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Fallen Angels, Gods, Aliens, War, A Wormhole Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to the Egyptian Book of the Dead – Papyrus of Ani. A scenario for the Life – the Past and the Future of the planet Earth
Part 1
by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
Published March 3, 2018
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February 4, 2018
…. I’m watching images with black colors – the beginning is with preparation of the bodies for the Otherworld and the funeral. The body is with head at North, legs – South, the face is at East. Then follows the organs of the body to be extracted and the tools for that action. Here, I see the energy flying at East, I see a special ritual made on the legs and the preparation of the extracted organs. I see the charging with energy of the heart and the spine. Then, there is a movement of the energy of the deceased first at East, then the energy is falling sharply down – in the ground and it is keeping its way at East. Then, I see two people,spouses, but only one of them is on his way to the immortality of the soul, the other one is walking only morally with him. Here, I see the obstacles which is passing – there are two hills and a way they must choose. There is no way up, only a way down and at East.There is no way back. Here, again there is a choice for a way ( route) and a payment for passing. In the life – in this time there is paying of attention to the head and her preparation for the funeral. Then follows a sign showing the travel of the dead person firstly at East. Then it is showing how the energy is collected by a spaceship with seven living subjects on the board (cosmonauts, aliens). The energy is going at the upper part of the object. I see an aircraft (spaceship) traveling at West – with a lot of energy, the whole spaceship is covered with energy .Only his front part can be seen. It looks like an aircraft , but it is working as a station too. As aircraft it is amphibious. There is an aircraft hidden in the ground on a hill – a pyramid. The energy in the body, the preparation of the body organs and the procedure is completed. I see the laying of the body – the entrance is from West of the pyramid, climbing to the top and from the top going down the stairs which again have western exposure. Completion – successfully laying of the body in the tomb – the pyramid – Three dead souls – Guardians, Gods are expecting the body. Again, there is payment and a road. This time, the road starts from a high place to West. The soul is turned down to the ground. This is the end of a road to take over the immortality (preparation and a funeral). So far, the soul has passed the first stage (preparation of the body) + the second stage and now , it is in the third stage – traveling at East – I’m seeing the pyramid. There are two people on the top of it, I see the pyramid uncompleted – with a scaffold from the Eastern side, the funeral is already made, the scaffold is removed, only a small entrance is left, exactly over the head of the burried person and a ventilation shaft at the northeastern angle – on the top (not precisely on the top) and at the upper end the ventilation shaft is wider. Here, the problem is connected with money and finishing of the construction. Now, I’m seeing a command center with three machines (devices) managed by people – taller people – giants. I see the ariving of these people on the Earth. I see how a giant man and an ordinary man are shaking hands. I see a successful mission from another world. Their need by a center – an energy center, which on the Earth must be like reference points (landmark) – and they have chosen the pyramids for that. There is building of a city and a place for their space aircrafts. Building of two worlds on the Earth. I’m seeing in the plan the creation of a center which must be under regular space observation by two planets. There is a beginning of constructions in Egypt with giant size. There are problems with the constructions on high and returning to the idea about joint buildings and tombs. There is a beginning of bad relationships with the people on the Earth. The energy ,which they are leaving on the Earth in the pyramids, including the pyramids as a place for living of the aliens – underground – as infrastructure, water roads and underground people – from the Earth and the Space .
February 5, 2018, 10 am.
I’m seeing the end of a travel and staying in front of a big door – an obstacle, but the door has a handle. The energy is overlaying in the soul in front of the door – with waiting, thinking and opening of the door – the handle of the door is rising high and is opening a small gap beneath. The soul of the dead person is passing laying through that gap – the head – at West, the legs – at East. Gas is released….
TABLE OF CONTENTS : Rituals, a funeral, the way of the soul of the deceased, obstacles, overlaying of energy of dead people in underground black lake, releasing of the energy of souls of dead people as a small volcano and toward an alien spaceship :
– the roads of the soul of the deceased – to the Hell, the Heaven and to… a spaceship ;
– the Cheops Pyramis in a moment of construction ;
– construction of pyramids, airports, obelisks, a space center for observation of two planets, Construction of pyramids as tombs, a space center for the collecting of souls;
– broken relationships with the people. Sealing of the door with gas, because of the people. How is opening the door ?…. How are moving the souls of the deceased ? What happens when the soul enters the tunnel and what happens after the soul came out of the tunnel ? The role of the spaceship inside the Pyramid ? How the souls are coming in the spaceship ?
People – lizards appear, new technologies, machines (devices) for gravitational waves, construction of power plants, radiation clouds caused by nuclear bombs, …. the aliens are sharing their technologies and knowledge, genetical experiments are made on humans…. the results are in the Cheops Pyramid – a war… and victory of the aliens. The Cheops Pyramid – inside the pyramid the time is refracting. A war between aliens and humans – when it will end….and how…. Separation of part of the planet Earth. The construction of the Cheops Pyramid in details. What happens with the energy of the deceased – how it is moving in the body – details. The dead and the living people close to each other – how do they look as an energy ? Where is the entrance between the both worlds ? Why the worlds of the aliens and the people are separated – in the past ? Intervention of other kind of aliens, war. When will return again the God-Bird on the Earth – details? What will happen after and during the arrival of the aliens ? The alien plane hidden in the Cheops Pyramid – more – batteries, engine, two sleeping king and queen, two aliens…. Details for the construction of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx… What will happen when the Sun “falls” ? Who are the divine ( alien) objects which are leading the souls of the dead people ? Through what transformations is passing the soul – while it is flying and after the arrival? How is looking the Parallel world ? How is looking the device for teleportation and for a jump into parallel worlds ? How to be awakened the sleeping in the Cheops Pyramid on the Earth ? How does it looks like the technology for traveling through a Wormhole ? A description about the coming of the dead souls from the Other word. Alien technology for awakening and traveling in the time and space through a Wormhole – it is left in the Cheops Pyramid – disassembled – description with details how to be assembled. Details about the starting of the engine of the alien spaceship from the Cheops Pyramid. The last image is : how are feeling the souls of the deceased on the Earth – in the the new world ? Part of the answers You can find in Our paperback book in Amazon :
Fallen Angels, Gods, Aliens, War, A Wormhole
Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to the Egyptian Book of the Dead – Papyrus of Ani. A scenario for the Life – the Past and the Future of the planet Earth
Part 1
by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
The Complete Ebook with all answers + two clairvoyant readings of Mirages ( Fata Morgana) in China – You can buy Only from the author on our web site :
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