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Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about War footing,Protests and Riots – US Election 2016 part of the

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about War footing, Protests and Riots – US Election 2016 part of the Ebook : 2016 World Predictions for USA – About Each State – Republicans or Democrats on US Election 2016 ? + Hottest News Predictions – Psychic News Part 1 Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova

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Arizona and State Governor Doug Ducey World Predictions about each State of USA for Year 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – 22.11.2015, 4 pm. In this State of USA everything will goes difficult year 2016 and under the sign of the war. The most important is that everuthing ends favorably. I see problems with the wood. Rains – Storms – Natural Cataclysms. Problems with Military Objects…..

L Louisiana and Governor John Bel Edwards Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for Year 2016 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 23.11.2015, 4pm. ……On the Presidential Election 2016 – The State of Louisiana will be for the Democrats, but the fight to the end between Republicans and Democrates will be equal. The Stone that will roll over the car are the money……

D Delaware and State governor Jack Markell World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 26.11.2015,9 am. …….The Presidential Election 2016 is accepted by the americans November 2016 as a war. There will be voices about the transfer of the Election 2016 on a more recent date, but…the old date remains. The State likes more the Democrates……

F Florida and State Governor Rick Scott World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 26.11.2015, 10 am. ……The state of Florida will increases the tourists and the money. It will be increased also the military presence from the Summer of 2016….. G Georgia and State Governor Nathan Deal World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 26.11.2015, 11 am. …..The Summer of year 2016 the governor of Georgia will be more warlike. The Winter 2016 will be hard for his health condition. He is trying to agitates for the US Election 2016. The governor of Georgia is for the Democrats, but the state of Georgia votes about the Republicans…… H Hawaii and State Governor David Ige World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 27.11.2015, 2 pm. • …..November 2016 – US Election 2016 – In priciple, the state is about the Republicans, but a few times it refuses its choice. Hard and unspecified choice – until the end it will remains unknown. What is more important about the State of Hawaii – Two energy sources, for the one of them will be led a war. And there the Police is Number 1. Also appears radiation by Fukushima….. I Idaho and State Governor Butch Otter World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 27.11.2015, 3 pm. ……The state is ready for military actions – since the Autumn 2016. The Society in Idaho is closed, hardly accepts foreign people and isolates them……

Illinois and State Governor Bruce Rauner World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 27.11.2015, 4 pm. ……Now, the state of Illinois tends to the Democrats, the things will change year 2016 – November. Possible falsification for the Election 2016….. Indiana and State Governor Mike Pence World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 27.11.2015, 9 pm. The state of Indiana refuses to accept refugees, because the lack of money. The conditions for living in this state are difficult. Until the end of year 2015 – there is work on three more energy fields. Problems with environmentalists. Problems with the business. Here everything is centralized and permission for business is wanted by the governor and it is givven by a bank… • Bad winter weather conditions – there will be many rescue operations about the saving of the people. • Problems with medical service of the people. • Bad invested money – I see until the end of year 2015, a lot of earned and then bad invested and lost money. The governor suffers by disease in the bones – incurable – that affects his nervous system and his heart. The disease of the bones is caused by a hit and bruised tail bone of the spine – there, he will has a cyst. At first look, the governor of Indiana has hard character – he likes the children, that’s why the children in the state will have special cares. The good times for Indiana are starting since the end of February 2016 ( February 15-22,2016) – Accumulation of money and since March 2016 – Opening of new work places. Near mountains (North) there is a flat area bordering with river (on South) – there is a big energy field. As I said before – three different energy fields. There will be construction of buildings, infrastructure, enterprises about energy and about computer systems – There is upcoming big project Year 2016…Since September 2016 – Rains – the constructions must be kept…The end of year 2016 – From September to December – explosions, arsons, tension between the people – A lot of Police………

Maryland and State Governor Larry Hogan World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 28.11.2015, 5 pm. • …….Autumn 2016 – There will be many charges by the Prosecution. On US Election 2016 – In the state are prevailing the Democrats……..

