversations, including about financing. They will receive partially everything they have ever wanted from the European Union, because now they need the road – an underground route that connects the Centrals of CERN with local energy sources, nuclear power plants and it is going at South – first, at Southwest. Behind that project is staying a powerful world Jewish organization. Is that a conspiracy or the future of the Earth?

May 2018 – Jean-Claude Juncker is still trying to step on the problems with the Balkans. He begins from a breakthrough in Greece. He is seeing Greece as a rug on which he stepped and unweave , until he is taking everything back. Serbia and the countries around her – he is seeing escalation and explosions – he is not trying to negotiate, but he is letting them kill each other. And he will negotiate with the last one. Albania – there begins the financing and construction through the mountains – more underground corridors. If the Albanians have some problems – they are giving them more money, and that is how EU is solving the problems. On albanian port – there will be problems with Russian ships , which will head to Croatia quickly.

Negotiations are starting with the Russians and there will be contracts for joint projects. For now – May and June 2018 the positions against Trump are fictive. After the first days of June 2018 is starting a fictive warming of the relationships with USA. Year 2918 – Jean-Claude Juncker will not endure for a long time – broken business contracts with USA. Since the end of June and July 2018 are starting effective negotiations (secret) and proposals to USA. They are starting with discounts – very small – about import of foods and seeds. On the middle of these negotiations are jews – they will not achieve good results until August 2018 – and then comes the first breakthrough – after a gift to Trump (I see him close to water – Trump and although he doesn’t show it – the gift is a memory from the past – but not his) – as a huge ring with a stone. Trump is agree to compromise and then, he is battling with his team and since November 2018 are starting the essential conversations – until February, March, April 2019. The contract is signed by two parts aloud and one hidden part – negotiations for the Space.

June 2018 – good finances will enter into the European Union – new projects are starting about energy routes. July 2018 – begins a new split inside the European Union and problems with the European Bank (leakage of money), then follows a trip and filling of the missing money – as a transfer/moving of money. A small part of the money during the transfer/moving will go in the accounts of other banks.

August 2018 – The European Union is preparing for a jump in the business – there are partners – the Middle East and China, which are staying next to Juncker in the new projects – technologies with military purpose.

September 2018 – there are organized new meetings and new decisions, and despite the communists are more active in Europe – murders to communists are starting – the nationalist movements raise their head. September and October 2018 are beginning strong nerves, but without new jumps in the business – as jumping on one place – the delay is coming by Russia – she conforms with her tempo. The end of October and November 2018 – the stratification (the differentiation ) of the separate layers and nations becomes a big problem – the small nations are starting to unite and to stay close to a bigger country. Also begins the problem with Turkey and the attempts of Turkey for conquering and obstruction for Cyprus about a natural gas corridor. For more than one year – Turkey will make obstructions to Cyprus and Greece.

Also are starting the strong pains at the waist and difficulties with the movement of Jean-Claude Juncker – there is a forthcoming surgical operation of the spine.

At the end of the year are given a lot of money, which must be invested in Space objectives. The construction of underground corridors is reaching Turkey…..


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Fabiola Gianotti (CERN Director – General) – A storage for Antimatter,  Very strong and powerful  electrical energy is produced  – it shifts underground layers and affects to the  Earth’s rotation  – When? The  road of the antimatter  to Israel.  A black cloud and lightning wind to Syria and Iran – the antimatter  in the  Third  World War. Problems with the strong  energy and it’s production – with bounce. A new kind of energy is created  – by antimatter and…  Year 2018 – creation of new device about  hibernation during  the  Space travels. A choice. War. When  the new achievements of CERN  will come into use by Israel  – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 18,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Photo : March 27,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.


Xi Jinping (President of  the People’s republic of China) – The man who  knows the  answers of all mysteries. There is found energy deposit  close to the border with  South Korea and in South Korea – which they plan to be exploited  by the both Koreas. The commercial  policy with Jews by two parts. The  new invasion  – dark matter with  energy “objects ” of people. Where are the remains of the  missing flight MH370 – now….. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 12, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Photo : May 7/8th,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.

