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Argentina missing submarine ARA San Juan – 44+1 people alive now – movement, reasons for the disappe

Argentina missing submarine ARA San Juan – 44+1 people alive now – movement, reasons for the disappearance… an experiment – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 21, 2017 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

The movement of ARA San Juan submarine from Mar del Plata naval base – in the beginning it was at South – the movement of the submarine was very strange, it looks like spiral – resembling movement of spring with the difference that from above it looks like a movement with the shape of big rectangles – on small sections South-East – North-West and repeating of the rectangle, but moving at South until reaching the Falkland Islands. There I see a circular movement – I see that the crew is 44+1, it is connected with a bank and money.

In this circular movement around the island, I see a light inclination (heel) for a moment – and a change of the course at West. From this moment – the inclination and the change of the course I see something like forcing – leaving of thicker energy line. The course at West is a short section. Then follows a more quiet movement at North and longer as route – very long. Then follows a movement from the Northwestern corner (I’m looking from the Atlantic ocean) again at East to a certain point and from there again at South (it turns out they are close to the place they started and the place is lightly aside from the place where the fleet is searching for them – looking from the shore – at East. The movement of the submarine in general is circular. All 44+1 people from the crew are alive now – November 21, 2017.

The reason – looking from above – in the front part of the submarine there is an energy source which is the reason for that disapperance : let’s call it engine (it is more special). And this is the reason for this movement and disappearance – called experiment.

#ArgentineNavalBase #RearAdmiralJorgeLorenzoCisneros #southofBuenosAires #catastrophicfailure #submarineARASanJuan #ARASanJuansubmarine #Nasaresearchplane #multinationalsearchteamofboatsandplanes #ElianaMariaKrawczyk #MH370search #theFalklandIslands #MardelPlatanavalbase #ArgentinasTierradelFuegoarchipelago #ArgentineshiptheComandanteEspora #Internationalefforts #navyships #Germanbuiltdieselelectricvessel #Argentina #satellitephone #ARASanJuan #missingvessel #ArmadaArgentina #Peru #sunkensub #Valdezpeninsula #powercut #dieselsubmarine #Argentineauthorities #ELECTRICMALFUNCTION #submergedsubmarine #TheArgentiniannavy #SouthAfrica #themissingsub #secretarygeneraloftheArgentinenavy #Brazil #Argentinasmissingsubmarine #theUK #Argentinasfirstfemalesubmarineofficer #SanJorgeGulf #sonarsystems #Argentinanavy #MariaKrawczyk #submarinehunter #theAtlanticOcean #Argentinamissingsubmarine #Uruguay #thedisappearanceoftheARASanJuan #aspokesmanwiththeMarDelPlataArgentinenavalbase #anintelligencetarget #Argentinesubmarine #Ushuaia #Chile #SubmarinoARASanJuan #Argentinenavysubmarine #MardelPlata #GabrielGaleazzi #BuenosAires #ArgentinenavyspokesmanCaptEnriqueBalbi #snorkel #infraredcamera #USsatellitecompanyIridium #magnetometers #PresidentMauricioMacri


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