Michigan and State Goveror Rick Snyder World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 1.12.2015, 3 pm. ….. The food will be bad – poisoned. Radiation in the air – Summer,Autumn 2016. US Election 2016 – The State of Michigan votes about the Republicans…..

Minnesota and State Governor Mark Dayton World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 1.12.2015, 4 pm. In the state of Minnesota will continue the violence against black men. The problem is the attitude of the police to them. When they attack a black man , they are gathering a bunch of people. On the issue of the violence against black men, in the future are speaking also the leaders of USA. The problem is expanding. There is accelerated legal proceedings against black men. ……

…..The Winter 2016 in the state of Minnesota – There will be a bad weather conditions – the snow will fall as a pieces of Ice. The state of Minnesota must be prepared – in a more distant future – the state will be covered (overwhelmed) with Ice – the lower part. It will remain opened only the highest part of the state……

Mississippi and State Governor Phil Bryant World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 1.12.2015, 5pm. …..The state of Mississippi sympathyzes to the Democrats. But slowly, there will be almost a military order in the state, because of the constructions. There is a possible change in the results of US Election 2016 because of pressure……

Missouri and State Governor Jay Nixon World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 1.12.2015, 6 pm. …..The state is preparing for a war – The third World War. US Election 2016 – Voting about the Republicans…..

Montana and State Governor Steve Bullock World Predictions about USA 2016 – Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – 2.12.2015, 1 pm. ….On US Election 2016 – there will be a hassle, reconciliation, disagreement, but at the end will remain the Republicans – there will be voting because of business and money.


This is only a small part of the Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions in the Ebook :

New Ebook :2016 World Predictions for USA – About Each State – Republicans or Democrats on US Election 2016 ? + Hottest News Predictions – Psychic News Part 1

Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions By Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova