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Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

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Hottest News Predictions April and May 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

#TelAviv #Tata #submarines #Irandeal #GermanyandChina #JohnCryan #MalaysiaairlinesflightMH370 #Iraq #Golanheights #Chineseinvestment #IsraelDefenceForces #aluminumimports #particleaccelerator #TrumpAdministration #steelbusiness #theFederalReserveBankofNewYork #TurkishCypriotPresident #AmericanEmbassyinIsrael #ZTE #ChairmanPaulAchleitner #LHCphysicists #EastMedPipelineProject #JeanClaudeJuncker #GermanchancellorAngelaMerkel #Washington #internationalmarkets #EastMediterraneannaturalgas #DirectorGeneralofCERN #elevators #USChinatradewar #UStechnologicaldominance #Lebanon #UnitedStates #Greece #AlexisTsipras #steelandaluminumimports #Beijing #globaltradeorder #scientificorganization #oilprice #Chinesegoods #Syria #Malmström #tariffsonimportsofsteelandaluminum #Britain #NationalSecurity #ThyssenKrupp #steelexports #presidentoftheEuropeanCommission #Europesparticlephysicslaboratory #HSBCBank #Canadiansteel #DeutscheBank #stockmarket #USsteelimports #CyprusPresidentNicosAnastasiades #steelandaluminiumtariffs #Trumpsdecision #Iranianeconomy #protectionism #UScommercesecretary #Russia #GreecesPrimeMinister #Iransmissileprogramme #Tehran #UStariffs #SouthKorea #steel #Geneva #analysts #internationalsecurity #Higgsboson #China #BusinessampEconomy #IsraelCyprusrelations #BenjaminNetanyahuEastMed #USofficials #Mexico #Germanconglomerate #CERN #Syriancivilwar #Trumpstradewar #Iran #Mafia #USampCanada #Europesgasimportneeds #HongKongandShanghaisBankingCorporation #Europeanmarket #EnergyMinisterYuvalSteinitz #IsraelGreecerelations #NorthKoreasKimJongun #NicosAnastasiades #ArcelorMittal #USfinancialsystem #tradepartners #Americangoods #UKgovernment #Iraniannucleardeal #technologicalbusinesses #DonaldTrump #MalaysianGovernment #WilburRoss #USPresidentDonaldTrumptheUnitedStates #HSBCsgroupchiefexecutive #theGazaborder #Chineseofficials #rawmaterialprices #Europeslargestbank #Politicians #taxavoidance #ATSB #CaptainZaharieAhmadShah #physicists #naturalgas #BenjaminNetanyahu #ChristianSewing #foreignexchange #Europesbiggestinvestmentbank #SyrianPresidentBasharalAssad #HangSengIndex #globaltradewar #UStradedeficit #canada #CanadianPrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #FrenchpresidentEmmanuelMacron #XiJinping #EuropeanUnionleaders #businessleaders #drugcartels #IsraelsmilitaryactionsinSyria #tariffs #LargeHadronColliderLHC #Americastradeallies #aluminium #JointAgencyCoordinationCentre #Yemen #ballisticmissileprogram #eastMediterraneangas #containershippingfirm #USsanctions #Palestinians #theFederalReserve #Satellitecommunicationtechnology #EUtradecommissionerCeciliaMalmström #EUCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJuncker #APMollerMaersk #EuropeanCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJuncker #Brussels #thetradecommissioner #Aviationexperts #USintelligenceagencies #EuropeanSteelAssociation #banksHongKonglistedshares #Crete #corporatefinanceoperations #revenue #Europeanfirms #Democrats #HSBC #EastMedgaspipeline #MH370searches #ChinesePresidentXiJinping #USChinaprotectionisttradewar #Europeanaristocracy #GreecesPrimeMinisterAlexisTsipras #NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreementNAFTA #CERNsgiantparticlecollider #kremlin #financialinstitutions #EuropeanCommissionPresident #bankinggiant #themysteryofMH370 #steelmaking #industrialgoods #Americanproducts #WorldTRADEWAR #aluminum #EuroAsiaInterconnectorproject #JohnFlint #SteelEuropedivision #quantummechanics #theeasternMediterranean #freetrade #FrenchenergygroupTotal #DeutschesChristianSewing #CEOChristianSewing #Jerusalem #Europeanmarkets #Hezbollah #TrumpEUtradewar #France #USsecretaryofcommerce #MustafaAkıncı #CERNexperiments #USChinatradeconflict #Trumpswaronsteel #worldstopsteelimporter #gasprojectinIran #TataSteel #Trump #theEuropeanOrganizationforNuclearResearch #WhiteHousestatement #IsraelamptheRegion #tradewar #FabiolaGianotti #USgovernment #Republicans #steelshipments #Sewingsinitiatives #Germanbank #investors #OceanInfinity #Israelisniperfire #bankspretaxprofit #Israelsprimeminister #aluminiumandsteelfortheUS #Damascus #celebrities #tradeconcessions #Cyprus #nuclearprogram #companyscoreoperations #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #driftmodelling #WorldTradeOrganization #NorthKorea #benchmark #globaleconomy #USsanctionsonIran #UStariffs


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