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Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen (Norwegian billionaire Tom Hagen’s wife being  kidnapped for ran

HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS- Psychic News by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna.Authors of more than 30 books with clairvoyant predictions/psychic readings on the hottest news of the day published in Amazon


Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen (Norwegian billionaire Tom Hagen’s wife being  kidnapped for ransom ) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions January 10,2019 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,  Varna. 

I see her alive, but with bad health  condition. She has a problem with the  legs – tough moving, problem  with her heart – pain, her hands are free, but as swollen. Now, she has a pain at the right side of the head – teeth, ear, throat.

Mrs. Falkevik Hagen is located near water (turbulent water with waves). The water is located at South to her body. I see from the side of the water (at South) a Police (security guards) with a high rank (hierarchy). The place from where she is kidnapped – at South is the site where she is closed. The place has an entrance at Western direction. 

At South , I see the Police. Then, the place where the kidnappers keep her – the rooms are dark from above. I see a big concrete slab. Around the building there are a very few trees. Now, I see two green trees one after another  (as North – South) and a third tree far from there. The water I see is also sideways – at West to the building  and the water is passing also at the front of the building  (a slightly wider then it is at West). On the Concrete slab I see also satellite dish (there is green close to it).

She is kept alive and they want to get her back. She is guarded. The person who has kidnapped her is close to her family with a high rank and with an uniform. Mrs. Falkevik Hagen is not the goal, not even the money for the ransom, but the foreign partners – the kidnappers want rather their refusal, and there is one more goal – political – then follows, the money for the ransom to be donated – that will be the end before her returning. The husband of  Mrs. Falkevik Hagen is a member of group that will be gradually killed…

The health of Mrs. Falkevik Hagen – I see sick liver and bile, strong gases in the stomach, playing of the blood pressure, sick pancreas and left kidney. The reactions of her bones is by the weather, the nerves and the kidnappers. 


In addition  – Clairvoyant reading to Mrs. Falkevik Hagen -Jan. 10, 10 019 – by Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova

I see  in this kidnapping is intertwined the police, that’s why the investigation is going so slowly. She was sick and she is between the life and death. The place where she is located is at South from the place she was kidnapped,  and there are four buildings  next to each other.


In addition  – Clairvoyant reading to Mrs. Falkevik Hagen Jan. 10, 2019 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova 

She is lying down in a room with bars close to a lake , surrounded by three hills. Mrs. Falkevik Hagen is kept by one man. After the kidnapping  – she has traveled at first twice in Eastern direction,  and then once at South. She is surrounded by patience. I see her with problems in the stomach,  but the place where they keep her is warm. The people who are guarding her are working also with eavesdropping and reconnaissance. I see a lake (water),surrounded by  by hills and there are many people on the shore.

#RussiansteelcompanySeverstal #counterreconnaissance #tragedy #LØRENSKOG #ElkraftAS #burglary #FalkevikHagen #police #abduction #richestpeople #Monero #CrewGoldCorporation #investigation #clairvoyantpredictions #missing #ransom #Kripos #DimitrinkaStaikova #Norwaysrichestmen #disappearance #marketmanipulation #OsloPolicesection #Interpol #Lørenskogforsvinningen #MISSINGAnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #Norwegianbillionaire #FinancialFunds #topsecretinvestigation #financialinfidelity #fraud #FalkevikHagensdisappearance #Norwegiankroner #policeinvestigation #AnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #Europol #cryptocurrency #KapitalslistofNorways400fakenumberplates #anonymoustransactions #money #psychicpredictions #kidnappers #Norway #FredrikDaylemaniSneve #secrecy #Fjellhamar #worldpredictions #investmentprojects #investorTomHagen #investors #Økokrim #Kidnapping #billionaire #NorwegiancapitalOslo #TomHagen #Norwegianspecialagencyofpolice


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