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Clairvoyant predictions about : Middle East 2017 – Fayez al-Sarraj (Prime Minister of Libya),

New Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Table of Contents :

1.Fayez al-Sarraj (Prime Minister of Libya) – Attempt for Coup – when? Landing of russians – when, where? How much does the life of al-Sarraj costs in cargo with gold? – Clairvoyant predictions March 5, 2017, 10 am. – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

2. Valiollah Seif (Governor of Central Bank of Iran) – Does the iranian soldiers will remain in Syria? The battle for the oil fields in Syria is forthcoming. Distribution of money- preparation for a new order. Creation of new unions (federation) with a new currency. A war against Israel, Turkey, ISIS. Contracts with Indonesia. Allies – Lebanon and the former soviet republics. A threat against USA. New financial policy – since when? Year 2017 – the luck helps to Iran – Clairvoyant predictions March 6, 2017, 10 am.

3. Riad Salameh (President of Banque du Liban) – Clairvoyant predictions (March 10, 2017) about Lebanon and Central Bank of Lebanon : Constructions of underground corridors in the mountains, military actions with Syria, Israel, ISIS squads, new power. When Hezbollah will be strong ? 

4. The future of Palestine and palestinian people through the eyes of Azam Al Shawa (Governor of Palestine Monetary Authority) – Health, the palestinian people in invasion for new land – where? New weapons supply – how? New war against Israel – from where ? How they will be stopped and when? – Clairvoyant predictions March 11, 2017, 10 am.  

5. Khalifa Haftar (Libyan Marshal) – Year 2016 and year 2017 – hidden coup – slaughtered inner people in favor of Haftar. There will be no peace, but massacre. In the end of year 2017 – Leader of Libya will be Khalifa Haftar – Clairvoyant predictions March 13, 2017, 10 am.

6. The Copper Scroll (One of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in a cave near Khirbet Qumran) – A mystery of the people with six fingers on the one hand, for a small golden treasure, an energy field, information about the making of electricity and the newly created christianity, which has wanted these secrets and treasures. The scrolls belong to a jew – very rich. They are buried in a circle on eight places – without the central one and three times in the ground…There are parts of device… – Clairvoyant predictions March 14, 2017, 10 am.

7. Abdrabbuh Mansur Hady (President of Yemen) – The Future of the war in Yemen – Clairvoyant predictions March 15, 2017, 10 am.

8. Saleh Ali al-Sammad (Head of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen) – Year 2017 :Future battles, A siege (like the siege of Leningrad – Second world war) – seizure of lands, americans against russians, future uniting of Yemen lands – Clairvoyant predictions March 16, 2017

9. Masoud Barzani (President of Iraqi Kurdistan) – Health, Military actions, Battles with Turkey, the destiny of ISIS soldiers – Clairvoyant predictions March 17, 2017, 10 am

10. Fuad Masum (President of Iraq) – Problems with the opened doors of Iraq, Iraq divided with two influences – western and russian, New energy corridors with russian participation to Greece, The way to peace for Iraq – Clairvoyant predictions March 18, 2017

11. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (President of Egypt) – Casus Belli in Egypt – a battle between americans and russians, The germans are financing – April, May 2017, The hall with the alien spaceship and a new race, New war and new coalitions, The enemies become friends…Egypt is splitting and dividing – Clairvoyant predictions March 19, 2017, 10 am.

12. Khalid bin Ali al Humaidan ( Director of Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Directorate – Al Mukhabarat Al A’amah) – Broken contracts for energy fields with Israel, dispute for money. Problems with sea cargo. Problems with banks and their uniting. Problems with the wars in the world where participates Saudi Arabia. Influence in the world, financial policy -when? Year 2017 and 2018 – dividing of Saudi Arabia on two parts. Health and soft spots of Khalid bin Ali al Humaidan – Clairvoyant predictions March 19, 2017, 3pm