#ThePentagon #DavidIge #dictatorship #Presidentelect #PKK #StateGovernorLarryHogan #Trumpschildren #health #StateGovernorCharlieBaker #StateDepartment #invasionofrussians #ScanPyramidsproject #Iraq #StateGovernorRickScott #Prison #lawsuit #Connecticut #thewarinSyria #PlotsagainstTrump #TransPacificPartnershiptradedeal #AttorneyGeneralJeffSessions #psychicnews #privategrantmakingfoundation #G20Summit #SteveBullock #DannelMalloy #JohnHickenlooper #NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement #VladimirPutin #muslims #StateGovernorTerryBranstad #California #TrumpAdministration #terrorists #superPACNextGenClimateAction #Parisattacks #massdeportations #StateGovernorJohnHickenlooper #ChairmanofTrumpsCampaign #JeanClaudeJuncker #PortlandsResistance #Hawaii #Antalya #financier #StateGovernorNathanDeal #ideology #BarackObama #RecepTayyipErdogan #ButchOtter #TheMinorityleaderoftheUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentative #LincolnChafee #JacobRothschild #billionaires #israel #StateGovernorDannelMalloy #MaraLagoresort #Montana #StateGovernorDavidIge #Syria #Delaware #MamdouhelDamaty #TomSteyer #WallStreetexecutive #Tacna #IvankaTrump #liberalbillionaireGeorgeSoros #nationalsecurityadviser #Arkansas #Trumployalists #Russianplaneshotdown #war #immigrants #DonaldTrumpJr #clairvoyant #terroristsactionsinBrussels #worldpredictionsthatcametrue #Alaska #Americanenergy #ReccepTayyipErdogan #StategovernorJackMarkell #Russia #DepartmentofJustice #Minnesota #EuropeanCountries #StateGovernorRobertJBentley #StateGovernorButchOtter #independence #AsaHutchinson #PaulLepage #KeithEllison #DonaldTrumpstransitionteam #theLeaderofISIS #SecretaryGeneralofNato #NATO #KellyanneConway #GreatBritain #StateGovernorMarkDayton #EPA #Georgia #Missouri #DonaldTrumpintheWhiteHouse #Peru #shaleenergy #Maine #freedomofspeech #DemocraticNationalCommittee #BobbyJindal #OpenSocietyFoundations #prophecies #SilicaTitanium #DimitrinkaStaikova #SenatorJeffSessions #DonaldTrump #MikePence #TurkishSyrianBorder #VicePresidentelectMikePence #JensStoltenberg #campaignmanagers #AhmetDavutoglu #protests #Egypt #CIA #congressionalDemocrats #NabilalArabi #NationalSecurityCouncil #cheatedprotesters #greenactivist #NotMyPresident #iran #Trumpcampaign #ISIS #climatechangedenial #JusticeDepartment #PamBondi #Peace #terrorism #Trumptransition #Democraticparty #Daesh #StephenKBannon #TerryBranstad #Massachusetts #DefenseIntelligenceAgency #Alabama #Bosphorus #SorosFundedGroup #StateGoverorRickSnyder #NewtGingrich #Mississippi #AyatollahAliKhamenei #PeterThiel #BenCarson #ArabLeague #industrylobbying #SecretaryGeneraloftheArabLeague #GasExportingCountriesForumGECFSummit #BruceRauner #GovernorJohnBelEdwards #Turkishprimeminister #ClimateChange #Miningconcession #StateGovernorBillWalker #experience #Indiana #theSecretService #WorldPredictionsaboutEurope2016 #4thBaronRothschild #USElection2016 #StateGovernorAsaHutchinson #NabilElaraby #SecretaryGeneralofNAT #Russianwarplane #Brussels #FrancoisHollande #FutureofIslamicState #Kentucky #DougDucey #ParisClimateChangeConference #presidentofTurkey #GeneralMikeFlynn #NSCadviser #FloridaAttorneyGeneral #KuKluxKlan #BanKimoon #formerhedgefundmanager #cofounderofPayPal #Democrats #JaredKushner #RepublicanNationalCommittee #TurkishRepublicofNorthernCyprus #TrumpUniversity #IvelinaStaikova #WorldPredictions2016 #attacksonBlackLivesMatter #Istanbul #Trumpsvictory #money #StateGovernorJayNixon #Illinois #HillaryClinton #PsychicPredictionsaboutUSA2016 #intelligenceanalyst #ISISOilTrade #StephenBannon #relationswithRussia #foreignpolicy #NikkiHaley #JayNixon #BillionaireTomSteyer #highlevelstrategist #EUMigrantCrisis #Daesh2016 #psychicpredictions #BillionaireEnvironmentalistTomSteyer #CIADirectorMikePompeo #PhilBryant #JackMarkell #Warfooting #France #StateGovernorPhilBryant #RickSnyder #Titanium #MustafaAkıncı #TheWhiteHouse #rebellions #Kansas #StevenMnuchin #WorldConspiracies #politician #ElizabethWarren #MiddleEast #Americanwhitenationalist #Maryland #StateGovernorBruceRauner #JerryBrown #SenateIntelligenceCommittee #NextGenClimate #Republicans #WhiteHouseadvisers #StateGovernorSteveBeshear #Iowa #StateGovernorPaulLepage #Philanthropy #Turkey #Trumpseconomicpolicies #2016Election #RudyGiuliani #MarkDayton #Trumpsbusinessempire #vote #ReincePriebus #LarryHogan #RickScott #AntiTrumpProtests #seizingthepowerfromtheProsection #Arizona #DonaldTrumpsglobalconflictsofinterest #Louisiana #afghanistan #TrumpFoundation #WithdrawalofScottWalkerandJimWebb #theKansascongressmanMikePompeo #enteringofRussiainthepower #StateGovernorMikePence #JihadinEurope #RobertJBentley #theintelligenceagencies #AchangeoftheVicePresident #TurkeysErdogan #RickPerry #StateGovernorJerryBrown #NancyPelosy #SteveBeshear #Iraw #oilfields #RefugeeWave #Colorado #CapitolHill #Michigan #GOP #StateGovernor #florida #MinisterofAntiquitesandHeritage #theTrumpcabinet #Idaho #CharlieBaker #TitaniumMine #StateGovernorSteveBullock #BillWalker #NathanDeal #GiacomoDeposit #TransPacificPartnership #thegovernorofSouthCarolina #IslamicTerrorism


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