Clairvoyant predictions about :  Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime minister of Israel), Karnit Flug (Governor of Central Bank of Israel) , Jean-Baptiste de Franssu (President of the Vatican Bank , Francois Villeroy de Galhau (Governor of Bank of France, Lord William Waldegrave (Chairman of “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family ,Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran, Bashar al-Assad (President of Syria), Donald Trump (President of USA) , Valery Gerasimov (Russian General,Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey), Yi Gang ( People’s Bank of China Deputy Governor) , Jim Yong Kim (President of the World Bank), Mohammed Barkindo (Secretary General of OPEC) ,Mario Draghi (President of the European Central Bank), Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saud Al-Thani ( Qatar Central Bank Governor), Gent Sejko (Governor of Bank of Albania) 

+ HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS MARCH 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

#germans #contracts #health #alienspaceship #russian #Chairman #KhalidbinAlialHumaidan #HassanRouhani #RussiasbombingcampaigninSyria #GovernorofCentralBankofIsrael #PresidentoftheWorldBank #Iraq #palestinian #Wars #alSarraj #AbdrabbuhMansurHady #invasion #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #mystery #theDeadSeaScrolls #AbdelFattahelSisi #Enemies #PresidentofYemen #LeaderofLibya #siege #StoyankaStaikova #Lebanon #Greece #massacre #ValiollahSeif #SheikhAbdullaBinSaudAlThani #RecepTayyipErdogan #SecretaryGeneralofOPEC #BankofFrance #FrancoisVilleroydeGalhau #israel #President #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #Syria #ISISsquads #NorthernIrelandrelatedterrorism #KhalifaHaftar #treasures #CentralBankofLebanon #newcurrency #Westminster #financialpolicy #themakingofelectricity #war #energyfield #clairvoyant #luck #battle #Varna #Christianity #Qatar #thedestiny #AlMukhabaratAlAamah #hottestnewspredictions #MohammedBarkindo #formersovietrepublics #PresidentoftheVaticanBank #China #LibyanMarshal #GentSejko #PrimeMinisterofLibya #WestminsterHall #clairvoyantpredictions #financing #information #Russians #Iran #PresidentoftheEuropeanCentralBank #goldentreasure #JeanBaptistedeFranssu #PeoplesBankofChinaDeputyGovernor #PresidentofIraq #thePalaceofWestminster #americans #SecondWorldWar #DimitrinkaStaikova #SaudiArabia #lands #FayezalSarraj #DonaldTrump #Europe #UKterrorthreat #Futurebattles #PresidentofIran #PresidentofEgypt #Egypt #iraniansoldiers #KhirbetQumran #BankofAlbania #energycorridors #QatarCentralBankGovernor #CouttsBank #Libya #BenjaminNetanyahu #LordWilliamWaldegrave #Brokencontracts #ISIS #thesiegeofLeningrad #Peace #weaponssupply #Albania #americansagainstrussians #thewarinYemen #anincidentoutsidetheHousesofParliament #militaryactionswithSyria #Secrets #theoilfieldsinSyria #TheresaMay #Clairvoyants #BRITAINSofficialterrorthreat #ValeryGerasimov #SaudiArabiasGeneralIntelligenceDirectorate #energyfields #Yemen #softspots #seacargoProblems #TheCopperScroll #theBankoftheBritishRoyalFamily #Militaryactions #MarioDraghi #presidentofTurkey #MiddleEastPredictions2017 #undergroundcorridors #coup #Newwar #Battles #YiGang #race #IraqiKurdistan #AzamAlShawa #Coalitions #IvelinaStaikova #MI6chiefAlexYounger #money #MasoudBarzani #BanqueduLiban #AttemptforCoup #GovernorofPalestineMonetaryAuthority #KarnitFlug #CentralBankofIran #Power #Influenceintheworld #banks #BasharalAssad #russianparticipation #uniting #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #shootingoutsideWestminstersParliament #Hezbollah #Indonesia #FuadMasum #Distributionofmoney #America #seizureoflands #WestminsterBridge #Future #JimYongKim #FIGHTAGAINSTTERROR #federation #counterterrorismpolice #Turkey #Allies #western #PresidentofUSA #threatagainstUSA #OldPalaceYard #newpower #palestine #preparationforaneworder #theSupremePoliticalCouncilofYemen #ISISsoldiers #SalehAlialSammad #cargowithgold #palestinianpeople #CasusBelli #Governor #RiadSalameh #RussianGeneral #Creationofnewunions


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